The World of Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart-1

Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart-1

Anachronistic schizo-magi-tech fantasy setting populated by anthropomorphic animals and assorted monsters.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
Mao Mao


Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart takes place in a fantasy setting with idyllic countrysides, rolling hills, and vast untouched forests. It's also home to anachronistic technologies, with things like airships armed with laser cannons and cyborgs with modular arms coexisting alongside feudal Japanese-like villages and 19th century-style towns with 21st century amenities. The presence of magic and giant monsters may explain these inconsistent development levels, particularly as even the high-tech futuristic devices utilize magic crystals as power sources instead of conventional batteries. Oh, and this is a theme entirely populated by anthropomorphic animals. Humans do not naturally exist in this world, and will thus attract attention and likely be referred to as "hairless apes".

The central location of this theme is Pure Heart Valley, a land once thought to only exist in myths and fairy tales, now revealed to be very real. It was hidden from the outside world for centuries by a magical cloaking field maintained by the Ruby Pure Heart, a gigantic heart-shaped ruby which sat atop a mountain at the center of the valley. However, the Ruby Pure Heart was accidentally cracked by the valley's current sheriff Mao Mao, who took up protecting its denizens as penance for exposing them to the dangers roaming just outside their walls.
Pure Heart Valley

Pure Heart Valley is a valley within the world's heavily forested Europe-like regions, formerly hidden by the power of the gigantic Ruby Pure Heart which sits atop the castle built into a mountain at the Valley's center. Surrounding the castle is a sprawling town and some countryside resembling something from Victorian-era England or France, with cobblestone roads and plain tile-roofed buildings, though mid-20th century-like automobiles and televisions are notably present despite weapons technology having progressed little further than medieval level. On a cliffside some miles away, overlooking most of the valley, the sherrif's office can be seen.

The people of Pure Heart Valley are typically childishly naive and fickle with some exceptions, thus at constant risk of deception and monster attacks. It's very easy to swindle these folks, though some may just end up swindling you. Modern firearms are likewise nonexistent, though magic and superpowers are common enough to be treated as a spectacle rather than something to be feared. Outside Pure Heart Valley, however, such individuals are often seen as "weird" and more of a disruption to peaceful society than anything helpful.

Amidst all this is, of course, the Ruby Pure Heart itself. It has not been inactive since its cracking, though none have taken notice yet. From time to time, the massive gem glows with an ominous light, just for a moment, and danger always follows. Monsters from outside seem attracted to it, some spring fully formed from innocuous objects like puddles of water when its light shines on them, and as time goes on, it seems that those in great emotional distress have their wishes granted... and twisted toward destructive ends. Some even become possessed by a mysterious being whose identity can only be guessed at, and whose goals remain still more unclear. Perhaps there's more to that crack in the Ruby Pure Heart than at first appears...

Magic and Technology

On the subject of magic, the traditional idea of fireball-slinging wizards does not exist in this theme. Magic is instead found in objects like the aforementioned crystals or ancient legendary weapons, with other active effects being accomplished through the use of potions and ritualistically enchanted artifacts. Spiritual powers like chi-enhanced physical abilities and astral projection are attainable through years of rigorous training, though some have enough raw natural talent to achieve it in a fraction the time. The majority of fighters, however, utilize advanced technology like energy weapons and cybernetic augmentation as much more pragmatic means of gaining power, often leading to roving gangs of cyborg bandits, pirates, and other ne'er-do-wells.

To a degree though, magic and technology are intertwined in this world. Power sources typically come in the form of Gem Cells, small crystals containing enough magical energy to power an entire airship or, if damaged, level a small town in the ensuing blast. Thankfully they aren't very fragile, which makes them a relatively safe method of fueling vehicles, robots, weapons, and many other things. The Ruby Pure Heart at the center of Pure Heart Valley seems to provide power for the surrounding town in addition to its former cloaking field, allowing for more modern conveniences despite the otherwise Victorian-like setting. Less fortunate villages are left in a simple, rustic state not far removed from a medieval era.


Naturally, with the exposure to the World Tree comes diversions from the norm. King Snugglemagne of Pure Heart Valley has ordered Mao Mao to undergo exploration of other worlds in search of possible threats or things that could be used to improve life for him- er, the people of the Valley. Other heroic figures may also leave this world in search of glory and unique challenges, while less savory individuals like the Sky Pirates or Thicket Thieves may go in search of loot, plunder, and new weapons to further their ambitions. Bounty hunters like the infamous Tanya Keys will likely find plenty of new work as well.

However, it remains to be seen how outside influence will affect Pure Heart Valley or other peaceful locales populated with simple, technologically impaired peoples. They're certainly far from any major cities where magic and technology go hand-in-hand, and their hospitality is far from limitless. Given the track record of such locals, they may be prone to hero worship of outsiders, or at the very least struck with curiosity. Not enough to leave their safe little homes, but being extra nosy is a likelihood.