The World of League of Legends-1

League of Legends-1

A world boasting a seemingly anachronistic mix of cultures and technology levels from ancient Egyptian-like to medieval fantasy to 19th century steampunk and much more. It is not Earth, instead boasting its own history and geography. Magic galore.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


Runeterra is a planet similar in many ways to Earth, primarily comprised of vast stretches of water with a few large landmasses which boast a wide variety of biomes and even wider variety of cultures and species. What separates it from Earth is a very high concentration of magic, permeating every inch of the planet... possibly because it is the last thread which separates the celestial powers of creation from the abyssal threat of all undoing, a shield erected by the gods themselves with its people as their army against encroaching doom.

On a less cosmic level, the world is still recovering from the Rune Wars, an event from centuries in the past which left great scars across the planet's surface. These wars centered around the World Runes, artifacts of amazing magical power integral to Runeterra's origins, whose use could reshape the landscape of entire nations... with catastrophic results. Having witnessed the horrors firsthand, some individuals began to collect these World Runes so as to seal them away where their power could never be used again, no matter the intention.

Time passed, and the people of Runeterra rebuilt and repopulated, creating whole new nations on the ruins of the old. The continent of Valoran soon became the center of civilization, with most of Runeterra's greatest cities and cultures springing up across its expanse or on smaller landmasses near it:

Valiant Demacia, known for its noble knights and acceptance of all people no matter their background. Brutal Noxus, a nation where the strong thrive and the weak are cast down. The vast deserts of Shurima, home to wandering caravans and the mysterious Ascended. Piltover and Zaun, the twin cities of scientific and technological marvels, where intelligence and ingenuity are prized above all... and crime runs rampant on the streets. Mystical Ionia, the land of cherry blossoms and warriors both honorable and graceful in battle.

These and many more make up the bulk of Runeterra's civilized areas, but the human population are hardly alone. Other sapient creatures, from the mighty trolls of the frozen Freljord to the whimsical yordles of Bandle City, make their homes across Runeterra as well. Then there are the Voidborn, creatures created by extradimensional beings known as the Watchers for the purpose of studying and consuming Runeterra, preparing for the eventual return of their masters. Other threats come in the form of things like the undead legions of the Shadow Isles, or creatures born of both magic and desire called demons who prey on those unfortunate souls who cross their path.

Fortunately, there are many brave heroes who step forward to challenge these threats to life and liberty. From celestial beings who have come from the stars to prepare Runeterra as their final battleground, to mortals who have ascended beyond with the blessings of the gods, down to even the simplest and humblest of creatures, Runeterra has no shortage of beings standing ready to defend it, even if it's for their own personal gain. Though not organized as a single fighting force, these heroes all play their part in the way that suits them best, in a way forming what some might call a...

League of Legends.
General Notes

A few notable things to keep in mind when exploring Runeterra:

Magic is viewed with fear and suspicion in Demacia, to the point that those who use it may end up being locked away in a prison cell with magic-absorbing shackles if they're caught. However, some individuals, such as the noblewoman Luxanna Crownguard, have been working to bring tolerance and understanding to the kingdom. The other side of this coin is the magic rebellion spearheaded by the escaped prisoner Sylas, who instead hopes to tear down Demacia's ruling class altogether. Magic-using individuals from other worlds will likely find themselves meeting one of these two at some point if they make their powers known.

Piltover, as a city that prides itself on scientific and technological achievements, has many individuals who would be interested in studying other worlds, and is in general one of the most accommodating communities. Its police force, however, are very much on the "zero tolerance" end of the justice spectrum, and members like Caitlyn or Camille will not hesitate to use lethal force against anyone who causes too much trouble. Despite this, vigilante heroes such as the brilliant inventor Jayce have found significant support from the populace.

Zaun, Piltover's sister city, represents the seedy underbelly. Anyone with anything remotely valuable-looking on their person will likely be accosted, pickpocketed, or generally harassed, and anyone with advanced technology will likely be sought for exploitation by the chem barons that rule the streets. Those of unusual biology may wish to steer clear of Singed the Mad Chemist, whose experiments are unethical and often fatal. Zaun also has its fair share of heroic figures like Zac or Ekko, but they live on the run from their countless enemies among the undercity's criminal population, rather than being revered like their Piltover counterparts.

