The World of Metroid-1


A galaxy of unified space-faring planets with a single sovereign government. This Galactic Federation is under the threat of marauding Space Pirates as well as hostile parasitic organisms known as Metroids and their counterparts, X Parasites.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


The year 2003 C.C. marked the creation of the Galactic Federation, a grand unification of the governments of many different worlds into one solitary sovereign government that is governed by the Galactic Federation Council. Member planets of this new government enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity as countless worlds were uplifted into the stars themselves. Earth was one of these many worlds that was brought into the fold of the Galactic Federation where it too would enjoy the wondrous benefits of the combined knowledge and technology of the entire unified galaxy, creating numerous colonies on far distant worlds.

But this peace would not last forever.

A new threat emerged in the genetically and cybernetically enhanced race of creatures that would call themselves the "Space Pirates". These Space Pirates would attack and raid vessels while also conquering entire planets in which they would enslave the local population under their tyrannical rule. The threat of these Space Pirates was so grave that the Galactic Federation formed the Galactic Federation Police whose primary mission was to combat this menace. But the Galactic Federation could not be everywhere at once, and the shadowy Space Pirates would typically slip away long before the Federation Police arrived. And so, the Galactic Federation turned to a collection of intergalactic bounty hunters known as "Space Hunters" to fight the Space Pirate threat where they could not.

Space Pirates were the not the only threat to the galaxy as a mysterious species of energy draining creatures known as Metroids would soon inadvertently become a threat to the entire galaxy after a faction of Space Pirates attempted to harness Metroids as a biological weapon against the Galactic Federation. Subsequent tragic events and widespread fear of the destruction potential of Metroids led to the genocide of the entire Metroid species as well as the annihilation of the Space Pirate occupied planet of Zebes itself.

But now the neighboring planet of K-2L has become center stage in the ongoing war between the Galactic Federation and the Space Pirates. This world, once the home of a human colony that was razed by Space Pirates, is the now the flash point between these warring factions. Death and destruction once again returns to this planet while a new threat looms on the horizon, the X Parasites.

Metroid-1 is set in the aftermath of the events of Super Metroid, but before the events of Metroid: Other M and Metroid Fusion.

The 'blossoming' of this world in respect to the World Tree brought great opportunity to the galaxy. But the question of which faction would prosper from this exposure to foreign ideals and technology is now the pressing matter. The Galactic Federation paradoxically is divided despite being a united government. Certain member planets see great risk in exposing itself to outside forces where they preach isolationism. Others see this as a great opportunity to expand their influence and develop their societies culturally and technologically even further. Finally, some only see it as a way to further economic gains. No consensus has yet to be reached, but the borders (as it were) remain open to visitors and traders for now. Galactic Federation reach outside of their own World is unofficial at most with private citizens and corporations making up the majority of those that ventured forth. However, a few diplomatic and science missions were sent out to different Worlds to at least make contact with different governments and peoples.

The Space Pirates, conversely, have embraced the connection of this galaxy with all the other Worlds of the World Tree. There was now a nigh infinite amount of Worlds to plunder and enslave which will lead to otherworldly raids and attacks. The Galactic Federation Police would attempt to stop these incursion onto other worlds, but their primary concern now is keeping their galaxy safe and preventing biological weapons such as Metroids and X Parasites from getting out to other connected Worlds.

Thus, the lion's share of combating Space Pirates and alien threats is once again left to the Space Hunters whom have the expertise and experience of fighting Space Pirates and galaxy threatening forces on alien planets. The Galactic Federation Police continues to post lucrative bounties for the capture or destruction of Space Pirates and their criminal allies. Something that both Space Hunters and bounty hunters from other Worlds could surely capitalize on.