The World of Ithara-1


"Ithara" is a desert world imbued throughout by a magical force known as Aether. Shaped by magic, myth, and fantasy, its peoples are a varied tapestry ranging from utterly mundane humans to the fantastic and the divine.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


    Named for the goddess whose power continues to shape the world and its people, Ithara is a desert world where myth and fantasy have been made real.

    Humans, elves, dwarves, harpies, djinn, and intelligent magical beasts are but a few of the many peoples who call Ithara home. Their cities and dwellings cling to lush oases and rugged mountain ranges. Resources are limited, yet lavish luxury can be found wherever the Merchant Kings thrive, and powerful, bountiful treasures are said to be hidden away in ages-old ruins and labyrinths. While gold may be a pleasure reserved for the powerful and the brave, danger is a regular part of everyday life, as bandits and monsters prowl both the wilds and the city streets. There isn't a man or woman alive who doesn't carry at least a dagger, and those who can afford it are always accompanied by skilled bodyguards and mercenaries. The ambitious, cunning, and courageous all do well in Ithara; it is not a land for the weak of heart.

    The power of Ithara is known as "Aether," a magical force that can be harnessed by sorcerers and inventors alike. Much of Ithara's technology is based around Aether, ranging from short-range teleporters to floating ships that draw upon the latent energy around them. Spellcasters -- even those from other worlds -- can draw easily upon Aether and rely on its suffusive presence to provide the energy for their work. As with any spellcasting, discipline is required in order to truly take advantage of Aether; however, in Ithara, devotion to the goddess can lead to enhanced power. For that reason, the greatest magi have come from religious sects. In opposition of the goddess are darker creatures -- demons, devils, and corrupt djinn -- who are capable of manipulating Aether toward their own vile goals.

    The peoples of Ithara, accustomed to enduring the various challenges set upon them by their goddess, are not cowed by the presence of off-worlders; in fact, a visitor from afar could find themselves very welcome guests at any temple to the goddess. Small villages and tight-knit tribes are more likely to be wary. Cities and their Merchant Kings are hesitant to enter the World Tree's politics, but are ready to take advantage of any offered friendship.

    Are you a treasure-seeker? A would-be hero? A monster-slayer? A villain seeking the power of magical items and relics? Ithara promises everything you could want -- and more. Delve deep into ancient dungeons. Seek the scattered ruins lost to time. Take up a contract to defend a caravan, or to assassinate a prince. Immerse yourself in the complicated politics that govern a land where 'fate' is a murky, malleable thing. Joined to the World Tree by the whims of its fickle goddess, Ithara stands open to any soul bold enough to traverse its dunes.
Adventuring in Ithara

    Please see the cast if you need any help adventuring in Ithara. We'd be happy to run something for you, or to discuss any ideas you've got cooking! Our setting is highly flexible, so you should be able to use it for exploring any number of interests or goals. The setting can be understood as a blending of Persian and Greek mythology with a healthy dose of heroic fantasy sprinkled on top. Think Arabian Nights meets D&D!