World Tree MUSH

Shiny & Black

Character Pose
    The Serene Branches are home to worlds that are stable! Stable doesn't mean nice. It also doesn't necessarily mean safe. Which naturally means there's still a need for adventurers. And places for enterprising murder-hobos to find things people want gone.

    Welcome to Sarem, a nearly-fantasy town from some nearly fully integrated world with all the trappings of a Hollywood set, with how there's some modern things mixed in with obviously medieval-influenced buildings. Moterbikes replace horses, some adventurers have various guns instead of swords, and other such misplaced sights.

    One such misplaced sight is a mix of purple, white, and energy. Neptune scratches her head with one hand, the other resting on her hip as she looks over the posted bulletins. To no one in particular, she speaks out loud: "Mordeth the Crusher? Poisinor the Foul? Seriously, who's naming these bosses?"

    The Guild is nested between a rustic cafe and a modern mini-market, so there's plenty of chances to come across such an unusually colored guest.
    Bewul is fond of exploring for sure!, and some adventuring on the side as well, the small fox pelt wearing creature walking along the street, rather curious about the mix of old and new in the town, almost nostalgic in a sense. He seems drawn towards the bulletin board as he emerged from the guild, eating some kind of local pastry, the odd colored person catching his attention, and thus, getting a wave from the Digimon.
Iota Assistant
Iota is check things in this world as well! She always has need for money to pay for all the good food in these worlds! She currently eating some sort of meat on a stick. What the meat? She didn't ask she finds it quite tasty thought. As she walk along the street people are doing a double take as she walks past them some giving her a wide berth. Could it be the odd hat she wear that looks more like a pumpkin? or the fact she has bandages covering half of her body? Hard to say. Iota used to these soot of thing she doesnt pay attention to much to them. Doesnt mean she doesnt like it.
"Ugh! I know, right? I can't even take a place like this seriously..." A possibly-familair voice complains from nearby. The owner of said voice lifts a hand up to her hair, fingers running along one of the long black twintails, and gives it a neat flick over her shoulder. "I was thinking I might try to look elsewhere so I don't die of embarassment just being in the same room as someone with a name like... Nightblade the Executioner. Jeez, is he twelve or something?" She visibly shudders, then turns to look at the person next to her at the bullettin board.

..."WA..!" Noire jumps back several feet, lifting both arms in some strange warding posture. "Neptune! What are you doing in a place like this?"
    Movement catches Neptune's eye and she glances down and aside towards Bewul. When the digimon actually waves, she swivels around and leans down, hands on her knees, "Oh, you're pretty cool lookin'." She tilts her head, a thoughtful look on her face, "Looks a bit familiar, somehow." That thought is instantly dismissed as she holds her hand out, "I'm--" Noire's outburst is immediately adapted to, "Yeah, that!"

    Straightening, she folds her hands behind her head, eyes wandering again to follow Iota wandering past, "Huh... I guess Halloween's comin', huh Noire?"


    "Oh!" Finally acknowledging the twintail in question, Neptune points, "It's Noire the Lecturer, come to terrorize us with rules!" But she's obviously got that big dumb grin of hers on full display, "You fell in too?"
    The fox digimon grins widely at the introduction, only to let out a starteld yip (kinda cute) as Neptune's... friend? talks, glancing back at Noire, before looking back at Neptune, trying not to chuckle, "I am Bewul, nice to meet you." he says, and of course, waving towards Noire!, "Hello.". He glances to see what everyone was looking at, and tilts his head as he looks towards Iota, not finding her quite as odd as the others, still, he waves towards the... person with the odd costume, wagging his tail.
Iota Assistant
Halloween.. Everyone keep talking about it but Iota has no clue what it is! People keep telling her costume is great but this how she always dresses. She smiles and waves back to the cute talking fox thing. She about to ask Neptune what Halloween is but Noire is engaged talking to Neptune. She stick around watching the two start to banter.
"Halloween what now?" Noire follows the shorter girl's gaze and starts for a moment. "...oh. Do they even celebrate that here?" She pauses and shakes her head. "Anyway, I'm sure it's just coincidence and is that fox thing talking?" Clearing her throat softly, Noire glances down at Bewul and lifts a hand in greeting. "Noire. A pleasure.." This is already a bit too much weirdness for one day.

"And stop giving me weird nicknames and titles, Neptune!" She lifts a hand to press a finger to the bridge of her nose. "No, I did not fall in! I'm not like you, crashing down from the sky. I know how to be elegant, you know, even in a crisis!"

