The World of Mobius Final Fantasy-1

Mobius Final Fantasy-1

Palamecia, a world of swords, sorcery, and hope unbound. Besieged by the forces of Chaos, lord of all things evil, its people are given hope by the prophecy which foretells the coming of the Warrior of Light, who will deliver Palamecia from despair.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


Palamecia is a world similar to a medieval fantasy Earth, where swords and sorcery hold equal sway and monstrous 'fiends' roam the lands, terrorizing innocent people. The Crown of Cornelia offers what protection it can, and most areas under its influence are relatively safe, thanks to its standing army of Blanks who valiantly fight against the forces of Chaos. These Blanks are guided by Vox, a disembodied voice who frequently speaks of the prophecy of the Warrior of Light.

Chaos is the ultimate source of all evil in Palamecia, leading an army of fiends to plunge the world into despair. The Warrior of Light in the prophecy is destined to strike Chaos down and bring hope back to Palamecia, but the prophecy's vagueness has left it unclear who the Warrior of Light will be. On the bright side, Blanks seeking to become the Warrior of Light are aided by Echoes, faeries who have split off from a single original being and provide guidance and encouragement. Those native to Palamecia, however, cannot see Echoes, and believe them to be only a myth. Non-natives are able to see, hear, and generally interact with Echoes perfectly fine.

Also omnipresent are moogles, tiny creatures resembling white teddy bears with batwings and pom-poms attached to their heads. Moogles share a collective consciousness, able to send and receive information from any of their number in mere seconds, no matter the distance, though their reception 'breaks up' outside of Palamecia itself. They are frequent companions of Blanks and have a particular liking for Princess Sarah, who is often surrounded by several at once.

However, to those not held under the prophecy's sway, Palamecia has a faint trace of rot in its scent, like something ancient and dead molded over, dressed up as a world of fancy and wonder...

Blanks are a common sight in Palamecia, with more arriving on the shores of the wild country of Primordia every day. These young men, all summoned from parts unknown, have no memory of their pasts, making them 'blank slates' who must find who they are and their purpose in life on their own, many taking up arms to protect the commonfolk or simply accepting lives of labor in various fields, as long as they can feel a sense of accomplishment.

All Blanks, upon arrival in Palamecia, make contact with Vox, a disembodied voice that watches over them and urges them to face the trials that will make them fitting candidates for the Warrior of Light. He is regarded as something of a deity by the Blanks, who (almost) all hold pure, blind faith in his words. Any who choose to actively go against Vox or the prophecy are branded Heretics, and hunted down by loyal Blanks for execution.

The most common career path for Blanks by far, however, is pursuing the prophecy of the Warrior of Light. Those who do not fight will be forgotten, as the laws of Palamecia state, so thousands of Blanks every day seek to live up to the one name they all have in common: Wol, the name of the Warrior of Light in prophecy. In order to sweeten the pot, the Warrior of Light is also fated to take Princess Sarah Cornelia's hand in marriage, making her as much a prize as she is a symbol of Palamecia's hope.


Because Palamecia is so heavily overseen by Vox, he will do everything in his power to regulate interaction with other worlds, and visitors from those other worlds. Anything he thinks can be turned to his advantage, he will try to manipulate to act in his favor. Anything that threatens to disrupt his system, he will brand a Heretic or a tool of Chaos, which will make the vast majority of Palamecia fanatically hostile toward them. He cannot mindwipe people from outside Palamecia except under certain circumstances (namely, the souls of the recently dead), and thus will rely on his silver tongue and honeyed words to sway them to his side.

Princess Sarah of Cornelia is much more accepting of people who do not follow Vox or the prophecy, and will do what she can to render aid and facilitate cross-world interactions, limited though she may be by Vox's interference. Most Blanks are more loyal to Vox than Sarah, however, as she is seen as little more than a symbol of hope and a prize for the Warrior of Light to claim. Moogles, however, are loyal only to Sarah and others with kind hearts like her, and would be steadfast allies to any outside visitors who can show a little compassion. Echoes, the faerie population of Palamecia, are more or less wildcards, each one different from the rest and influenced in part by the Blanks they are assigned to.

No matter how visitors interact with the civilized populace, though, all who stay in Palamecia for any measure of time will come across fiends sooner or later. These monsters come in all shapes and sizes, from little humanoid cacti to mighty dragons, though by far the most common are Dusts and Grudges, golems created by Chaos, and Shadows, the spirits of Blanks who died unfulfilled and now live only for senseless battle. Chaos himself does not often appear in the open, but when he does, he always comes from the depths of the sea and rampages across the land, visiting terrible devastation on the Crown's territory before returning to his watery resting place.

For those seeking to become stronger, the Battle Tower currently run by Meia the Azure Witch is the place to go. As its name implies, it is a massive tower wherein warriors of all stripes can hone their skills against live enemies, in the form of monsters summoned by Meia. However, the danger is very real, and those who go in unprepared may find themselves injured or even killed.

Certain individuals may also attract the attention of an elderly man named Cid, who lives in a barren wasteland in a part of Palamecia only accessible by following the Elder Moogle, Cid's assistant. This region is filled with crystals which contain memories of the past, and which Cid may decide to show to those whom he feels worthy. Who knows what such memories may hold?