The World of Dragon Ball Super-1

Dragon Ball Super-1

Earth, A place of wonder filled with fantastic individuals and fearsome martial arts. A place where one can utilize energy to fight for their desires....sometimes, all for the sake of seven magic balls that can grant any wish.

Type: Bud
Active Characters


Earth of Universe 6, one universe of 12, is the home of a land of mystery and mysticism, home to a great many fantastic and wonderful creations of life. Namely, the people of this world learn martial arts, and the way of manipulating the life energy known only as Ki, in order to attain their dreams of power or wisdom to achieve any desire they might wish for. One massive continent makes up the entirety of the known world.

The world is under a World Order Government. One man rules it all with a gentle hand, ushering in an era of peace. Space travel is possible with current technology, and multiple hospitable worlds have been found and populated.

However, all is not as it seems. Gods of Destruction manage the universe and make sure nothing too evil or cancerous threatens the larger galaxy, and the Kais (Watcher Gods) keep a close eye on creation, often times aiding the heroes for the sake of good.

Worlds exist even within this very own world, including Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, and the various planets or homes of the Gods.

The universe is silent, if only for a moment...for there is word that a contest for the survival of each universe is about to begin!