The World of Pokemon-1


Life in this mostly Earth-like world primarily revolves around empowered creatures known as Pokemon. Many jobs involve Pokemon in some way, and children either keep them as pets or train them toward contests and battles.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
Luke Gray


     The Pokemon world is really rather amazing to behold, encompassing a vast array of different climates, from forests to deserts, snow covered mountains to vast oceans. Each of them is home to a staggering variety of life forms, known collectively as Pokemon. Each Pokemon falls into a type according to which elemental power or powers they possess. There are eighteen different types, from dark to dragon, flying to fairy, poison to psychic, to name a few, each having strengths and weaknesses against others. Every Pokemon can learn several different moves related to the various types, from shooting jets of flame or water, to causing small earthquakes, for a couple examples.

     The world is divided into several different regions, each home to different unique Pokemon, though many are so common they can be found almost anywhere. While each region has its own cultural flair, they all have one thing in common, that Pokemon are involved in the lives of almost everyone. Some people study them, some people breed them, and some train them to help with police work, putting out fires, or even healing other Pokemon or people. Others train their partners to perform in spectacular contests, showing off the beauty and amazing splendor of the moves their Pokemon have learned. Still others train their Pokemon for battling in organized tournament leagues, striving to prove that they and their partner Pokemon are the very best. Pokemon are also used by the military, and while the regions of the world are mostly at peace currently, war involving Pokemon as well as human technology has occurred in the past. Many others however, just live like normal humans, keeping their Pokemon as simple pets, a companion to journey through life with.

     When portals to other worlds began to appear, it didn't take long for intrepid traveling trainers to discover them and pass through to find out what was on the other side. As news spread of these other worlds, the governments of each regions selected the Pokemon champion of their region to travel through the portals within their region and establish friendly relations with life on the other side, if possible. In time, trade and travel agreements were formed between the different worlds. While people were initially wary of what lay beyond, most don't fear the portals as some did when they were first discovered.