After the spread of a plague that transforms those who contract it into monsters, a man known as Shepherd Artorius has led the Abbey and its Exorcists in attempting to restore order and protect humanity.
Type: BlossomThis world is very recently a blossom, something that is getting a mixed reaction from the locals. Given the chaotic state of the world, there is a lot of concern over just how outsiders might treat everyone, with worries over invasion and exploitation combined with hope that relief from the daemonblight plague might be given. Within the Abbey's leadership, there has been a pause in plans to reassess how to proceed in light of this twist. Still, the dangerous day to day existance and the new nature of this connection leads most average citizens to not concerning themselves too much - the implications towards the future even a few months away are hard to focus on when an entire village could be turned to daemons within a week. The Abbey is likely to be mistrustful going forward, though their dedication to absolute reason will lead them to try to take advantage. The world is likely to be an uneasy neighbor for those nearby, for while it is not a Thorn hazards and chaos are likely to spill out regardless, with the locals far more interested in what they can gain than any kind of peaceful sharing of ideas or culture. While they can hardly afford a war on yet another front, hostility to any approaches without a clear advantage to be had is likely from official sources, though some individuals may still be kind. Individual villages may well be ripe for exploitation from people who can convince the locals of some sort of hope, in turn.
Higher technology would draw interest, though most would be suspicious of it as witchcraft or magic, trusting in the Abbey's judgement on the matter. The approach taken early in this will make all the difference - the Abbey, particularly in the form of Artorius, is likely to hold firm with the direction of thinking an initial encounter puts them in.