The World of Seven Deadly Sins-1

Seven Deadly Sins-1

A mystic land of Magic and Ancient kingdoms. A world of Humans, Giants, Fairies, Goddesses (angels), and Demons.

Type: Bud
Active Characters
No current characters.


The world of Britania, the land is in a state of a wobbly and shaky peace. Ever since the Great war, where all the races stood against the Demon Clan to end the great darkness brought upon the land. As it stands, the Humans, Fairies, Giants, and Goddesses have lived in peace and isolation from each other. The Fairies retreated to the Fairy King's Forest, where they live in pseudo-immortal bliss under the rule of King Harlequin. The Giants live in Megadozer, a vast majority of them living dormant until the earth calls to them once more, while a good few are adventurers. The Goddesses returned to their great halls in the sky, leaving the races below to whatever path they like. The Humans built their kingdoms and are the dominant species by way of sheer numbers, the greatest Kingdom being the Kingdom of Liones, co-ruled by King Baltra and Great Holy Knight Dreyfus.

The Demons? They were sealed into their halls in Purgatory, waiting to be released once more to plague the world with their darkness.

But, in this world of magic, there exist beings with natural magical powers. Few individuals have them, but those that do are most notably among the humans, whom are called Holy Knights. They are the military of humanity. The fighters and the peacekeepers. Among them, there exists one group of Holy Knights that stand above all others...considered the most dangerous and perhaps, even the most evil.

The Seven Deadly Sins.

Their number consists of these: The Dragon's Sin of Wrath, The Demon Prince and Traitor, Meliodas. The Sin of Sloth, King of the Fairies, Harlequin (often called King). The Serpent's Sin of Envy, Diane of the Giant Clan. The Fox's Sin of Greed, The Immortal Human, Ban. The Goat's Sin of Lust, the magic doll, Gowther. The Lion's Sin of Pride, Blessed by the Sun, Escanor. The Boar's Sin of Gluttony, The Greatest Sorceress, Merlin.

But, they have since scattered, and the Demons have started to stir as the world becomes ignorant in it's peace. The Darkness has begun to send forth it's champions to send the world into turmoil...

The Ten Commandments.

Thus, the battle of good and evil is once more about to begin.