The World of Final Fantasy Tactics-1

Final Fantasy Tactics-1

Corrupt fantasy world of war and magic set in the country of Ivalice. Embroiled in a civil war.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


A medieval fantasy world set in the land of Ivalice, it is a place of poverty, magic, scheming nobles and grand plots of intrigue. The Dukes Goltana and Larg fight over control of Ivalice's crown, leading to a costly civil war that embroils the country. The Death Corp's remnants try to find what little revenge against the nobility that they can gain. All the while, the Church of Saint Glabados aims to use the war to their own aims of controlling the crown through a forced end of the war. Yet worse corruption lurks, possessed men and women seeking to revive ancient evil through the blood spilled in the war.

Built on the bones of a long dead civilization, most of the technology is fantasy based: steel, swords, and spears as well as magic being the heights of warfare. Yet a few explorers have uncovered marvels from deep below: rare works of gunpowder era weapons, some even enchanted with magic, though these are all considered rare treasures and the stigma against such technology runs high. Yet not Heretical, as the Church shows great interest in uncovering ruins beneath Ivalice for reasons of it's own. Magic is largely formalized into schools: White of healing, Black of elemental, Summoning of calling up powerful espers to cause destruction, Green of status ailments, Time of temporal and teleportation changes, as well as more 'physical' magics such as the Holy Knights of the Glabados Church and the Dark Knights created by various Heretics through the ages. These are not world changing magics, but simply small scale acts similar to modern day missiles and other such heavy weaponry.

Currently the world is newly Blossomed, and so the brewing Civil War between the twin Dukes vying for the throne has been met with a small lull. The Orders of the Northern and Southern Skies only strike in small actions, most of their attentions on quelling peasant riots and attempting to take stock of the travellers in their myriad forms from the Tree. There's been a semi-ceasefire in hostilities thanks to other worlds taking an interest in Ivalice, but the people themselves have been stubbornly resistant to the changes offered. Importation of offworld technology has been deemed Heresy by the Holy Church, and the few who have already tried to profit from such made examples of swiftly and brutally. Only limited things have been allowed: mostly canned goods being imported, and other such small boons to stave off the crippling poverty and starvation of the masses.

The Church on the other hand has two goals in mind: seeking out allies in their goal of ruling Ivalice for the betterment of the people, and expanding their influence as a religion into other worlds. They seek to stamp out native, 'Heathen' religions and ensure their own power grows only to be turned back inwards. The High Confessor and the Templariate know opportunity, and risk. Banning all outside religions as Heresy, they are currently heavily invested in stamping out any grassroots efforts as quietly as possible while increasing their own influence elsewhere.