Vex (Dropped)

World: Verdigris Chronicles-1
Apparent Age: Adult
Role: Blitzing Brusier
Species: Chimeric Creation
Theme Song: Halestorm - Freak Like Me ( )
Voice Actor: Charlize Theron


Coming from Teslavania, a strange, surreal realm of Verdigris, Vex is a chimeric creation of Dr. Truzin, made for fighting against other chimeras to prove that her DNA would be more valuable than others. She was rescued by Renya Rimehart from the gladitorial life. Due to being treated like a person by the crew of the Polar Vortex, and their captain, earned them the chimeras unyielding loyalty. Vex's strength, endurance, and ferocity is unmatched on the ship. Her ability to haul their mutual allies to and from the airship is a convenience the crew is careful not to abuse. Given time to herself, Vex will either be out hunting, or she returns to Teslavania to free other chimeras. A side note: Never, ever, EVER call her a monster. The crew has many stories of the results of this insult (among others) when directed at Violent Experiment X.


Chimera: Vex has the strength, claws, and other natural weapons of her progenitors.
Created by Dr. Truzin of Teslavania, Vex is a perfected mix of a set of species the doctor spliced together. Human intelligence, serrated scales, sharp claws, fangs, potent strength, decent run speed, and a full set of predatory skills mix to give the crew of the Polar Vortex a very intimidating saurian hybrid enforcer that no one cares to cross, and a bruiser that can deal with 'heavies' on the other side of the field.
Aether-Wings: Wings that act more like jet engines by burning fire-energy to let her fly.
A separate upgrade that was given to Vex by Dr. Olen, these bio-engineered wings use fire-aether energy to allow Vex to fly more like a jet than a dragon. When the wings are spread, the three support bones appear to be highly over developed with opened ends, allowing for aether to blast out of them. These wings are highly articulate and allow her to fly in various directions, and hover, as needed. They also provide enough thrust for her to carry multiple members of the Polar Vortex crew at a time. Lastly, the front edge of these wings are reinforced, similar to the bone-supports, and are fairly sharp, allowing for extra limbs to attack with.
Brawler: Punching, kicking, biting, clawing, bars and booze not required for fighting!
Vex's primary reason for being with the Polar Vortex crew is to be their enforcer and brawler. Break the rules and deal with her, fight the crew and face her. When she was made, she was forced to fight other chimeric creations around Teslavania for sport. She will use -anything- to her advantage, and only cares about survival, victory, and defending her family (AKA: The Polar Vortex Crew).
Afterburner< Edge >: Vex's wings can be used as potent fiery blasters in extreme moments.
On rare occasion, Vex will use the 'burners' on her wings as weapons instead of for flight. The wings can rotate around to bring the bones to bear so she can fire her stores of fire aether at an enemy. When she does this, she burns a LOT of her reserves, so she only does it as needed.


Thin-Skinned: Do not taunt the Vex. She gets angry very quickly.
A pet, a monster, call Vex anything but a person and she's likely to get angry. To be honest, the chimera is quite easy to anger with a few choice taunts, bad names, or any sort of mockery. Once she's tilted, she's quick to fight, disregarding plans, orders, and even her own safety.
Illiterate: Cannot read or write.
Being bred to fight around Teslavania, reading and writing were struck off of the list of things Vex needed to learn very early on. As part of a pirate crew, she still sees it as unnecessary. This is still something she rarely shares and gets upset about quickly when pointed out.
Non-Dexterous: Not a writer, not a fixer, just a fighter.
Vex's primary purpose on the Polar Vortex is to be a fighter. She doesn't help with repairs, she doesn't work the controls, she is a big guard dog and as a result she doesn't work well with technology or anything else that requires finesse instead of brute force.
Carnivore: Sometimes instincts may override her sensibilities and make her feral.
As Vex requires fire-aether to fly, she has a very high calorie need to generate the energy she needs. She hunts anywhere she's given the opportunity. The problem comes when her instincts work to override her sensibilities. When injured, backed into a corner, utterly enraged, or starving, she can end up being quite feral, resulting in snapping at allies, ignoring verbal requests, or just running/flying off to save herself.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
306 Skullduggery and Salvage Oct 24 2018
280 Punch Clock Oct 06 2018
233 Sight For Shore Eyes Sep 09 2018
See All 3 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.