World Tree MUSH

Sight For Shore Eyes

Character Pose
Renya Rimehart
It was not one of the better days for the Victorian Imperial Navy. Despite the airship's size the Polar Vortex had somehow gotten the drop on the gunship and forced it off it's patrol route of the coastal waters. The cannonfire that followed failed to hit the ship, but keeping out of the line of fire is exactly what drive her into the outcropping of jagged stone protruding from the waters. Fortunately she was an ironclad old wardog so she didn't puncture her hull, but being run upon the unforgiving rock protruding from the waters near shore had essentially run her aground, wedged in place.

Chaos soon followed as the airship closed in and grapples latched on for pirates to descend to the deck and engage the sailors as they scrambled to repeal the invasion. But admist the disaster someone managed to get to the radio room and fire off distress calls until he was finally found and dragged back onto the main deck, not knowing if any of the transmissions had been picked up despite reaching even farther than the world's own boundries.

Even as the evening dragged on pirates and sailors were still fighting, though most of the opposition had been driven into a corner so to speak. The raiders knew they only had so much time, so they focused more on the military arms and supplies in the ship's hold, leaving the larger cannons. As if the setting wasn't ominous enough with dread, an eerie tune drifted across the ship's decks, it's source hard to pin down in the chaos.

And the Captain was not to be seen. Though as the sounds of blades clashing and guns firing rang from within the ship's main wheelhouse, one could imagine that was were she would be, in a fierce foray between the two commanders.
This is pretty far outside of Cape Chillblaine. So one wouldn't expect to see the armored vigilante this far outside of his town. Yet even in Chillblaine the reports of an all day long naval battle involving the Polar Vortex. So he made his way out there, and has been observing from atop the rocky cliffs. 

Her minions are starting to offload equipment. Not good. He figures he'll get in there and put a stop to it, maybe give the sailors a fighting chance. He ignites his jetpack, and launches off of the cliff, his left arm blade sliding out of the hidden sheath as he jets past the various ropes they're using to try to pull equipment into the ship, to cut them as he sails past.
    The sounds of rockets across the crisp cool skies are a sound not often matched, however, as a particular vigilante once again moves to interupt the operations of the Polar Vortex, Tekno may hear something he's never heard before. 

    From somewhere far above, even higher than where the Polar Vortex had settled, there's the sound of an explosion of thrust, but it doesn't sound like any kind of rocket heard here, or even anywhere else in Verdigris. If Tekno has ever heard fire-aether burning, but in the form of plasma being used as thrust, then maybe it's familiar. It'd be an issue to think about it very long, though. There's a shadow following him, and it's getting bigger all the time. . . .

    Was that a roar over the thrusters? It sounded like a roar. A roar with scales, and claws, and a very, very, angry visage. It's one that's going to slam into the rocket-cat's back if he doesn't evade!
Benito Bontade
     In the distance over the rolling hills of waves that are the ocean a sound drifts loud over the waters distorted through the use of an amplifier to blare it over the sounds of weapons fire. It's the thump of the base, echoing out in the air, as a little boat crests over a large wave. 

     Winds and waves splash over the sides of the mahogany speedboat as it crashes right through the waves rather then ride over them. At the front of the ship stands a man in a massively wide brimmed blue hat and a bright blue pinstripe suit. His face is hidden by the brim of his hat as he looks down waves splashing all around him as he holds a bright silver plated Thompson sub-machine gun up in the air managing to stay perfectly in place even as that little vessel zips through turbulent waters.

     In the boat is a small crew, the vessel no larger then a stretch limousine. Three men in matching suits and hats all smoking operate the watercraft some more heavily armed than others. The song? A number by the band Queen- Another One Bites the Dust. It's blared loud and proud as the boat zips closer.

