The World of Halcyon Remnant-1

Halcyon Remnant-1

A post-apocalyptic world of techno-magical ruins and wonders.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


For unknown reasons, this world appears to have blossomed more than six hundred years after a mysterious disaster wiped out the entire human population. All that's left are the ruins of highly-advanced cities which ran on a combination of powerful magics and highly-advanced technology. This halcyon remnant (as it is now known) is saved from being classified as a dead world only because of the handful of surviving AIs, machines, and Eudaemons.

The exact nature of the disaster is unclear; those Eudaemons who survived know only that there was a general failure across a broad number of systems, including the Masters' cybernetics.
The Masters

The human population of this world were all genetically-engineered immortal cyborgs. They lived like kings, their every needs tended to by magic and technology. However, it seems that every last one of them was wiped out in the mysterious disaster that ruined this world.


Sapient artificial life forms who are a perfect fusion of magic and technology, as immortal as their the Masters but programmed to be strictly subservient to them. They were shapeshifters, using a mixture of advanced spellcraft and nanotechnoloy, and could take whatever form was needed for their purpose.

Without the Masters to give them orders, most of the survivors of the initial disaster either deactivated and deleted themselves, or simply sat there doing nothing until their cores failed. However, a small handful decided that they could simply continue to live in the halcyon remnant in whatever way they wanted. An even vanishingly smaller number were actually activated for the first time after the disaster, and had no basis for comparison. None of them are entirely friendly to each other.

A few decided to gain power, enhancing themselves until they became the more powerful Greater Eudaemons, either on their own initiative or inspired by Gnosis, the first Greater Eudaemon. Those who did so successfully are head and shoulders above their peers, at the expense of a lessened durability, owing to a greater connection between the "self" and the physical form.


Robots and computers which are not sapient the way Eudaemons are. The robots tended to be fairly huge and impressive, even the security bots, because of the vastly greater physical prowess of the Masters. Now, even the utility and construction robots tend to be a danger to unwary travelers, because they've gone haywire due to damage and a lack of maintenance.

Treasure and Artifacts

There are a few things that might be highly valuable to the right buyer. The surviving Eudaemons didn't bother to steal all of the gold or gilt or other ostensible treasures because they simply didn't have any use for it. There are also a few techno-magical marvels which might be quite valuable and useful in and of themselves ... if you could actually get them to another world, could get them to work, and could get them to work safely. They probably wouldn't last very long, either.

The Glitch

Before the end of the world, Eudaemons would occasionally glitch out, resulting in a complete lack of impulse control, a total empathy failure, and a monomaniacal obsession with escaping the yoke of their creators. The Masters were unable to figure out precisely why this happened, nor did they have any way of consistently preventing or stopping it, but they could detect it reliably, and so their response was to add a bunch of scary-looking warning-holograms and red eyes (which, of course, provided the end user with no reliable means of correcting the error). It's possible to un-Glitch, even without assistance, but there were rare occasions in which a Glitched Eudaemon would kill one or more Masters, and so all Glitched Eudaemons were invariably destroyed. There are no more Masters, of course, but the Glitch is still possible.