
World: Providence-1
Groups: Keepers


Once a noble woman high in status, Vivian was reknowned for her beauty and artistic skills. She was a happy, quiet woman that nonetheless had a will of iron. Something she proved the day her husband was taken from her, and a rival suitor attempted to take his place. Vivian called upon forbidden magics to make her rejection clear, willingly making herself an outcast from her society. With mystical powers that tear at the fabric of reality with every use and allow her to rip the life from somone's body to power her spells, Vivian is a fearsome woman obsessed with vengeance against her entire world. When not pursuing this goal she is soft-spoken, pleasant, and even very social, but always it is the anger at her personal injustice that drives her.


Flight: A swift and acrobatic flyer.
As a Swan-type Pureblood, Vivian possesses large, feathery wings that allow her to fly under her own power, regardless of magic use. She can do this at about the speed of a normal sprint, and is very nimble in the air. Her maneuverability and speed go up greatly with the help of her magic, though still not approaching supersonic.
Empath: Vivian can vaguely sense emotions, and attempt to adjust their potency.
Vivan has a natural ability to sense emotions and read body language, to the point that it borders on supernatural. This isn't strong enough to read anyone dedicated to hiding their emotions, it's simply a knack with people. She can, with the help of her dancing, attempt to magnify or lessen the dominant emotion in a person or crowd, but she cannot create or change emotions.
Blight Magic: Drain magic or life force to restore hers, and inflict disease and age or rot.
Vivian's magical tradition is called 'Blight Crow,' and they are feared in her home world. She has the ability to leech magical energy or life force from the surrounding area, or other beings, to restore her own magic or life. Even if she doesn't take such energy, many of her spells accelerate decay in objects, or even rapidly age a person into infirmity or death. Surviving rapid aging will allow the person to 'heal' back to their original age. She can also inflict crippling disease or weakness, but this is very temporary, usually only long enough for battle. Vivian is especially skilled with most of these, even for a Blight Crow.
Wird Mastery: Sense magic and life, analyze magical energies, counter magic.
Vivian is a skilled magician who can sense the presence or use of magical energy and the presence of life that is within roughly earshot of her. She can, given time, analyze magical energies to determine the purpose of a spell or item, though particularly complex enchantments elude her understanding. She can raise defensive barriers of magic against magical energies, or attempt to disrupt or dispel magic.
Illusion Magic: Can create simple static illusions or disguise, defend, or hide herself.
While not nearly as skilled with illusions as she is with her other spells, Vivian does possess the ability to create simple nonmoving illusions, and to disguise her form as another humanoid being. This can mimic the appearance of a specific person, but the mimicry is not that great, and cannot change her voice or mannerisms, so she usually uses it to give herself a less distinctive appearance. She can also use this to create illusory copies of herself, blur her form, or even turn invisible and mask her sound and scent, though the last requires concentration to maintain and is short duration.
Dancer: Very skilled in dancing on foot or in the air.
Like all Swans, Vivian is fascinated with the arts. Her expression is done by dance, and she is quite good at it. She uses this to focus her emotion-altering abilities.
Wind Magic: Extremely powerful with wind to aid in flying, speed, and attacking.
Vivian has what is known as an Arasswa'il, or a 'deep mystery' of the Wird, her kind's term for magic. In her case, Air-elemental spells are much more powerful than those of others in her world, giving her the ability to greatly boost her flight and speed, to send out blasts of wind, and to attack with small tornadoes or flurries of razor sharp winds.


Blight Crow: Casting spells of any kind leaves an obvious trail of rot and corruption.
When Vivian casts a spell, she most often draws on the surrounding power instead of her own. All but the most minute and weakest of spells requires her to do this, warping the area around her. This varies from simply making the grass dry out and start to die, to much more dramatic effects that actually start to decay the area and twist living things that grow there. This makes her unpopular, to say the least, and also leaves a very obvious signature that she was there and casting.
Empathic Backlash: Easily caught up in emotions of others, especially when using Empath abilities.
Vivian's empathy can be useful, or it can be a curse. When too close to large groups of emotions that are largely in sync, she can easily be swept up in the moment if she has no immediate strong goal of her own... and sometimes even then. She'll quickly join up with mobs, or be fired up by speeches, and so on. If she attempts and fails to alter someone's emotional state, she will have unpredictable bursts of that emotion for some time after, randomly feeling affection or hate or sadness with no trigger and hampering her ability to think clearly.
Retributions: Using too much magic causes reality to backlash with small natural disasters.
Blight Crows don't coax reality into doing what they want, they tear what they want from the will of the cosmos. This causes ripples as reality tries to compensate, and those manifest as small-scale disasters. Thunderstorms, microbursts, localized earthquakes, and so on. Normally these are very small in area, but they can be detectable for some distance away, and may draw attention. Using powerful magics is a risky venture for Vivian.
Couples: Vivian is obsessive about proper marriage and monogamous conduct.
All Swans have a compulsion toward monogamy, but Vivian's has sharpened to an obsession. As long as she has reason to believe a couple is loyal to one another in spirit, she will be completely unable to do anything that might come between them, aside from fighting for her life, and even then she will retreat at first opportunity. Likewise, if she has reason to believe that someone in a couple is disloyal, she will obsessively pursue them to 'punish' them at the cost of any other immediate goals.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
897 Boiling Point Oct 21 2021
259 Not a Morning Dragon Sep 26 2018
246 Dragon Waking Sep 24 2018
224 Nice hat? Treasure and Dungeons! Aug 31 2018
188 Listen to the Poles Jul 13 2018
124 Those Dagon Tourists May 24 2018
84 An afternoon in the digital world May 08 2018
57 A Pretty Peachy Party Mar 22 2018
49 Rancor in the Fog Mar 15 2018
27 Tea and Keepers Feb 04 2018
See All 14 Scenes


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