     The mobster on the front of the boat reaches down to a radio attached to the massive amplifier strapped to the front of the boat and speaks up. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen we in the Benito Family regret to interrupt this skirmish with an important emergency announcement." His face peaks up and sure enough there's a bright orange glowing lit cigar sticking out from the corner of his mouth. "The Calvary has arrived."
Renya Rimehart
The pirates were a motely menagerie of various anthromorph species, either dueling with the naval sailors or plundering the armory holds. Most of the munitions had already been brought deckside admist the fighting, likely proving to be a tempting target to more than just the pirates in the process of pilfering them. But the roar of rockets was not a common sound and a few men from both crews stop to look up at the thunderous scream coming across the skies. That's about all they have time for reactions before several of the lines hoisting ill-gotten goods up to the airship are severed and their loads clatter back to the deck or into the waters around them. There's a response of a few shots from the Vortex's clockwork deckguns, but they don't have the firing rate to tag onto Tekno's blitzing speed.

Not that they need to be, as a much more suitable counter comes blazing from the altitudes above.

Admist the clash on the naval ship the wheelhouse doors abruptly crash open and through them stumbles a surly old seadog (in the most literal sense as he's greying old Scottish Terrier) in captain's brash. He promptly spins on his heels and brings his navy sabre up to parry the other sword as Renya prances out after him. He draws back and then thrusts, only for the nimble vixen to jump aside and land on one of the railings, in what looks like a precarious perch.

And behind them trails a lady squirrel, playing what looks like a viola with a phonograph speaker jutting out of it as the source of the eerie music that's been ambient... up until something comes blaring from the small craft shooting over the water, drowning out her musical accompliment. "What the bloody hell is that?!" she retorts, the vulgar choice in words not hiding the hint of a more aristocratic tone in her voice.

".. Eh, it's not -that- bad," Renya replies without looking back. "But it ain't -my- fighting music." Renya strolls out admist the deck, motioning over her shoulder for her musician to resume playing, which she does with a frevor.

"o/~ All you grog filled scurvy dogs who cross me lay there lackin'." Yes, that's the pirate captain herself singing as she strides the deck. "You'll end up heeled beneath the keel; dinner for the kracken." Renya pauses and makes a grand gesture across the rest of the crews. "All the rest will be their best and be my cannon fodder! Cause now son the time has come,"
The naval captain turns to yell at his men to keep fighting but that's right when Renya holds out her own weapon, revealing the gunbarrel along the blade as it's jabbed towards him. "Come kiss the gunner's daughter! o/~" And fires.... Fortunately it's only Frostbite's frigid blast, leaving the ol' seadog frozen in place.

"Now then." Like that was nothing she strolls over to the edge of the deck, puts one foot up on the rail and leans out to see where that other music and shouting is coming from. "Ye got some nerve interruptin' with that racket of yours!"
Somewhere down the line, Tekno is going to need to implement some kind of early warning system for himself. Because he can only hear over the sound of his own rockets at the last second, the sound of some other kind of jet. Aether jet. Very rare tech. He turnsh is head in time to get slammed into by the larger creature.

He immediately kills his engines with a motion from his right hand, starting to throw strikes at the creature that's wrapped around him, swinging back with elbow strikes to try to break the hold on him. He's never seen anything like this, but he can only assume it's dangerous as it's trying to take him out of the sky.
    The rocketcat's thoughts are correct. The clawing, roaring, raging creature spiraling through the sky with him seemed to be nothing more than a beast looking for a meal, at least at first. What sets it apart is the motion of a clawed hand swiping at the thrusters he uses to fly instead of his neck or chest. 

    While Tekno's burners may have gone quiet, the beast's roaring wings continue to blaze as the two head toward the frigid ocean surface below. "HOPE YOU CAN SWIM!" It -speaks-?!
Benito Bontade
     "Sorry, can't hear you over the music" Benito calls over from his spot at the bow of his small runabout. Luckily the little loudspeaker on the front of his boat manages to blare his voice over without too much shouting. "You want me to turn it up?" He motions behind himself towards one of the members of his little group of goons and the music just gets louder blaring out into the waves. 

