The World of Chicago-1928-1


An 80's summer action blockbuster movies idea of what 1920's Chicago was like. Big explosions, huge gunfights, rum running, dirty cops, betrayal, corrupt politicians, moonshiners, and bank robberies are the norm.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


     It's the height of the roaring 20's and business is booming for the mafia. Corruption runs rampant in every corner of business and corrupt cops outnumber the honest ones 40:1. All liqueur has gone underground hidden in speakeasies and off the books casinos across the once pristine city of Chicago.

    Massive shootouts happen every day between cops and robbers, and almost everyone is on the take. Yet with the realization of the existence of new alternate worlds becoming more spread the government has moved to do the same to off world trade as it did to alcohol regulating it to the point of stopping it almost completely.

    This hardline stance has lead to a massive boom in the criminal population as crime syndicates rise and fall overnight bolstered up by massive wealth gained in smuggling goods in and out of the Blossom. The 5 families have never had more success, even as they battle for bigger and bigger slices of the pie.

    Recently, a new figure known only as The Russian has come onto the scene tearing up the once peaceful landscape and balance that's been respected for years. Unbound from the Cosa Nostra his gang is seeking to take over the entire city using any means necessary, even murdering the family of other criminal groups, and directly targeting cops and their families. Both once acts completely unheard of, and barely even thought of.