The World of Final Fantasy 14-1

Final Fantasy 14-1

Hydaelyn is a world full of magic, an oppressive empire has conquered much of the planet using its magitech armies. In the continent of Aldenard however, a loose alliance of City States has managed to hold off the empire and force an uneasy truce.

Type: Bud
Active Characters
No current characters.


Hydaelyn is a world full of magic, where monsters are common and even the more mundane crafts habitually incorporate some modest magic. Swordsmen and archers alike empower their strikes with magic, while true spellcasters are commonplace. Except for the people of Garlemald, whose inability to use magic themselves has let them to research the magitech of the long-gone Allagan Empire and with it forge the massive, oppressive Garlean Empire.

At the fringes of the empire, the presence of this behemoth still looms except in the most remote of regions. It was not long ago that a loose alliances of city states, the Eorzean Alliance, held back the Empire in the battle of Silvertear Falls. The cost of this victory was enormous, for soon after the Garleans called forth the Lesser Moon and unleashed Bahamut, a powerful being which had been imprisoned for untold eaons.

Since then, an uneasy truce reigns in the region. The devastation caused by Bahamut has caused much damage to the land, many towns have been destroyed or their lands turned infertile. Yet despite their troubles, there are those who work hard to improve the situation. Adventurers from all walks of life, the leaders and grand companies of the city states, and various other groups.

They have their work cut out for them, because the Garleons have not yet forgotten about them; and worse, darkness stirs. This peace cannot last if no heroes step up to protect it.