     One handed he just waves over. "You know what I'll just come up there so I can hear you better." Before kneeling down as the boat veers one side to the other attempting to avoid any of the stray shots splattering the water, just to hook the little radio receiver back into the stolen police megaphone. He comes back up a light smile on his grizzled face as the orange of his cigar lights up that ear to ear grin of his, a long drag soon following.

     As he comes up to a stand the boat hits one wave, and then another before the third manages to launch the motorized craft up into the air. "Another day at the office." Spoken under his breath quietly as the little boat soars through the sky right over the ship. His voice may be lost in the midst of all the chaos but it's almost... bored? As the small boat makes its arch over Benito drops off the front of it.

     Falling off the side of the ship he rips a small chord on his back and a parachute opens. The chute has a bright American flag on its surface red white and blue with stars and stripes. It slows his fall for a few moments before he burns the chords with his own cigar dropping down into a tuck and roll on the deck.

     Skidding slightly in the process as the pack and chute float off into the distance he comes up to a slow stand still one handing the Thompson. His cigar is pulled out from the corner of his mouth and he blows smoke into the air. "You were saying?"
Well that's a surprise that the thing can talk. But that also means that it..She? The voice sounded feminine a bit but now's not the time to worry about it. Because Vex just gave away their intentions, and that's all Tekno needs. 

Sure he can swim. But he'd rather not swim with all his gear on. So his gauntlets switch weapons, and he aims for her legs, the only parts he can get any kind of angle on, "I would but it messes with my hair!" He replies, before he fires both of the taser darts from the gauntlets. Maybe that'll make her let go.
Renya Rimehart
A few waves and the tiny (in comparison) boat catchs some major air. Members of both crews scatter from their fighting to dive out of the way as the motorcraft buzzes overhead, apparently expecting it to come crashing down onto the deck itself. Rather than making a dramatic delivery method for one man to parachute off and land on the steel-reinforced-woodplank deck.

"Show off," Renya murmurs under her breath, which causes the musician to stop playing and just stare at her. Because that retort was so hypocritical it almost hurt hearing it. But she's dismissively waved off before she can remark. "Don't mind me, Miss Courante. Go rally the crew." Renya turns and saunters back towards where the motorboat just crossed over, idly reaching over with her free hand to push the still frozen naval captain off to the side, as he's unable to do much else than glare at her from under the ice.

"I was saying," Renya raises her voice regardless of there being music or not, now she's just doing it to make a point. "Ye got some nerve interrupting. Do ye even know who ye be dealing with?"

The snow white fox grabs one of the younger looking sailors and yanking him over. "Go on, tell him." She holds just the tip of her calisabre close to his cheek. "Or do I gotta cut that tongue free to make it waggle?"

The young sailor looks about ready to wet himself at the proximity, stumbling and stuttering a few times before finally managing to spit out "Captain Renya Rimehart!" He stops, then gulps as Renya prods just a little bit more with the tip. "Scourge of the Seven Skyways; Bane of the Victorian Imperial Navy, Self Proclaimed Pirate Princess of Verdigris!"

"Aye." Reyna withdraws the weapon, pats his cheek, and then shoves him back off to the side. Gives a fanciful twirl of her weapon, even though she's got an eye on that piece Benito is sporting. "Ye still wanna play, scallywag?"
    She can talk, she's clearly sapient, but no one ever said she was tactical. She's a brute force card to be used, and sometimes people can use that to their advantage. That's a good thing for Tekno, who is suddenly free of the chimera's grasp when the tazer darts send their current racing across the creature's scaled frame, even causing those aether-burning wings to sputter a moment. "Eh?!" She's as much surprised as she's pained, but that is going to change in short order. This is the cat's chance!
Benito Bontade
     Benito is mostly silent as the speech goes on, the self proclaimed Pirate Princess having her credentials read aloud. He places a hand down onto the shoulder of his hand tailored very expensive looking pinstripe suit looking across the deck as he puffs away. There's a pregnant pause before he starts chuckling to himself quietly. 

