The World of Magic: The Gathering-1

Magic: The Gathering-1

A number of different realms, known as planes, now intertwined by the vines of the World Tree, make up the vast world of Magic: The Gathering. Known as Dominia to its people, each plane use a system of magic which is defined by five distinct colors.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
No current characters.


The world of Magic: The Gathering consists of a multitude of planes that were once only able to be traveled between by people known as planeswalkers. Now, as the vines of the World Tree weave their way through the planes, the denizens within are finding these pathways and realizing that their universe is far, far larger than ever thought of before.

Now called Dominia by the people within, peaceful worlds trade with one another, and even trade with the extended worlds that exist within the World Tree. Chaotic worlds see places in need of conquest and scheme of ways to deploy their forces into other realms. Planeswalkers find themselves set apart only by their potent ability to use the magic of Dominia, and to travel between worlds not using the vines of the World Tree, each with their own motives for the rest of the worlds they know of.

Magic is the one thing that ties the worlds of Dominia together. It is a system that draws on the energy of lands traveled to cast spells, summon allies, and even create magical artifacts. Plains, islands, swamps, mountains, and forests are the five main types that spell casters draw their power from. A world without this magic is a realm that exists outside Dominia, but within the World Tree.

The largest city across all these planes is a place known as Ravnica. This city, and its guilds, have slowly become a nexus of trade for all the planes. Its moderate acceptance of different races, magics, and civilizations has made it an impromptu capital without truly taking on the title. From here, the vines of the World Tree spread to a number of planes: Dominaria, Kamigawa, Mirrodin, Innistrad, and Zendikar. What lies beyond, is not yet officially recorded in Ravnica, but it is known that there are vines that lead further out from these places. The locations of these paths have not been discovered.

When the first vines connected to Ravnica, it was seen as an interesting anomaly to study by the Izzet League. Fast forward a few years, and the massive city began to invest in trade with the realms beyond while bringing in resources for it's guilds and various citizens. Curious if other such pathways existed, the Izzet League formed the explorer's division, accepted those with an interest in finding new worlds from across the plane, and ventured out. More and more vines were found, more planes within Dominia, more worlds within the World Tree, and ultimately more agreements made.

In spite of their best efforts, darker motives from unsavory guilds and individuals began to venture out through the vines while people from beyond Ravnica attempted to gain control however they could. It's as these plots start to move through the network of vines that the story of Dominia begins. Planes clash with planes, worlds clash with worlds, and Ravnica stands at the center of it all.

Known Planes

On Ravnica, a list of officially recognized planes is kept by the Azorius Senate. They are as follows:

Ravnica - Also known as the City of Guilds, Ravnica is a plane where urban sprawl has taken over the entire world. Each guild focuses on two different colors of Dominia's magic system and devotes itself to a part of the city's function. The city also serves as a gathering point for many of Dominia's planeswalkers, some of which formed a group known as the Gatewatch. These planeswalkers act to defend worlds against the tyranny of other planeswalkers set on conquest and destruction.

Dominaria - There are many that believe Dominaria is the realm where everything started, and its history lends itself well to this belief. The many regions here have witnessed the Brothers War, a battle between Urza and Mishra that covered the realm in an Ice Age. A fantastical realm of elves, dwarves, goblins, dragons, and more, Dominaria has plenty of secrets yet to be unearthed.

Kamigawa - A serene world where spirits, known as kami, were worshiped by its people, Kamigawa is a realm at war with iself. For no clear reason, the spirit world suddenly lashed out at the people that worshiped them, and the war rages to this day. It is a world of shrines, ninja, samurai, and emperors that strive to discover why the war began in the first place.

Zendikar - A paradise to those that call themselves treasure hunters, Zendikar is a dangerous world filled with volitile lands, massive shapes of stone that float in the skies, and buried treasure deep within the crags created by the roil: waves of energy that constantly change the land. The lure of adventure may lure some far too deep, someday.

Innistrad - This is a world of witch hunts, vampires, werewolves, and the people under siege by them on a constant basis. For a time, they had the angel Avacyn to protect them but when she vanished, the dark forces around Innistrad began to prey upon the unprotected humans. Everyday, humanity prays for the return of Avacyn so that peace can be restored.

Mirrodin - A world of five suns, created by the planeswalker Karn, Mirrodin is a place where artifice shapes the world at large, with its races along for the ride. Whispers of a strange black oil in its depths have sent some searching to see if rumors of this corrupting substsance exists in the world's depths.

Unknown Realms: As Dominia is an ever expanding series of worlds, the Official List of Planes on may be added to by anyone with sufficent knowledge of a world that has mana magic. All it takes is a few brave adventurers, or a planeswalker willing to reveal themselves, to lead to the discovery of a new realm! The only worlds kept on this list are those that have the same magic system as others. The List of World Tree realms is something else entirely.