The World of The Powerpuff Girls-1

The Powerpuff Girls-1

A modern day Earth with superheroes and supervillains, the war between heroes and crime almost never ends here.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


A world much like modern day Earth, this planet is home to countless superheros and villains that do battle in a constant struggle between good and evil. Crime runs rampant as violent gangs, superhumans, metahumans, and other powered individuals have forces like the police and armies on the retreat, only individuals of equal strength can step up to face them. With the powers of super science and even magic in some cases, these heroes rise to the occasion to save their cities and world from the grip of terror that the forces of evil wreak on a daily basis.

Being so used to aliens, super science, magic, and other such things from their own world, the people of this Earth are not too shaken to learn they are part of a larger conglomeration of worlds. The people are practically ready, willing, and able to accept the various bounties and banes of the Tree, quickly adapting and incorporating new technologies and ideas from beyond their world to their own. Superhero groups such as the Justice Friends, who watch over and protect their world, and even villains alike will view the Tree and its myriad worlds as a new opportunity. The Justice Friends gladly welcoming heroes from other worlds to join them, venturing forth to similar worlds in search of evil to fight, or in the case of the villains, leaving to steal new plunder and riches and grow in power offworld.