Flash back the other day to Noire plummeting from the skies and landing with a crash and a giant cloud of dust. But it didn't happen because nobody saw it!
Iota Assistant
"umm What's Halloween now? Everyone keeep saying Your ready for Halloween, and nice costume. But I'm not wearing a costume", the bandaged girl sighs looking at Noire and Neptune. "oh! I"m Iota!", she says smiling.
    "Nice to meet'cha!" Neptune spouts right at Bewul, "You're a cute little guy, didn't think I'd meet an animal that talks, not since Puchiko anyways."

    Somewhere across dimensions, a tiny girl in a cat-ears hat inexplicably mutters, "My name is Broccoli, myu."

    Leaning back, Neptune plants her hands on her hips, "Still, pretty cool." She glances towards Iota, a big grin on her face, "Well, it's this holiday comin' up that's all scary cats and bats and carved pumpkins, and lots of spooky costumes an' stuff! If you're not familiar, it's a shame, 'cuz you fit right in. You'd probably like it!"

    Neptune then turns, leaning forward and raising a finger authoratatively towards Noire, "C'mon, Noire! We're buddies, right? What's a little tease or two?" She jumps suddenly, with an appropriate-- "Boing!" -- and places herself beside the taller girl. Turning, Nep folds her hands behind her back, "It's my fellow Goddess, Noire from Lastation, guys!" Guys she just met today, but is suddenly talking to like she's known this digimon and spookster for a while.
Iota Assistant
Iota ooohs at Neptune description "That sounds like fun! When is it? Soon?", her eye goes wide. "Wow your goddesses? Neat!", Iota pauses they really don't act like any Goddess she read about.. "Can you part water and throw lighting bolts? Can you guide souls? Raise the moon and the stars?"
Bewul perks his ears at the mention of gods, "Halloween... never participated in it." he says, still a bit blushing at the mention of being cute, "Maybe I should try to celebrate that." he says, smiling brightly. He pauses for a moment when the word 'goddess' is brought up, tilting his head, "So you are super strong?".
Iota Assistant
"Can you juggle cars?", Iota inquires starting to get excited.
Noire lets out a longsuffering sigh. This is her natural reaction to at least eighty percent of the things Neptune says or does. "I wouldn't call us buddies, Neptune... We are rival goddesses, you know!" But then, the other two begin asking questions that are strange... at least for her. "No, we can't part water or throw lightning or do any of that strange stuff." She pauses a moment. "...I suppose I can create fire, but that's something else entirely!" Noire looks from Iota to Bewul and shakes her head. "We protect and oversee the people of our nations. It's what a goddess is supposed to do. Except this one..." She extends a hand to poke at Neptune's cheek. "Mostly is just Goddess of Lazing Around." And apparently giving other people bad ideas.
Iota Assistant
"I see. I see.", Iota says nodding "That makes sense. That was gods and goddesses do... Sounds like alot of responsibly. I couldn't do anything like that..", she hmms at Neptune at Noire. "You two have known each other a long time."
Bewul nods slowly at the explanation, even if he tilts his head a little bit, "Sounds a bit like the gods I know." he figures, glancing between Noire and Neptune for a moment, turning back to Iota when she says that, "Me neither... was never good at being the leader of a group... I can't see myself supervising a city... or more."
    Neptune folds her arms when Noire shoots her down, "Aw, right. That's No-Friends Noire to a 'T'." An eye closes when her cheek is poked and a title applied, and her response is to thrust a hand to the sky and declare, "Guilty! An' I still get everything done somehow!"

    Lowering her hand, Neptune folds it behind her back, "But yeah I do lightning an' fire, and Noire does fire, but it's all flashy attacks an' stuff. Not like, embodiment of nature things." Eyes closing, she complains, "That sounds like waaaaay too much work! I mean, when would I ever get to play games if I'm holding up the sun all day?!"

    An eye opens, and she glances sidelong, "So wait, Noire, how long have you been here anyway? Nep Junior said it had been months but I fell in like a day after she did."
A brief nod is given to Iota. "Too long. I can't even remember a time -not- having her be a pain..." She rubs the bridge of her nose again, but eventually just lets out another sigh. "And yes, it is a lot of work. -Some- of us handle it well, at least." Noire squints at Neptune again. "I thought I told you to stop making up weird names."

She shakes her head, but both Iota and Bewul get a smile, at least. "Anyway, she's right on one part. Holding up the sun is far too much work. Better to let it be on its own. We don't have to micromanage -everything-, and we don't really handle nature. Nature is just.. nature."