You won't find Bandle City. Period. The only exception is if you befriend a Yordle and they personally lead you there.

The Shadow Isles are hostile toward anyone whose heart still beats, and the undead hordes are always looking to add to their ranks, especially beings of great power. Should you find yourself in this nightmarish land, seek the aid of Yorick, the Shepherd of Souls, as he may be your only hope of escaping with both life and limb.

Bilgewater is in some ways even worse than Zaun, being a port town home to some of the scurviest saltdogs to ever sail the seas. Throats and purses are equally likely to be cut here and it's every man, woman, child or otherwise for themselves. Outsiders who aren't in the business of piracy or looking for cheap alcohol may seek out Sarah Fortune, who's always looking for help in bringing law and order to a lawless town.

The vast deserts of Shurima are hot, arid, and treacherous on the best of days, but things have become much worse since the Void began to tear its way into this plane. Underneath the sands are countless tunnels and caverns burrowed by the eldritch Voidborn, creatures of insatiable hunger who feast upon any unlucky traveler to fall into their lair. The young woman Kai'Sa calls these tunnels her hunting ground, though she takes the Voidborn themselves as sustenance while seeking to lead their potential victims to safety. Up on the surface, scattered nomadic caravans and small outposts have begun to stir with whispers that the ancient city of legend has risen again, led by Azir and the other Ascended demigods of old in an effort to bring glory back to the sands. There are still plenty of ruins to explore as well, should one feel adventurous.

There are many other places in this world with things and people of interest, but more detailed notes will come only if sufficient interest is shown.

Integration Ideas

As mentioned in the other world note, Demacia is not a nice place for magic users, often preferring to lock them up and throw away the key than deal with them. They are otherwise welcoming of anyone and everyone however, regardless of species, stature, or abilities, so long as they can contribute to the whole. They will graciously accept trade with other worlds in the interest of making the nation stronger.

Demacia's rival nation, Noxus, is always seeking to expand its sphere of influence and will likely start some expeditions into other worlds either for conquest or seeking more powerful weapons and allies to tip the scales with Demacia. Just like in Demacia, anyone is welcome, though to rise higher than a common serf they must prove their strength, either on the battlefield or in the gladiatorial arenas. In the event one should choose to get involved politically, a cunning mind and lack of scruples will be your best friends.

Once again, as mentioned in the other note, Piltover's scientific community is always hungry for more knowledge, and will likely see expeditions into other worlds as well. Unlike Noxus, these will be for the sake of learning and understanding, and inquisitive minds and adventurous spirits alike will find friends within their ranks.

Zaun, meanwhile, has a similar idea to Noxus. Instead of unified conquest however, Zaun's chem barons and other criminal population will seek to spread their influence through the seedy underground of other worlds, primarily through illegal mind- and body-altering drugs. In the worst cases, they may even be searching for new test subjects.

Likewise, the undead hordes of the Shadow Isles now have a new way of finding victims, specifically by traveling the Vines. They are indiscriminate in their attacks, and will descend like a plague upon any vulnerable population of living people. However, it may be possible to make an alliance or even strike up a friendship with some of them, should one be undead oneself, or possessing demonic or otherwise "evil" power.

Bilgewater, as a port town catering to pirates, mercenaries, and honest seaborne traders, may find itself growing as a new hub of commerce with other worlds. The possibilities for loot, trade, and dirty work are nearly endless.

While the people of Shurima proper are unlikely to concern themselves with other worlds beyond what can help them rebuild the ancient city, the Voidborn are enemies of all things not like them. Their purpose is to gather information for the Watchers and devour all that they can, so the World Tree is like a whole new smorgasboard of delicacies ripe for the picking.

Other nations and factions are less likely to impact or be impacted by the World Tree on any major scale. Certain individuals affiliated with them may seek to take advantage of the sudden access to other worlds, such as Master Yi from Ionia seeking pupils to revitalize the Wuju style of swordsmanship, but they are otherwise likely to be fairly self-contained just as they are in the context of their own world.