    "You'll have to forgive me." Said with a friendly smile. "I'm not usually so rude." His hand adjusts his hat running along the brim to wipe water off of it and bring it back into place the gun hand still holding the smg upright. "See, I'm just a family man, help my father run a small import-export business" He shakes his head smoke rolling out from the sides of his mouth. "But, I could have sworn you just said your a princess, and I admit I couldn't help but laugh" He places a hand back down onto the shoulder of his pinstripe suitjacket. "because from where I'm standing?" The smile turns to a frown.

     He rips away the jacket allowing it to flutter into the air. Beneath rests a pair of crossed bandoliers loaded to the brim with magazines, and a number of grenades, covering over a simple white undershirt. The sheer amount of ordinance carried on his person is almost ridiculous especially considering there was very little space for him to hide it. On either hip rests a matching silver plated automatic pistol engraved with the virgin Mary. "All I see is a body."
With the grip loosening on him, he takes the opporitunity and re-lights his afterburners, shooting up away from the surface of the water. Obviously this isn't going to be easy. Not that he expected it would be after his last run in with the Polar Vortex, but this was something new.

He zoomed up and around, before landing on the top of the Polar Vortex, perching there and waiting. He figures that creature, whatever or whoever it is, will come for him. But at least now they've lost the element of surprise and he can dictate the fight on his terms.
    Well, he's right about one thing. She lost the element of surprise. The chimera is a thing that exists, apparently is a part of the Polar Vortex's crew, but what he may not know is just where she's going to come up -from-. He may be on top of the ship, but as her wing-burners roar to life, their ascent is loud enough that they seem to come up from all directions below the ship!

    It's almost as if she's a shark underwater, circling, waiting for just the right moment to rush upward. It's a game of cat and mouse. Where will Tekno think she's going to come up from? Where should she in reply? ... Well, she doesn't think about it -particularly- hard. Just that she hesitates and does indeed circle well below decks before her wings hurl her upward at full power once again.

    The next part is the odd part. It was such a blast of momentum that her body soars upward, even as her wings go quiet. Tekno would see her rise, but with the ends of her wings -facing- him, and a horribly feral smirk across her face. She doesn't need witty one-liners like her captain. Actions speak far louder than any words. The openings of her wings go brilliant as blasts of plasma go rushing out of them -at- Tekno. No thrust, just a powerful pair of blasts!
The plasma blasts catch him off guard. He brings his arms up in front of his face, thankful to have a helmet and goggles but wanting to keep the exposed parts of his face from melting off.

The force of it knocks him off of the ship and sends him tumbling down the side. He doesn't even think to ignite his engines, instead stabbing the blade into the side of the ship and grinding to a loud, metal on metal halt. Well that's gonna need to get repaired.

He hangs there on the side of the airship, trying to figure out what the hell to do. He's not sure if anything he has in the non-lethal category will even put a dent in this thing. He might have to switch up his tactics a bit. Digging into the satchel strapped around him, he pulls out a small metalic object with his other hand. He hooks it to his rig, and then brings his right hand up to flip the tint on his goggles.

Releasing the blade, he drops for a moment before he shoots back up into the air, rising up above the ship and above Vex, before he hucks the small ball at her. It gets about halfway between himself and her before it bursts into a extremely bright flare, lighting up the battlefield and casting eirie shadows across everything below the ship. If she's a predator, her vision is probably important, he thinks. He can use that against her...Unless she's smell based in which case he's probably screwed.
Renya Rimehart
... Great, now they're both posturing. Lindsay just rolls her eyes, for a moment wondering why she puts up with this... then remembers it's because Renya is both a long-time friend and the one that got her away from her overbearing father that only wanted to marry her off for money, and gets back to work. "You heard the Captain! Grab what you can and get back onto the ship!" The viola bow isn't quite as intimidating as a sword, but the way she gestures with it has much the same effect in getting the crewmen back in action. Then she resumes playing, this time a spicy marching beat to keep them moving.

