The World of The Demon Queen is an Intern-1

The Demon Queen is an Intern-1

A traditional medieval high fantasy world of swords and magic where deities and portfolios are run like a divine corporation, with internships and promotions and performance reviews and retirements.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


Competition. Opportunities.

That's what the Management sees in all this... otherworldliness. Their true objectives are inscrutable, but the one common thread is that existence exists to create stories. Stories have conflict. And it is the job of the Gods to ensure that conflict continues in a controlled, approved manner. Stories need structure. There must be sides. Characters need clear roles. Identities. No one side must be allowed to win forever, because that would cease conflict.

If others want to come and indulge in the stories on Fabula, so be it. They will have to take on a role and serve their purpose in driving conflict. The Gods have been instructed to openly welcome these outsiders - so long as they do not bring dangerous ideas. Ideas like the nonexistence of fate. Or that they are not playing a part. Or that they are at peace with everything and everyone. These threaten the premises of Fabula, and so must be eradicated.

The worlds outside? Some of it is chaos. Disgusting. Things happen because they happen, without rhyme or reason or any narrative causality. What is even the point of someone just randomly being robbed if it's not to set up an origin story or a redemption story? Some of it is peace. Abhorrent. What worse situation is there than the supreme boredom of absolutely no conflict of meaning or consequence happening?

Trade is completely uncontrolled on the export side. Anything and everything can be traded away with little scrutiny, since obviously if they did get traded away then it was their fate to disappear. Imports, however, are very tightly restricted. The same level of scrutiny towards "heretical" literature and ideas gets applied. The most precious imports are the most powerful of weapons in the endless war in Fabula: stories. New stories. New plots. New schema. A secret story whose plot nobody knows and which match no existing stories is truly dangerous.

Competition. Opportunities.

That's what the Management sees in all this otherworldliness. Their true objectives are inscrutable, but the one common thread is that existence exists to create stories. Stories have conflict. And it is the job of the Gods to ensure that conflict continues in a controlled, approved manner. Stories need structure. There must be sides. Characters need clear roles. Identities. No one side must be allowed to win forever, because that would cease conflict.

If others want to come and indulge in the stories on Fabula, so be it. They will have to take on a role and serve their purpose in driving conflict. The Gods have been instructed to openly welcome these outsiders - so long as they do not bring dangerous ideas. Ideas like the nonexistence of fate. Or that they are not playing a part. Or that they are at peace with everything and everyone. These threaten the premises of Fabula, and so must be eradicated.

The worlds outside? Some of it is chaos. Disgusting. Things happen because they happen, without rhyme or reason or any narrative causality. What is even the point of someone just randomly being robbed if it's not to set up an origin story or a redemption story? Some of it is peace. Abhorrent. What worse situation is there than the supreme boredom of absolutely no conflict of meaning or consequence happening?