World Tree MUSH

An afternoon in the digital world

Character Pose
    It's a clear, calm day in this field, there is a breeze, there are flowers, the chimney of a nearby home is releasing smoke, and the scent of cooking meat is filling the air. There is a forest nearby, and there are some bird noises coming from one of the trees, but otherwise, there does not seem to be many visible creatures around. 
     Not too far from the house, a trio of large creatures seem to be playing some kind of game. A big fox thing, that might look familiar to some of them, a large Periwinkle wolf with blue stripes, and what might be described as a large, blue furred Akita dog with a scarf. Seems they just take turns trying to run around, holding a large melon, and trying to keep it away from the others. At this point, the blue Akita seems to be taking advantage of the extra reach that large Scarf seems to give it to try to keep it away, taunting the others to just get the 'ball'. In general, they all seem a bit distracted by the 'game' at this point.
"I think I have a painting of this in my archives Operator." Ordis commented as Ash stopped his run to stare rather openly at the three dog-mon playing cards. Ever since his getting spat out across the worlds he's been making it a point to try working and stretching his body as opposed to just using the warframe for everything... and it showed.

He stood near the group of dogs leaning forward, hands on knees, panting and huffing in attempt at catching his breath.

"Operator you've only done three kilometers. You set six as your target for this excersize." Ordis's voice sounded concerned as the cephelon worried.

Ash's breathign was deep, "I know... Ordis.... Five minute break...." And then the Tenno, the vaulted warrior of blade and gun, death incarnate on the battlefield, and a one man slaughterhouse pitched backward to land on his rump. "Owe."
    Vivian is always scouting out for worlds that can be used to turn into Thorns... but sometimes she just wanders to see things. Sometimes this ends up furthering her goals, but she isn't always out for that, and just seeing what's out there is useful both for knowledge and to relax.

    That is why the dark, winged woman is landing some distance off, walking lightly forward to... watch. What? She can admire something cute!
Miwa decided to come visit Bewul's world today, as he had just recently visited her home, and she was quite curious to see what Bewul's home was like and potentially meet some other Digimon. She floats in towards Bewul's house, riding inside a huge bubble of water, letting the wind carry it as much as possible before singing a sort of melodic chant to guide the bubble in for a landing nearby. Upon landing, she looks around for a few moments and finds a spot where the ground forms a small depression, and uses a Water Gun attack briefly to fill in the depression and make herself a little pool. Now a bit more comfortable, she watches as Bewul playa what looks like a game of keep-away with two other canine-like Digimon. 

Soon she heard someone else coming and turned to see a familiar form, waving a flipper at Ash. "Hello there." She greets warmly before turning back to watch the game.
After rescuing Miwa from being stranded in the desert and helping her find her way home (and getting asked one too many times if he was some kind of mutant Sandslash by those locals) Dillon had decided to do a bit of exploring of his own and find some places he didn't, well, stand out quite so much. Fortunately his new friend had a few suggestions, and its after the sea siren that he ambles, watching her float in her bubble and then improvise a puddle for herself. "Much more effective," he notes, mostly to himself.
    Bewul is unaware of the visitors at first, waiting for the blue furred Akita to get distracted, and snatches the 'ball' with a very swift motion of a paw, this Fox might make a good magician or thief if he wanted. He tries to run away while the wolf and akita suddenly tumble around a bit, hoping to sneak around with the melon, when he spots Miwa nearby!. He wags his tail, and opens his maw to greet the mermaid seal, "Miwa!", in the process, a couple things happen, first, the 'ball' falls with a loud thud, clueing the others of the fact that the fox had the prize. "Hey, how have you been?" he begins, but is interrupted as "Got you!" before he is interrupted by the two doggish digimon pouncing and piling up on him, "Got you!". It might be a bit of a scary display, if it wasn't for the chuckling from the poor Fox caught beneath. 

     It takes the pair another couple moments to notice the arrivals, pausing in their struggle and casually glancing at Miwa and Dillon, "Friends of yours?" asks the blue dog to Bewul.
Ash watched the display, having seen enough kubrows at play to recognize play rather than violence. "Ordis... That's not dogsp laying poker." He finally managed to get his breathing under control and straightened. As he slowly walked towards the gathering he wa unaware of the dark winged lady, and if he was he might honestly mistaken her for a local given a rather angelic sort of winged lady pointed him in the direction that wound up bringing him here.

