The World of Sonic the Hedgehog-2

Sonic the Hedgehog-2

Mobius is a post-futuristic planet populated primarily by animal people and a dwindling human population. There are nature based villages, some futuristic cities, and plenty of things in between!

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


After many centuries of war and cataclysm, humans are no longer the dominant species of Mobius, the planet formerly known as Earth. The world is covered in forest and villages primarily populated by animals and animal people, with only a few advanced cities run by humans left on the entire planet. The largest and most advanced modern city is Robotropolis, ruled by Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, full of robots and crime.

Most of the human cities are located in the Land of the Sky, on a collection of floating islands known as South Island. This region is ruled by the President. But on the ground are numerous small regions of animal people, made up of populated ruins or small towns in the middle of nature. There are various leaders of these regions, one notable leader being Princess Sally Acorn.

Having had a while to adjust to the unique nature of the World Tree, Eggman has used the existence of futuristic worlds to further increase his advancements and industrialization, trying to invite like-minded people to the world to further help dominate it in his vision. The numerous regions of animal people have had more bits of outside technology integrate into their still very naturalist society, but the average person has difficulty grasping the concept of the World Tree, as it tends to be too big a concept for people who barely leave their small towns and villages to understand.

The Land of the Sky are some of the last remnants of humanity, and actively seek to expand their population and civilization without disrupting the regions of animal people. Right now they're trying to establish trade with other worlds, which is still a work in progress due to their lack of resources. Their long term plans are to build new sky islands and cities, if they can get their population up and create a healthy economy.

Overall the World Tree primarily remains a matter for either those in charge, or those with the knowledge and resources to explore beyond the boundaries of their world. People from the outside are treated as regular foreigners, which can sometimes mean with great hospitality, or with great fear, depending on the region's history with outsiders.

Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends spend most of their time adventuring in nature, uncovering ancient high tech ruins, and exploring new worlds. They continue fighting against Eggman's repeated attempts at industrialization and the oppression of the planet's animals. It's a large world full of unknown ancient advanced technology, magic, and strange creatures. That's why so many adventurers in the World Tree are drawn to it!