The World of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed-1

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed-1

War erupts when the Rebel Alliance forms in the shadow of the corrupt Galactic Empire, and as Rebels and Imperials clash across the stars, their fate affects the entire galaxy.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


With the conclusion of the Clone Wars, the galaxy has settled in to heal wounds and rebuild. Yet when Senator Palaptine of the Galactic Republic, a former Supreme Chancellor, seizes power, the Republic becomes an agent of tyranny. Styling himself Emperor, Palpatine restructures his power base into the Galactic Empire. In so doing he nearly wipes out the Jedi, a monastic order of supernaturally-enabled arbitrators who use the Force, the energy binding all galactic living things.

With its draconian laws and its consolidation of power in the hands of the corrupt and the morally bankrupt, the oppressed of the galaxy soon rise up as the Alliance to Restore the Republic; unofficially, the Rebel Alliance. Many victories were fought and hard-won against the Empire, such as dispatching the Emperor's right-hand man, and destroying the Death Star battle station. Eventually the Empire was dissolved, and the New Republic formed.

Yet trouble stirs as Imperial loyalists reforge the First Order from the ashes of the Galactic Empire, enforcing Imperial ideals and oppression. The Rebel Alliance has scrambled to fight back against this new threat even as it occupies vast swaths of the galaxy. Though old and tired, some of its original founders understand the importance of the coming civil war.

If they don't fight for the galaxy, the hope of freedom will be lost forever.

This setting's timeline is approximately parallel with the beginning of Episode VII: The Force Awakens. Imperial forces have reforged the First Order from the ashes of the Galactic Empire to oppress the galaxy anew. The Rebel Alliance still fights on in the background, pulling together and resisting Imperial rule.

Thirty-five years have passed since the events of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. The current time is nebulously before or after the escape from Jakku, where Rey, Finn, and BB-8 evade Imperial First Order aggressors over the desert planet.


The technology of this world is quite high, boasting a number of things like cybernetics, faster-than-light ships, and a certain innundation of fairly complex technology into the weave of daily life. Androids, or "droids," are common and serve a variety of purposes. There are protocol droids who interact with visitors to astromech droids which are interfaced with ships and used for navigation.

Personal transportation includes repulsorcraft, which hover through specially-engineered thrusters and engines. Speeders are like floating motorcycles, small and fast. Larger vehicles exist, too, up to and including troop transports and battleships powered by ion drives and faster-than-light hyperdrives. Space travel is common and generally affordable for the middle class and the rich; ships can be bought and sold and one can train oneself to fly. Cybernetics are not unheard of, particularly for those who suffer disfiguring injuries.

Weapons include a variety of blaster firearms in a staggering array of shapes and sizes. Blaster pistols that throw bolts of energy are a common choice of smugglers, rebels, and even Imperial soldiers of the First Order. More rare items exist, like lightsabers, which are beam-swords used by the Jedi, an order of peacekeepers who rely on the Force, an invisible energy field connecting everything in the universe. These are rare, though, and cannot be used without the rigourous training of the Jedi Order.


Different worlds are a fact of life for the average galactic resident, so the World Tree is generally accepted. Destinations near permanent Vines thrive on interplanar tourism, although worlds with a heavy Imperial presence sport garrisons near the Vines to "keep the peace." Most often these equate to martial law and sometimes naval orbital blockades, although they're careful not to hassle well-behaved extraplanar tourists.

Offworlders are accepted and welcome in many places, and so is their money. Tourism thrives in many areas. There are still dangerous places, of course; any world has them. On the whole the people of the World Tree are made welcome. Even the draconian First Order is very careful not to insult or negelect offworld visitors, possibly for fear of reprisal.