He then raised his voice, "Don't make me get the spraybottle after you three!" He hoped his voice sounded amused rathr than threatening. He's seen ostrons use prays as part of kubrow and kavat training, not to mention other worlds using similar for thire pets. He figured something of that sort might translate here. Granted he'd need Hydoid for something properly scaled, but it was what it was. "Everything looks well here. Friends of yours?"
Miwa chuckles as Bewul drops the ball in order to say her name. "Nice to see you too. I've been alright lately." She says as she turns her attention to Dillon and gestures toward him with a flipper. "I brought a friend, this is Dillon, he helped me out of a bit of a jam, you might say..." She says as she gives the armadillo a wink. Hearing Ash's joke of a warning makes her laugh. "If you need a spray bottle, just let me know, I can cover that function easily." She quips as she looks back at the other two Digimon besides Bewul. "And who might the two of you be?" She asks curiously.
    "Oh, they talk," Vivian says. She has no need to keep herself hidden, so speaking would be better than accidentally startling. She sounds only mildly surprised, though. "That makes it much easier. Unless you all have some odd desire to pounce and attack me." She says that with a mild smile, though.

    Yes, she's saying this even though Ash is different from the others. "Do you mind some company of a curious Swan?"
True to his strong silent type when Miwa introduces him Dillon simple grabs his hat and gives it a brief tip to the others, his usual greeting.
    The striped wolf gets up and glances back at Ash, long tail giving a wag, "I like this one." he says with a grin, "I have yet to find a spraybottle strong enough to defeat me." the creature boasts, finally getting off poor Bewul adn moving to greet the others, apparently moving first towards Miwa, given she offered her name first!. "You can call me Garurumon." he replies, bowing a bit, and then playfully jumping towards Ash, but stopping before getting too close, "What's your name?" he asks. The blue Akita remains sitting on poor Alden, casually grabbing the ball with that red scarf it has, "You can call me Ga." he offers to Miwa and Dillon, before looking down at Bewul. "Call me Great Gao, and I might let you move.". "No." comes the reply from beneath. A second glance to Dillon gets the dog to turn his head, "I don't recall seeing digimon like you two around here before, are you an Armadillomon?" comes as a question. 
     Of course, Vivian's arrival is noticed, but oddly, winged women seem not quite unusual around here, so she is not as surprising!. Bewul is the first to offer a greeting, "I don't mind at all, as long as you are not looking to get in a fight." he chuckles. "Come on, get off me, I want to get up." he mumbles, squirming. "Well, you know what to have to do then, I have all day." is the final reply.
"Please let him up" Ash's voice was soft. He made no display or show of force when he walked towards Bewul. "You have guests and not letting your friend up over a matter of pride makes you a bad host." He then bowed to the trio of Dog-Mon. "I am Ash." No last name given. "If you hear a second voice comingfrom my shoulder, or ear? THat is Ordis. He isn't here since he is busy keeping up with all the needs of my ship." He smiled at Miwa and offered Dillon a seperate bow before turning to Vivian. "As you can see miss, this place seems to favor the winged andor anthropamorphic sort. You fit right in."
Oh here we go again. But Dillon's expression remains stoic as he shakes his head faintly. "No 'mon'." Whatever that means.
Miwa grins a bit at the Garurumon's boasting, but when he introduces himself to her, it fades to a friendly smile. "Well, it's nice to meet you, and maybe we should have a spar sometime, see if I'm a strong enough 'spray bottle' for you." She says with a laugh, turning her gaze to include Gao. "Nice to meet you also Gao, and we're not Digimon at all, I'm a Pokemon, a Primarina to be specific, and well, I'll let Dillion speak for himself if he wants to." Vivian gets a glance from her, but she just nods, agreeing with Bewul's sentiment and not feeling she needed to add anything herself. When Ash politely asked for Gao to get off of Bewul, she couldn't help but smile and nod, as he made a very good point.
    Vivian stretches her wings lightly, "Ah, I can tell. I'm not a... Digimon either, my world is far beyond the reach of most." She dips her head. "Vivian. And I am not here to fight. I'd prefer a more even fight if I were, hmm?" She chuckle lightly.

