The World of MLP: Friendship is Magic-1
MLP: Friendship is Magic-1
The very techno-magical and sapient beast-inhabited world of Equus.
Type: Bud
Active Characters
No current characters.
A wide-ranging realm with several independent and sovereign countries spread throughout, each bearing distinct cultures and levels of advancement, and just as vast an array of geographical features. Magic is the driving force behind the entire planet, though, and the strongest is said to be friendship itself.
The main inhabitants, however, are an equally wide-ranging species of sapient and speech-capable unicorns, pegasi, winged unicorns, and hardy Earth ponies each with their own unique societal and cultural impact.
The primary focal point is on the nation of Equestria, but interaction between cultures is very noticeable, as ponies mingle with dragons, sphinxes, griffons, hippocampi, changelings, zebras, and many more types of creatures. The advancement is enough to where cities have been established, and serve as either economic hubs or seats of power, with public transit available to connect numerous cities to each other via rail or air networks.