Luke Gray

Luke Gray
World: Pokemon-1
Actual Age: 12
Apparent Age: 10
Role: Pokemon trainer
Species: Human! (with pokemon friends)


Luke, or Gray as he likes to be called as of late, is just another in a vast group of young teens that decide to leave their homes in a pokemon adventure inspired by the tales of powerful, heroic trainers in media. While on his own he might be just an overconfident but friendly kid with dreams of greatness, his true strength comes from his pokemon teams, creatures he befriended and trained for a long time, and powerful combatants that do their best to obey Gray's instructions. He might look like a loner at first, but his true goal is simply to explore, make friends, perhaps even get traveling companions, help people and find strong opponents so he can be stronger, even if he might be a bit out of his element sometimes.


Well stocked: Gray believes in being prepared! He has first aid and camping supplies.
Gray's backpack is usually quite full, carrying just about all he needs (or at least, he believes he might need), things like a sleeping bag, a small electric stove, food (both for him and his pokemon) and some basic first aid things, like bandages and disinfectant. He also obtained some higher end pokemon medicine, to be used only on emergencies.
Loyal friends: Gray's Pokemon will do whatever they can to protect him from harm.
Gray's pokemon always consider their trainer as their top priority, obeying his commands at their best ability, and more importantly, going out of their way to keep him safe. If anyone tries to attack Gray, they will have to go through his pokemon first.
Dynamo's abilities< Feature >: A swift and agile attacker that uses electrical blasts and barriers.
The bulk of Dynamo's moves involve electricity, whether it might be a ball of lighting, an arc of power from itself to the target, or causing clouds to discharge electricity to a target spot, with strength of said discharge based on how much energy it is willing to burn on that attack. That energy control has another application, the ability to create a wall (or dome) of energy around itself or a target, to dampen incoming ranged attacks (or stop them, depending on how much power is used). Keeping those barriers is very costly, so if held for more than a moment, it risks weakening him. Of course, he also boasts quick reflexes, and is able to attack up close, but unlike the other main combatant, he is not very good at receiving physical strikes.
Agni's abilities< Feature >: A strong, fiery bear, good at close combat, fire and small explosions.
Dynabear is the muscle of the team, able to push heavy boulders and obstacles with ease, lift heavy things, and especially, able to punch and claw with frightening strength, no matter what the obstacle is. If brute strength is not enough, he also has access to high temperature flames, his own body almost impervious to heat, and his final trick, explosions, his specialty. He is able to use his stored energy to cause an explosion centered in himself, but unlike most pokemon, he doesn't knock himself out in the process... even if it does drain his power and can cause severe damage to himself in the process.
Bewear's abilities< Feature >: Bearlike creature with strong attack and defense, decoys, and elemental attacks.
Bewear's abilities are simple and to the point. He is a moderately fast, solid wrecking ball covered in pink and black fur. His attacks mix that impressive strength with elemental energy (fire, electricity, ice and earth) for close range hits and boosting it's stats with a couple of moves. For defense, his dense, plush fur, work like a natural suit of armor to absorb most physical attacks. Additionally, he knows an attack called substitute, which allows him to create a temporary 'double' to absorb incoming attacks, at the expense of a great amount of energy.


Combat pokemon< Feature C-Tier Named >: Gray's combat trained pokemon: a 'tiger' and two bears, all ready for battle.
Gray's strongest pokemon, Dynamo, Agni and Bewear, that he has helped train to be fighters. They are well-adjusted to listening to commands and coordinating attacks, and are loyal enough to protect him when operating without orders. Stronger, faster, and tougher than a normal human, these pokemon also have various attack abilities covered in the Feature Perks. When not fighting, they can be stored in small belt-mounted units.<br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Dynamo is an Electiger, a large feline with a very round and thick build, with short, thick legs and a brown lighting bolt on it's chest. Despite the heavy looks, it's very agile, and is usually wearing a thick collar that helps control the electric power it generates.<br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Agni is a Dynabear, it seems a mix of a bear, and a feline, usually on all fours, but able to stand on rear legs if needed. Unlike Dynamo, it moves slowly, steady motions. It's mostly cream colored, with black stripes on it's legs and eartips. It has a flamelike tuft on it's forehead, and a thick 'mane' of darker fur around it's neck.<br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Bewear is a Bewear, a pink and black fluffy bipedal bear. His legs and the front of his body are black, while his head, back, and tail are pink. Across the top of its head is a white band with two tufts of fur on each end that hide his ears. It is both extremely strong, and very friendly.
Non Combat Pokemon< Named F-Tier >: Gray has a number of friendly creatures that can't fight very well.
Gray carries a few pokemon that are seldom used in fights. Still, he cares for them, and brings them with him so they gather experience and improve... and he just likes them too much.<br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Meowsey, a small kitten that likes to hoard coins, usually friendly, just don't try to steal his coins, he can throw them surprisingly hard!.<br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Next is Pangshi, a cute ghostly panda that looks as if wearing a chinese chi zombie disguise. This one is more likely smack against something than go through it!.<br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Finally Berurun, a large black cat with a bell on it's tailtip, and smaller chimes on each leg. It is quite skilled with them, able to mute them to sneak, or throwing the noise to cause confusion or fear. It's said this species is able to create to do healing music, but this cat is not quite to that level of musical prowess yet.


Stubborn: Once he gets his mind into doing something, it's hard to talk him out of it.
Gray does not like backing down from a challenge or task. IF he says he will do something, he will do his best to tackle the issue at hand, even if he might have little clue on most areas beyond some amateur electric work, or pokemon training. In general, most of his solutions tend to aim at 'toss a pokemon at the problem', which might just fail or make things worse.
Naive: Gray is young, and easily convinced of stuff.
Given his young age, and the fact most of his recent life was focused on pokemon, he knows little of many things, and thus, when someone that seems like they know about things... well, explains things, he has little reason to doubt it, unless it is wildly, wildly unbelievable, and even then, it might be easy to convince him regardless.
Easily impressed: Tends to be surprised and awed by even relatively simple things.
Being a kid, he is easily distracted and impressed by flashy or new things, that can happen even in battle, his attention focusing on a particularly impressive or flashy move or creature might delay his reactions, sometimes to the point he might get hit before snapping back into combat.
Pokemon mindset: Gray comes first, orders and safety is second.
Gray's pokemon care deeply about their trainer, to the point that they will risk their own safety or ignore orders if they 'think' they can do a better job at keeping the human safe, or protect him from stray attacks. That, coupled with Gray's tendency to get closer to the action (forgetting that it is not a refereed pokemon fight) means a smart individual can abuse such a thing to land free shots on the pokemon, as they will drop anything to protect him, even mid attack.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1151 The Fight Against Furred Fruit Apr 07 2023
1150 Fishing For a New Friend Apr 02 2023
1134 Uninvited Guests Feb 06 2023
1128 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Fire Jan 20 2023
1109 The Starstriding City pt II Dec 08 2022
1107 Knights of Westmarch Dec 10 2022
1106 The Mysterious Qi Dec 04 2022
1105 The Starstriding City Dec 02 2022
1099 O Brother Where Art Thou? Nov 21 2022
1092 Pest Contro Oct 19 2022
See All 146 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.