The World of HoloHeart!-1


A world nearing the end of its cyberpunk period, threatened by a mysterious magical force known as the Specter Spawn.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


    About a quarter of a century ago, on the 31st of January 1997, a new form of power was discovered called Spectral Energy, which had nearly magical capabilities but followed scientific principles. This completely changed the course of history, resulting in an explosion of technological advancement, including advanced medicine, cheap prosthetics, and artificial intelligence.

    Of course, anything which can be controlled can be regulated and monetized, and thus a great many problems were created by greedy corporations trying to profit off of it all -- not to mention the attacks by the mysterious monsters known as the Specter Spawn. The city of Isabelle, New York is hologram-lit dinge. Nevertheless, there are people actively working to offset this, both humans and the digital artificial intelligences known as the D-Fairies.

    This world's internet is full of Spectral-powered AIs called Digital Fairies, originally created by the Plutus Spectral Energy Technology Corporation, but most of them have subsequently been made by other D-Fairies. They somehow gained full legal citizenship everywhere they live, but they rarely vote and never run for office, probably due to a mutual difficulty communicating with humans owing to the D-Fairies having a native language which is optimized for machine-to-machine communication.

    Individually, they seem rather flighty, carefree, and not very bright -- insofar as most people can tell, due to the difficulty communicating -- but as a group, they show a rather high amount of creativity. Many of them have a presence in the real-world, using doll-sized holographic or Spectral-Energy-construct bodies projected from drones; a small handful can manifest Spectral Energy bodies without any apparent projectors.

    Notwithstanding the group humanitarian efforts they've put towards helping the world become a better place, there are rumors that they've been engaged in strange projects or experiments on the sly, and that they've been fighting some kind of secret battle against the Specter Spawn.

The Specter Spawn

    Strange monsters which seem to be made of Spectral Energy. They strike at random, causing damage to vehicles or buildings, or draining life force from people (they seem to have a particular taste for people who use Spectral Energy on the regular or with prosthetics powered by it), and then scurrying away and vanishing just before the arrival of the police or military response, leaving behind curse-residue which drains the colors from an area and has other nasty effects. Most of them seem mindless or animalistic, and they all make incoherent animal-noises rather than speaking, but some of them seem to follow some sort of specific goal, though it's far from clear what they're actually trying to accomplish overall.

    The D-Fairies coined the name; they were termed "Static Anomalies" by humanity at large before "Specter Spawn" caught on. Most humans believe that it's a double-meaning: "specter" as in "ghost" and the obvious metaphors thereof, and "Specter" as in "pertaining to Spectral Energy."


    The people of this world are only just learning about the World Tree; many are curious, and interested in exchanging ideas and technology with other worlds, and the big corporations are of course looking to see how they can profit from it all. The D-Fairies have begun exploring as well, with their own inscrutable purposes, but mostly it seems to be a mixture of research for research's sake (and/or for the sake of their rumored battle with the Specter Spawn), and their own usual joie de vivre. There have also been rumors about Specter Spawn spreading into other Blossoms as well ...