The World of Assassin's Creed - 1

Assassin's Creed - 1

An Earth hosting the secret war spanning many centuries between the Assassin Brotherhood and Templar Order

Type: Bud
Active Characters
Evie Frye


Behind the veil of society there will always be the battles between freedom and control. Fighting in the dark to preserve the light and embracing the paradoxes of their leading Creed, the Assassin Brotherhood has fought against the Templar Order since time immemorial, the pendelum of dominance and control ever swinging backwards and forwards.

Earth was once populated by the Isu, precursers to the humans they created in their image, and from them came marvelous technology, few remaining in the world -- The Peices of Eden. Apples that control, swords that inspire, shrouds that heal wounds and they whisper can even raise the dead! In time, humanity forgot their rebellion, striking it from history save for the barest hints, memories locked away and sanitized over thousands of years of control and struggle.

Then came the rise of the early Templar Order, and the Brotherhood that opposed them -- the Assassins. Over centuries the two groups clashed over every continent, wherever settlements rose always came their battles, fought in the dark with terror and an ever-growing arsenal of weaponry. Corruption was rife within the order, betrayal within the brotherhood left its stains. Knowledge was lost, then recovered, and secreted away.

Ever present, as the Templars sought order through control, the Assassins sought to keep free thought alive. Wherever the Templars brought their knowledge and organization, the Assassins brought rebellion and change. Crusades, the war against the Borgia Pope, the golden age of piracy and the seeds planted for the American Revolution -- countless wars aided by one side against the other.

    Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.