The World of The Witcher-1

The Witcher-1

Over one thousand years ago, a magical cataclysm known as the Conjunction of the Spheres brought terrible beasts to the Continent; to hunt these monsters, humanity created Witchers, warriors empowered by magic and alchemy.

Type: Bud
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    Over one thousand years ago, a magical cataclysm known as the Conjunction of the Spheres brought terrible beasts to the Continent; to hunt these monsters, humanity embraced ritual magic and bizarre alchemy to create specialized warriors known as Witchers.

    The Continent is comprised of multiple kingdoms of varying ambition and prosperity. Humanity thrives despite the challenges it has faced, and has continued an inexorable spread across the Continent that has displaced non-humans and monstrous species alike. Most of humankind dwells in farming settlements protected by regional Barons and Dukes. Great human cities have been built atop the ruins of lost civilizations.

    In the time of Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher of particular renown, the empire of Nilfgaard has begun to wage war against the northern half of the Continent in an attempt to expand its borders. The Nilfgaardians are a cruel army possessing little regard for their self-made foes, and are thus a dangerous and destructive force.

    Other dangers take less human form. Monsters -- some of them intelligent -- prowl land, sea, and sky. While human armies may be able to battle some of these, many are too powerful or too dangerous to face without a Witcher. Witchers make their living traveling the Continent and taking contracts to destroy these monsters. Like mercenaries, their cold hearts are concerned only with coin, and they will not help a soul without payment.

    Sorcerers and sorceresses also exist throughout the world, many in places of great political influence. What powers they wield seems dependent on their scholarly dedication and their strength of will; their only apparent commonality is a tendency to be ambitious and scheming. A few sorceresses have banded together to form an organization known as The Lodge.

    This world is currently an inaccessible Bud.