A Western frontier world populated by industrious animal people protecting their livelihood from gluttonous stone monsters called Grocks.
Type: BlossomThe occasional troublemaker aside, interaction with the World Tree has been mainly a boon to the frontier. The access has made trade much easier, selling raw materials and agricultural assets for manufactured and other resources. Ranching and mining are still the primary trades on the frontier itself, but industry has been rising to support the logistics of off-world trade. Most Vines connect near settlements, within easy view of the watchtowers (if any are built up).
The Frontier is also having a fledgling boom in tourism as people come to see the western frontier for itself, or the animal-folk that populate it. Plus the brave are always welcomed when the Grocks come to raid. Hard work and courage are the fastest ways to earn respect (and rewards!) on this frontier.
While the current Grock population isn't inherently smart enough to intentionally invade other worlds, the potential of them finding a Vine and following it in search of food is a possible threat.
A network of defensive towers are scattered across the frontier, around settlements and the railways that connect them. More recently there have been more built near Vine connections to make sure visitors and trade remain safe. Tower structures are a combination of wood, iron and steel; and as well as survellience can hold a large cannon or gatling gun for defense. The towers are manned by the Watch Dogs (though they can be most any species) who will assist against Grock invasions within their range. But the towers are rather costly to maintain, and the Grock are known to purposely target them during their raids.
Grocks are ornery varmints made of stone that live deep below the Frontier. Most are lumbering lumps of rock that may also be covered in magma or crystals, while some subspecies have somehow evolved the ability to shoot stones or alternate methods of locomotion. Their main threat comes from their focus on eating livestock and wrecking anything else that gets in their way as they attack in swarms, costing settlements tons of money and loss of hard work. Bounties for destroying Grock hordes and braving the danger they present to collect Scruffles are the fastest ways to make good money.
The start of a Grock raid is often heralded by the nearby sky turning red and a billowing foghorn-like bellow. Local scholars believe these phenomenon to be caused by the subterraining gases escaping as Grock nests break to the surface.