The World of NieR: Automata-1

NieR: Automata-1

An Earth where humans had to flee to the moon from alien invaders, all that remains are crumbling ruins of human society and the machine life forms left by the aliens. Androids, built by the humans, battle the machine lifeforms in a bitter proxy war.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


The year is 11945 AD. Earth has been at war for nearly seven thousand years.

In the year 5012 AD, alien invaders unleashed a weapon on upon Earth known as the machine lifeforms, that all but annihilated human civilization. The remaining human survivors who were able to escape fled to live on the moon. From there, the humans created the androids, and sent their creations down to Earth in repeated counter invasions.

All that remains on Earth now are bombed out and overgrown structures and relics of human civilization. Androids scavenge the ruins for parts and supplies to send to their human creators on the moon to continue the production of high tech androids and equipment, while the deadly machine lifeforms grow and evolve physically, mentally, like organic beings by living among the ancient ruins of human civilization. As Earth remains locked in a state of constant conflict, the new line of combat androids, known as YoRHa, believe they will be the key force that turns the tide of the 14th Machine War and regain the planet for humanity, and the cycle of violence begins anew once again.

A desolate world constantly at war may seem like it has little to offer the outside worlds of the Tree, but even a desolate Earth has treasures buried beneath the dust of time. Though the dangers are great, ancient ruins of human civilization are perfect for any daring adventurer to explore.

The machine lifeforms, who grow and evolve through observation and mimicry, and form their own societies and cultures based on long gone human civilization, could learn and begin to mimic the cultures of peoples from beyond the ruins of Earth.

Android scouter and Scanner units, with their naturally programmed curiosity might decide or even be ordered by YoRHa to explore beyond the bounds of Earth to bring back information on new possible worlds for the humans on the moon to migrate to.