An ear flicks at the 'import-export' remark, then Renya rolls her eyes and gives a dismissive shrug of one arm. "It's a title. Don't have to literally rule to rule the seas, it's all in the presentation."

Benito yoinks off his jacket to reveal just how strapped her is. No, I mean in weapons, not the other kind of strapped. It's followed by a barking (literally) laugh. "Keep ye eyes were they belong mate. Bigger guns that those have tried getting this 'body' and failed." Though she only has that sword/gun weapon visible. Yet it gives the impression to not be taken lightly the way she handles it. "So are ye gonna try and stop me, or just keep wavin' your compensating around all night?"
    It's surprising how fast her wings swing back after the shots, switching back to their flight-mode as the roar of the burning plasma returns. She lost a lot of momentum from taking her shots, so it does take a moment or two for her to start to ascend again. It's why seeing Tekno surging up into the air over her sets her growling. The small sphere gets her curious, and then the world washes out, hidden behind a curtain of pure white blinding light. Even Renya may hear the confused shriek from the ocean surface below.
Benito Bontade
     Speaking of rolling, Benito starts rolling. Grenades that is. As he throws one he dives backwards opening fire on the woman in front of him with a barrage of .45 rounds that sound about as loud as the cannons going off. While one hand opens fire with what should be a two handed weapon the other having just thrown a grenade pulls a pistol. Except the shots aren't aimed at the pirate princess, but at her feet, attempting to shoot out a hole in the deck for her to fall through.
Renya Rimehart
That is definately a sound you don't hear Vex make very often. The rarity in itself is enough to get the attention of the pirates that had just been watching from the airship deck. A goggled raccoon can be heard yelling at them and a couple run below deck to crank up one of the heavier steam driven hoists. It was normally used for lifting large cargo, but if Vex ended up in the water it would be the only thing strong enough to fish her out again.

Renya would probably be flinching at the sound as well, but her attention has been fixed on her interruption. To the point that despite all the noise those engines were making she didn't even really register it was Tekno that had showed up. Despite her flamboyant posturing she's keep her eyes at Benito and his plethora of ways to do grevious harm. As soon as he moves to grab and throw a grenade she whips up her other arm overhead. A grappling line shoots out from up her sleeve and snares the ship rigging overhead, and she zips into the air just as the gunshots shatter the deck planks where she'd been standing and the grenade rolls over the edge. A few moments after the thoom of the detonation, dampeded by the depths of the warship, rattles back up through the infrastructure.

Boots catch the rigging shaft, hooked in the notch at the heels to brace herself. "Okay. Guess that ain't all just for looks after all." With heels and tether to support herself Renya twists, sweeping her own weather back in Benito's direction and opening fire. The extreme cold generated by Frostbite spits out several shards of ice, hard and sharp to the point that they're no less dangerous than actual bullets.
The flare is just the distraction that Tekno needed. Renya is nowhere to be seen so far and this new combatant has thrown his plan entirely out of whack. Besides...She's already got the loot from the looks of it, and he knows that discression is the better part of valor. So he takes off, flying away from the airship, back towards where his land transort is. He'll regroup and try it again next time they make their appearance. If he knows one thing about Renya, she'll have some new flamboyant scheme sooner or later.
    With Tekno breaking off, and Vex's sight only barely returning, the chimera manages to somehow hobble-fly back to the deck of the Polar Vortex where she can take off and land with relative ease. Crew members give her a fairly wide berth as she stomps by on all fours, managing to not bang into any walls or other things as she goes, wanting nothing more than to just find a corner and curl in it until she can see again. Both of them had clues to how the other fought, it would make the next round that much more interesting. 

        "Stupid damn cat."
Benito Bontade
     Benito tucks and rolls backwards once more as the bolts of ice come his way one managing to rip through the shoulder of his shirt doing some damage on the way past. It almost manages to knock him out of the roll, resulting in his skidding backwards across the deck feet touching against what was the captains door. 

