The World of Fullmetal Alchemist-1

Fullmetal Alchemist-1

The world and nation of Amestris is one built on the science of Alchemy, which allows practitioners to understand, break down, and reassemble matter. The military controls all things, regulating offworld traffic for their own ends.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
Edward Elric


    The world housing Amestris is one of conflict and strife, but also of hope and scientific advancement. The State Military of Amestris is its governing body, overseen by the Fuhrer Bradley. On the surface, the science known as Alchemy is used to help the people and maintain order, but just beneath the surface is a darkness and a rot. Power is abused, people suffer, and the majority of the military turns a blind eye. Further from the influence of Central City, the seat of power of the Amestrian military, the public views them rightly as authoritarian dictators. Though there is an elected government, everyone knows it's just for show, and the countries surrounding Amestris are either already swallowed by the growing nation, or preparing for the day the military sets its sights upon them.

    In this world, alchemy is the one great power, the ability to understand, deconstruct, and reconstruct matter into new forms. Those that practice the art often are swallowed into the military, becoming or hoping to become State Alchemists for the Amestrian military. On paper, State Alchemists protect the people of Amestris and keep the nation strong. In practice, however, many abuse their power for personal gain, and while Amestris is the most powerful nation in the world, it harbors a deep corruption as well. Though it appears magical on the surface, Alchemy is a science, and it has one main axiom: Equivalent Exchange. In order to create, something of equal value must be lost. And those that do not obey this law pay a price more terrible than anyone can imagine.

    The general technology level is that of the early industrial age of Earth. Technology is powered by steam or coal, with only a select few things such as automail showing any further advancement. Alchemy is the main science practiced, and thus other pursuits are far less developed. When the Military learned of their joining onto the Tree, their first response was to tighten their borders and investigate the new wider worlds. It was only after making the decision to send their own emissaries onto the Tree that they made the shocking decision to allow interworld travel into the nearly-impenetrable (by their world's inhabitants anyway) borders to the great nation of Amestris under the guise of welcoming commerce with the rest of the worlds. However, not all is as it seems, as the upper echelons of the Military seem to be sizing up these offworlders as they gather information.