The World of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood-1

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood-1

Renaissance Italy 1505, the height of the era, when hidden forces vie for control of ancient artifacts.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


The world during the Italian Renaissance is one rife with conflict and strife. The lower classes are repressed while the upper class are bribed and manipulated by unseen forces working to control the populace. A shadow organization, The Knights Templar, use any method they can to ensure control and their own guidance leads the world into one of willful ignorance.

    Meanwhile the Assassin Brotherhood works to counter them, killing their puppets and key members to break their hold, cutting off the fingers so the hand loses its grip. To the outside view, the Templar work in the light and are a just foundation, while the Assassins are shadowy malcontents working to bring chaos.

    The arrival in the World Tree has shaken the entire world to its core. Many impoverished people have fled to other worlds, the Templars are scrambling to make connections with offworld entities to spread their influence and the Assassins are contacting others of like mind to do the same, both sides spreading tentative feelers outward to other worlds, while trying to either keep people in their world, or help people escape. The common folks, unaware of the shadowy organisations vying for their freedom or oppression have largely taken new arrivals in stride. Strangers from strange lands are a novelty and are either objects of scruteny from the poor, or haughty curiosity by the rich.
Pieces of Eden

Anachronistic relics of The First Civilisation. Hyper-advanced technologies that can control minds of humans, drive animals insane or protect the holder from projectiles amongst many other uses. The Templars seek them to advance their plans. The Assassins seek to keep them hidden and away from the hands of those that would misuse the power. Notable instances are: The Apple, a mind-distorting devices able to control or destroy the minds of nearby humans. The Cross, the Papal Staff which has similar abilities to The Apple, the two being two halves of one whole or at least complementary devices. The Sword, able to project a sustained energy stream to harm enemies from afar, and use the same energy grid to protect the user from melee attacks. The Ring, one of many such items, a small personal shield generator that can turn aside metal projectiles. There are many more waiting to be found, each promising to either destroy or save the world.