     "Cool moves" As he runs forward for a moment it looks like he's trying to shoot right back at Renya, "but I think you need to chill out." before he grabs hold onto part of the rigging just in time for his bullets to tear through some of the rope catapulting him back into the air end over end. "It's ice meeting you though all things considered."He kicks the point of his boot into the sail of the ship, and uses the sail to slide back down while opening fire towards her.

     It's not that the cold bothers him. If he was honest with himself he'd probably say it hurt like hell that graze on his upper shoulder, but he was rarely honest with himself about such things. At least not while he was in public. It didn't matter how scared you were in his business, how out manned and outgunned you felt dealing with people who could control the weather, you never showed your cards till the game was over.

     Landing to block the doorway down to the lower decks he places a single arm on the door frame blocking one of the crew from heading down. "Listen, I'd love to leave you to this, but you know how business can be." Less then a second later sending forward the butt of his rifle towards the anthromorph in front of him.
Renya Rimehart
It's hard for anyone to see with her up the rigging, but there's a definate twitch in Renya's eye as Benito just tanks through the shoulder graze and starts making the cold puns before she can. How rude! Now this guy was seriously getting on her nerves. She was going to have to -- uh oh. How'd he get up here so quick, stealing her own tricks as well as the puns now?! Renya kicks off the bar and twists on her tether as bullets punch through the sail behind her.

Until one catchs the tether, and audible twang as it splits several of the cords wound together to make the cable and they start to unravel. The fox only gets a moment to look up at the split before it snaps completely, and the momentum of her own swing sends her sprawling downwards. She crashes into a stack of crates and barrels that had been waiting to be loaded, shattering the wood from impact and an audible groan from her. A moment later she can be heard muttering something about how typically she's not kissing the deck until after a few more mugs of rum and pushes herself back onto her feet. Oof. That was definately going to be bruised and sore in the morning, this Benito fellow was better than he looked.

"Oo-oo-oo-oof!" is bleated out as the anthro goat is slammed in the gut with the rifle stock, hunching over as he's reeling backwards from the blow. No more looting for that bloke. Some of the naval sailors have started cheering, if only because he was fighting the infamous Captain Rimehart. Save the galley mate, that had finally lugged a pail of hot water out of the cabin and was pouring it over the frostbitten seadog.

Of course there's just as many lingering pirates cheering their own captain as Renya grabs her hat from where it fell, repositions it on her head, and vaults over the remainder of the stack to bound across the deck. With one hand she grabs the groaning goatman and then spins around to swing him out of the way, repositing herself between them as she swipes with her calisabre to knock Benito's rifle aside. Then pushes the deckhand back towards the others of her crew. "Forget the rest! Get back on the Vortex."

Swordplay isn't her only fighting skill though, as Renya finishes her turn and kicks one of her heels at Benito's side to keep him on the opposite of her from her crew as they're packing it in.

Pirate or not, she's apparently got some concern for her crew. She's despicable, not dishonorable.
Benito Bontade
     The kick manages to connect and seemingly on the surface it doesn't do much he manages to tank the kick and grab onto it. What's not seen is the amount of pain he's already in from the wounded shoulder, and another wound hidden by the black pants where she'd managed to tear up his leg. The clothing was dark for a reason, to hide the injuries. 

     One thing he's good at is looking like he's in control even though she doesn't realize how on the ropes she really has him for as quick as the fights been. He's not used to getting handed to himself this badly, but he pulls it off on the surface as if he's got everything well under control just as cocksure as ever a smile on his face.

     "Excuse me Princess, but I think it's tradition for the man to ask the woman for a dance." A cocksure smile on his face as he still hasn't managed to drop that detestable cigar the orange glow lighting up that bright smile of pure white teeth his hat tilted slightly to one side as his eyes lock on hers a moment before he starts putting his advanced combat training to the test, working in an attempt to flip her over his shoulder with leverage from the leg.
Renya Rimehart
In all fairness the mobster, despite being out of his own world and against an unfamiliar foe, was most definately holding his own. He was tough where the vixen was nimble; his stoic focus counters her famboyant boisterous almost perfectly. Renya did not hold her position without the capacity to back it up. But yet this one off-worlder was proving to be much more than she had anticipated from his arrival. Definately a few scores above the sailors and adventurers she was accustomed to dealing with.

