The World of Fire Emblem Awakening-1

Fire Emblem Awakening-1

The Continents of Ylisse and Valm are home to numerous kingdoms and peoples of high-fantasy yet low-technology backgrounds. The use of magic is commonplace with most countries following a feudal system of government and existence.

Type: Bud
Active Characters
No current characters.


Once upon a time, the continents of Archanea and Valentia were home to countless stories of intrigue and war. Some two thousands years later, those continents are once again home to a new saga that spans across the annuals of time itself. The continents are now known as Ylisse and Valm which soon will now fall under the shadow of impending war.

These lands are a mix of the mundane and the magical with sword-wielding mymidons clashing with spear wielding knights riding upon winged Pegasi. They are lands where magic and curses are commonplace as our numerous different races that inhabit that various climates of these two continents. Technology is equivalent in these lands of that of an early-to-mid Medieval period with firearms being nonexistant and knights and magic being on the forefront of any given battlefield. Sleepy hamlets, floursing towns, and stalwart castles are all structures one is likely to find those aforementioned sword-wielders and knights guarding and fighting over.

Each continent is also home to large kingdoms such as the Naga worshiping Halidom of Ylisse, and the Grima devout of the Theoracy of Plegia. Smaller kingdoms dot the lands such as the nation of Ferox with even smaller confederations of tribes eking out their existences in the shadow of these larger kingdoms. An entire host of people from common farmers and bandits to noble lords and descendants of Dragons make these lands their home. Heroes and Villains alike cross sword, spear, and axe as conflict is never too far off in this realm.

One thousand years before the modern day in Ylisse and Valm, the Fell Dragon Grima attempted to destroy the world. But this scheme was stopped by the Divine Dragon Naga, whom granted the leader of of Ylisse her power through the Awakening ritual which used the power of the Fire Emblem to win the day. Grima was defeated and put into a great slumber, destined to one day reawaken. Fearful of the power that the Fire Emblem possessed, the five gemstones which power the Fire Emblem were removed and separated among the nations of Ylisse, Pelgia, and the nation of Ferox to the north. But now, one thousand years after Grima's first defeat and two thousands years after the days of yore, Grima reawakens and seeks vengeance against those whom imprisoned him.