Noire (Dropped)

World: Hyperdimension Neptunia-1
Apparent Age: 19
Quote: What am I best at? It's simple, really. I only do everything.
Role: Goddess of Lastation
Voice Actor: Asami Imai (JP), Erin Fitzgerald (EN)


Noire is the goddess of the land of Lastation, the best goddess in the world... at least according to herself and her younger sister, Uni. The hardest-working of the goddesses, Noire is very prideful and obsessed with perfection. Because she believes goddesses must be perfect, she holds herself to extremely high standards, determined to only show the best sides of herself. Because of this, she tends to find it difficult to open up to others, leading to a completely unfounded rumor that she has no friends. Despite her pride, she's not hard to get along with, though she does tend to demand more of those she likes, wanting them to live up to their full potential. In battle, Noire is a skilled swordfighter, prefering one-handed blades or, occasionally, polearms. When pressed beyond her normal abilities, she is able to transform into Black Heart, her true goddess form.


CPU: Empowered by Shares/Faith. Above average human limits.
Thanks to her connection to Share energy, the faith of those who believe in her, as well as her position as a goddess, Noire's physical abilities are all above human norm. Her agility and dexterity are much higher than that of a normal human, with only slightly more strength and durability. Even without access to Share energy, Noire still maintains these enhanced physical characteristics.
Swordmaster: Adept at light blades and polearms.
Noire is highly skilled at using what she calls 'light blades.' These amount mostly to one-handed swords, no matter the size. Recently, she has begun to also use polearms such as spears, glaives, and naginatas.
HDD Black Heart< Edge >: Transformation for stronger foes. Strength, agility, flight. Very little black.
The true form of the goddess of Lastation, as well as the face of much of its commerce. Noire is able to take this form by her connection to the people who put faith in her: Share energy. All of her physical attributes increase from her standard CPU form, and she gains the ability to fly, as well as additional armor. This transformation has a time limit and leaves her exhausted when she reverts, as well as being blockable by cutting her off from Share energy.
Element Fencer: Adding elemental magic to her blade, primarily fire and lightning
Noire is able to channel elemental magic through her weapon. She primarily uses fire, but occasionally channels lightning element.
Effect Fencer: Adding debilitation magic to her blade to paralyze, poison, or weaken.
Noire can use her magic to channel debilitating effects through her weapon which discharge on contact. These include paralysis, damaging poison, and physical and mental weakness and exhaustion.
Digital Inventory: A small virtual bag of holding.
Noire can store her personal belongings digitally in a virtual bag of holding with a capacity approximately the size of a large backpack (plus a bit more for her oversized weapons). She keeps her inventory immaculately organized and can find things rather quickly, even in the heat of battle.
Surprisingly Domestic: Cleaning, sewing, sometimes even cooking!
Despite her station, Noire is very good at cleaning and more than passable at cooking. Her sewing skills are excellent, especially making ornate costumes or recreating uniforms., it's definitely not cosplay!
Paperwork: Organization abounds. No form stands a chance.
Noire is incredibly efficient at paperwork. She keeps her office clean and organized and goes above and beyond her role as Lastation's goddess in keeping track of the entire nation's economic and social trends.


Pride: Of the seven deadly sins, Noire embodies this one the most.
Noire is extremely prideful and obsessed with perfection. She accepts nothing less from herself and will do everything in her power to uphold the proper outward appearance. Her normal self is not appropriate to be presented as a goddess, so she only appears before her people as Black Heart, needlessly using Share energy for transformations. Her work must be without flaw. Any shortcoming pointed out to her will often be met with surprise and annoyance.... at herself, as she finds herself compelled to fix that imperfection as soon as possible.
Lonely Heart: Trouble accepting friendship and help, spawning rumors that she has no friends.'s just an unfounded rumor, okay? Noire does not make friends easily, mostly due to her difficulty in opening up and letting others see her true self. She hides behind her wall of perfection so much that she either doesn't have time for friends or doesn't even notice others trying to get closer to her. It takes a lot to get truly close to her, not because she pushes people away, but because she has a hard time even recognizing that someone would want a friendship with her.
Embarrassing Hobbies: There's no way a goddess would do something like cosplay!
Noire is really big into cosplay. She loves making costumes and loves wearing them, though she'd never want to be recognized in one. She thinks that some of her costumes are enough of a disguise to keep anyone from knowing it's actually her, but she's usually wrong. It's just not a proper hobby for a goddess!
Communication: Noire is not a people person and is bad at communicating.
Noire is really bad at both getting her own feelings across and recognizing others' feelings. She often projects her own way of thinking onto others, finding it confusing when they don't see things the same ways he does. Even when trying to be nice, she feels that she has to project a proper and regal air, which may be offputting to some despite her good intentions.
High Standards: Noire holds herself to high standards. She expects the same of others.
Noire has set extremely high standards for herself and mentally beats herself up if she does not meet them. In the same way, she gets annoyed when she sees someone not living up to their potential. If she knows someone can be better than what they now are, it upsets her, as she also wants other people to be their best selves. She doesn't mean to berate and often pushes others to be better, but her poor communication skills often takes what she means to be encouraging and turns it into a lecture.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
325 Tsunrise Nov 06 2018
260 Shiny & Black Sep 26 2018
See All 2 Scenes


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