She pauses for a moment, bringing a hand to her chest. "Oh, Nepgear is here? Thank goodness there's someone reliable around. I hope she's been doing well." She tilts her head slightly. "How long? Just a day, really... B..but it's not like I noticed you were missing or anything! My arrival here is just a coincidence, you know! A coincidence!"
Iota Assistant
"oooh. I think I get now.", Iota says. "Do all the goddess where you are from have names that start with N?", she wonder if Noire is one of the Tsu people she heard rumors about.
    "Only the best ones!" Neptune answers Iota without hesitation, puffing out her chest, "Neptune, Nepgear, and Noire." Eyes half-lidding, she dismissively waves, "And those other super cool goddesses Blanc an' Vert /I guess/. And all their little sisters /I suppose/ are really great and helped us outta jams a bunch of times."

    Her arms drop to her sides. Hunched over, Neptune teeters towards Noire, "Jeeeeze how do you keep that up all the time? I just wanted to try out bein' tsundere and I'm already tired." She glances at Bewul, then. With a wink, she says, "Well, you don't gotta run a city! Just be you, yeah? The best You that you can be is all anyone can ever ask! Different folks are good at different things, and everyone has their own special talents, right?"

    So that might be why Neptune's still a goddess despite openly admitted laziness.

    She glances upward, pressing a finger to her chin, "Yeah, Nep Junior's doin good--" The clearly tsundere ending to that sentence doesn't get a verbal response. But Neptune does immediately fixate a cat-faced grin on her twintailed friend, with that smugness that only Neptune's face can deliver.
Iota Assistant
"ooh so noire is one of those rare Tsun beings i've heard about!", Iota exclaims. "I've didn't think I ever get to meet one!", Noire a goddess neat. Noire being a tsundre, a rare item!
    The fox digimon nods at the talk a bout names, and other gods, "So there are a lot of gods then." he says, a bit confused at the talk of Tsun stuff. He grins a bit as Neptune talks to him, nodding a few times, "I figure that is quite true." he replies, relaxing a bit and just glancing back at Iota, "What's a Tsun?"
Iota Assistant
Iota hmms looking bewul. "It someone who acts all tough and distant but they acutally care, a bit. I think. Something like that. There a bit are."
Augh. Neptune, stop being right about things! It's true that the best goddess begins with N. 

But then she has to go ruin it. "Ugh, I am not tsundere. I don't know where you keep getting that idea, Neptune." Noire glances at the other two. "In any case, she's right... again. Everyone has their own special talents. There are some things the others are good at that I can't do, and some things only I can do." She huffs up a bit, placing a hand to her chest. "Of course, there are lots of things only I can do -best-, but that comes with being perfect, like a goddess should be." Before lowering her hand, she inds time to give her hair another neat flick.

"At least Nepgear is doing well and what is that face for, Neptune?" Pause. "Wh..." Noire takes a step back, looking in horror from Bewul to Iota. "D..don't go getting weird ideas from Neptune! I am nothing of the sort!"
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant looks at Noire the at Neptune. "I guess goddess can be really varied... Some are Tusn and some are lazy.."
    Neptune puffs up a bit when Noire says she's right. That famous Neptune Ego absorbing praise. The spooked reaction prompts a spooky response, where Neptune lifts her hands and wiggles her fingers, "I know why Noire fell iiiin~!"

    She's distracted by Bewul, though, glancing his way with her arms still raised, "Huh? Yeah," A nod towards Iota, "That's pretty much it." She reaches out, scooping Noire into a side-hug about the shoulders almost like a photo-op, complete with big dumb grin, "She acts all tough but we're best buddies! I can always rely on Noire! Let that be the lesson, even goddesses need someone to rely on! Even if it's just a place I can crash when Histy's mad that I don't work enough."

    Raising her free hand, Neptune gestures with a figure, "So that's your guidance, make lots of friends!" A sidelong glance, "That's kinda like what a goddess is supposed to do, right?"
Bewul nods a few times adn can't resist chuckling as he hears the definition, and the reaction from the pair of godesses... godess? what is the plural?. He just nods his head and smiles to Neptune, "I see!" he says, watching Neptune and Noire interact, a bit odd, but certainly looks like they are friends. "Making friends is always a good idea."
Iota Assistant
Iota Assistant says, "I have to take that advice to heart.. I think I have one somewhere..""
With that reaction, Noire really needs to stop agreeing with Neptune! The girl will just let it go to her head! "Ugh.. just... wh--?!" Noire jumps in surprise as the shorter goddess suddenly hugs her shoulders. "We most certainly are not! Though... it is true you rely on me for everything." She lets out a sigh and hangs her head slightly. "You didn't get Histoire mad again, did you? Is that why you're here?" Noire lifts a hand to gently push Neptune away... but it's only really halfhearted right now. "You can make friends and rely on them, but don't be a leech like certain purple goddesses we won't name, okay?" The last thing she needs is for Neptune to get disciples.