And while she had ventured beyond the bounderies of her world, Renya hasn't really scuffled with that many otherworldy foes yet. To have one of them fending her off on home turf, relatively speaking, was arguably rubbing her the wrong way more than the injuries were.

The kick connects, but then Benito grabs her leg, and while she's hardly weak she off her balance and can't recover before he flips the lighter of the pair of the deck and over his shoulder. Renya twists in the air, hitting the deck in a roll and tumbling over to spring back to her feet, making it look like she intended to do that with all the grace Swashbucklers were known for.

But if there was one aspect they shared, it was not showing just how ruffled they were. Ever the showwoman Renya puts on the aire that it was all part of the day for her, turning her body aside and swishing her tail in a curl to hide the slight backward stumble she has in ending the tumble, expression never flinching from it's paunche smirk with the wince its holding back. "Well, then."

Boots clack against the deck as Renya bolts back into motion and rushing towards Benito to carry on the fight... Only at the last minute to drop down and slide between the man's legs, then off the end of the deck.... There is no expected splash in the water below though. As she had dropped down Renya grabbed the chain to the Polar Vortex's anchor, which was in the process of being wrenched up after the pirates had climbed back aboard.

But all Benito would see of that spectacular manuever was when she rises back into view standing on said anchor, giving him a faux salute with her weapon before sheathing it and riding the improvised lift back up to her airship. "Sorry to cut the dance short mate, but a good Captain knows when she's wore her welcome out~"
Benito Bontade
     "Parting is such sweet sarrow" Benito says walking his way over with a confident gate. He scoops up his jacket from the deck and puts it over his shoulder, not a single scruff or scratch on it for all the combat that had taken place. It's just in time as the slight wet patches on his undershirt started to become visible from damage done. Now they are hidden deep beneath the thick pinstripe jacket. 

     "By the way." He calls after she rises back up. His attention looking over towards her. "Enjoy the souvenir." A pause for just a moment. "I left the pin in just for you." He holds the jacket with one hand the other waving to her with a light grin as he puffs away on that same cigar, the strategically placed jacket covering the slight drip of crimson on the deck.
Renya Rimehart
It takes a moment for Renya to realize what he's hinting at. To her credit she refrains from reacting immeadiately, keeping up her own appearance of not being nearly as tired or sore as she is.

As the anchor clatters into it's hold there's a couple of crewman, including the goat she's pulled from Benito's assault, leaning over the railing to give her a hand up onto the deck proper. Once there Renya searchs for the 'souvenir' while making it look like she's just straightening out her jacket and such after the fiasco. And finding.. well, it was a clever trick either way.

Finally she just grabs her scarf and gives the ends an annoyed flick over her shoulder. "What's the damage?" she asks the nearest crewman.
"Not much as we'd hoped, Cap'n," the literal bear of a man replies. "But it's some, and that naval tub ain't goin' nowhere for a while. And..."

"We'll make do." Renya pauses. An ear flicks. "And?... This 'and' wouldn't happen to do with the gouge in the hull I saw on the way up would it?"
"And.. Vex repelled an intruder. Not one of them, or the navy. Some bloke flyin' 'round... almost like she does."

Renya had started to walk towards the cabin, but pauses at that. She doesn't look back, but there's a faint kink in the way her tail twitchs. "Feline? Goggles, helmet?"
"Aye.. Wait, was he important?"

There's a long, baited pause. Then a flat "No." as Renya resumes her walk, though diverting to head below deck as well. She needed to confirm with her Enforcer, if she wasn't too busy skulking. This was a long way to come just to get after her...
Benito Bontade
Benito Bontade calls over the side of the ship towards his friends in the forgotten speedboat "Ey, Vinny, hope you got something good while I was running distraction"