The World of Diablo III-1

Diablo III-1

Gothic horror fantasy exemplfied, the world of Sanctuary is grim, facing seemingly endless calamity as the powers of Heaven and Hell vie to determine the fate of the mortal world.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters


    Sanctuary is a world born of strife and seemingly destined to be consumed by it. Life there is a grim, uncertain thing. Most people of the mortal world live, struggle and get through life never wiser to the calamity nipping at the margins of reality. While the nations, city states and tribes of Sanctuary may be perfectly willing to engage in commerce with the outside world, the powers above and below have other ideas. While the might of the High Heavens might be directed at simply maintaining the status quo, resisting or vehemently denying influence from the Tree, the demons of the Burning Hells want nothing more than to spread, corrupt and consume all realities; proudly interfering where the angels will do little. Magic is alive and well, work for the brave or foolhardy is plentiful and it's said the new Horadrim pay handsomely to any and all who dare to collect their bounties. Violent death, corruption toward acts of evil or even demonic possession aren't out of the question.

    Beyond the mortal worries of Sanctuary, angels and demons have fought a war since creation first allowed will and thought to crystallize as the beings Anu and Tathamet. Through their mutual destruction, the Heavens and Hells were created. Ever since, their warfare has ravaged creation with no faction ever truly able to gain a decisive edge over the other for long. Tiring of endless violence, the angel Inarius and demon Lilith stole away from their hosts in secret and, using the Worldstone, forged the world of Sanctuary. There, they would together create the first Nephalem. Their secret would not last and, finally, Heaven and Hell would take notice. For ages, each side would use the Worldstone to create a world that exemplified their principles. Each time, the worlds would crumble and die.

    Sanctuary, however, endured. The angels and demons, having fought viciously with each other and the fractious rebel faction, ultimately decided that Sanctuary would be allowed to persist provided the Worldstone was used once more to suppress the powers of the Nephalem. Additionally, strict non-interference would be imposed against both angels and demons. Demons, of course, are known for being gifted liars.

    In recent developments, Diablo has been defeated and imprisoned within the Black Soulstone, an artifact since stolen by Malthael. Self-dubbed the Angel of Death, he has begun a campaign of genocide, setting out to destroy all mortalkind in an effort to snuff out everything he sees as touched by evil. The threat is imminent for Sanctuary and very real for any worlds accessible through the Tree.