The World of Nevernight: Itreya-1

Nevernight: Itreya-1

A world with three suns, which is almost never in darkness, dominated by the Itreyan Republic whose capital, Godsgrave, is carved from the bones of a dead god.

Type: Bud
Active Characters
No current characters.


    The Itreyan Republic rules most of this world (which has no name, so I'm borrowing the name of its dominant society). Inspired by the Roman Republic, the Itreyan Republic is ruled by a Senate and Consuls though the current Consul, a Ceasar-esque figure named Julius Scaeva, has made himself more King than Republican and is currently sitting his fourth term as sole Consul.

    The primary trait of the world is its three suns, which mean that it is almost never dark- instead the daily time for sleeping is called 'Nevernight'. Only once every decade or so is there a Truenight- a period in which all three suns conspire to set at the same time, giving the world blessed darkness for a few short hours.

    The primary and state religion of this world is worship of the sun god Aa the Everseeing, of whom the three suns are considered his three eyes. The world is generally a brutal and violent place, with the Itreyan Republic conquering most of it through violence and oppression, though with that conquest now mostly secure the world has entered a period of tenuous peace.

    At some time in the distant past there was a world-spanning empire which mastered the magical arts, but in their hubris they destroyed themselves and nearly the world. Magic is now a dead art, but some remnants remain in the dark places of the world.

    One example of such strange relics are the Darkin. Mostly viewed as legend, Darkin are people accompanied by 'Passengers', demons made of shadow who eat their fear, rendering them literally fearless. They also have the power to control shadows, a power which grows stronger in darkness and weaker under the light of the sun.

The most powerful material in this world is Gravebone, which is literally pieces of the bones of the dead god which forms the city of Godsgrave, carved off and shaped into weapons and armor. It is much stronger than steel.

The Red Church

The Red Church is an outlawed cult which worships the Lady of Blessed Murder, Nya, spurned bride of Aa and Goddess of the Dark. The Red Church trains the best assassins in the world, and they view it as their holy duty to kill in the name of their Goddess, because the act of murder is an act of worship for her. Though officially outlawed and anathema, the Red Church is largely allowed to operate in the shadows of the Republic, and many of the Republic's foremost figures and noble houses utilize their extremely expensive services to do away with political rivals or inconviniences.