    Wings fold back then. "I'm not familiar with this region, but I do like to explore. I tend toward more troubled areas, and this seems peaceful enough, for the moment."
     The fluffy blue husky thing listens to the others politely asking him to get up, and finally complies, "Only because your friends asked nicely." he says softly, climbing off nad offering a polite bow, "Nice to meet all of you, any friends of Bewul are welcome of course." he says softly, "I take you are all visiting from the other worlds Bewul was talking about." he says, taking a few steps closer to the others, moving towards Vivian this time, "Troubled areas?" he asks, "Well, I don't think there are many on this level." he muses, before nodding, "Same as me, no fun if it's one sided.". 
     The blue striped wolf chuckles a bit when Miwa says that, "Sure, I'd like that, I am curious about what you can do." As he hears Dillon's stoic answer, he nods, "I see, sorry for the confusion, you kind of remind me of a certain person, it's neat to hear other worlds have creatures like us.".
     Bewul is free!, and the first thing he does, is tossing the 'ball' at the blue husky, bonking him on the head, "For sitting on me, you big furball." he says playfully, before stretching a bit, "But, that was fun, nice to do some fun exercise." he comments, smiling to Ash, "Thanks for talking him out of resting on me for the rest of the afternoon." he offers, chuckling. "So, can I offer you all anything?... I only have tea, a few apples and meat, and a bit low on the last one, thanks to the other visits." he motions at the other two digimon.
Ash had learned at least some sense of ettiquet. "I would like tea so long as it is no trouble." He reached over to the Akita-looking 'mon and patted it on the shoulder. "We are from other worlds. Mine far diffrent than many others, and right now? I can't find my way bac which... is kinda good because a lot of not-good things live there that wouldl ove causing trouble." He had mental images, waking nightmares actually, of the Grineer pouring out into the rest of theworlds like a plague. Corpus woul want to trade, but corpus are corpus. If anything having actual markets would calm them down.
Miwa smiles as the wolf seems interested in her offer, and with a kick of her tail, she playfully splashes him a little. She grins as she watches Bewul interact with the other two Digimon though, happy to see that though they sometimes gave each other a hard time, they seemed to be good friends. The mention of food and drink gets her attention however and nods at Bewul's offer. "Sure, tea would be lovely, and as for food, I'd be happy to try a little of everything."
Dillon perks a bit from his stoic demeanor when something of a snack is mentioned. Not that it's that much different from his standard attitude. "Whatever suits the host." It would be rude to turn down the offer, but he's not just going to assume those things mean the same things in a different world, either. Best to leave that to the locals.

He tilts his head a bit in Ash's direction afterward. "Lotta fightin', I take it."
    Laughing lightly, Vivian watches the furball twist away and laughs lightly. "Mmmhm. Don't worry about it, I just hunt trouble and can't really stay in one place. I think it should be obvious I like to travel." She flexes wings again, and then looks for a place to sit.

    Ash talks of his world too, and Vivian perks up about that. "Yes, my world is a troubled place as well, and I think it is better it is not easy to reach."
    Bewul smiles and nods as the others seem to accept the offer, the fox wagging his tail for a little while, before addressing the other digimon, "I guess we are taking a break from our game, why don't you two go back to the town and see about getting more snacks?" he asks. The garurumon chuckles when splashed, slowly swatting a paw towards the Primarina, before nodding, "Will be back in a bit, hope to see you again soon." he offers to the pokemon, before he begins padding towards the east. 
     The akita leans into the patting, ears twitching a few times as he hears what Ash says, "I hope you find your way back regardless... I mean, it is your home... perhaps you can find someone to help you with those things while looking for a way back?" he offers, before nodding to Bewul and stretching again, headbumping Ash, and smiling to Vivian before he gets up and tries to catch up with the other one.
     Finally, Bewul guides the others to his house, it is not particularly fancy, somewhat dome shaped, and rough, but seems solid enough, with his small meat plants nearby. "Please come in, I am almost glad no one else is around or I might run out of place.!" he adds. He casually returns to his Gabumon form with a flash of light, the now small guy moving towards a wood stove and starting to boil some water for the tea. Seems there are enough seats for all five of them at least, even if they might be slightly on the small side for larger adults. On the table there is a fruit bowl, holding bunch of apples. "I got those from my last visit on Shinjuku, they are good!" he offers, "I hope green tea is fine, I don't have other kind."
Dillon follows Bewul and the others towards the house, but he can't help but stop and stare at the plants. Growing meat. On plants. "... Weird." That's pretty far out there, even by his definitions.

Then again, people probably think the same thing about scruffles being the size of large melons.
Ash got headbutted by a thing larger than any kubrow back home... but not by nearly as much as most owuld believe. He braced and then gave a weak smile at the invitation to comein. He had seen this home before. 

Ash was not fully grown, but the seating would seem a bit small to sit in. So instead he grabbed an apple and sat crosslegged, somehwo floating a half-meter off the ground as he examined thefruit. "Shin-ju-ku...." He enunciated each part of the name. "Given how simple your life is here how is it you can pay for these things?"
"I'm sure we'll see each other again soon." Miwa calls out to the wolf as he and the Akita head off into town. She follows as Bewul leads them all into his home, and instead of trying to take a seat, she just takes an apple and moves to one of the corners of the room to on the floor, balancing herself on her loosly curled up tail. "My world is rather peaceful, and has been for a while, well, apart from the fact that it's hard to go anywhere without being challenged to a casual Pokemon battle along the roads or sometimes even in town." She adds to the conversation about the different places everyone is from, then begins munching on the apple.
    Meat plants are odd even for Vivian's magic-rich world. She gives a friendly wave to the ones leaving, and then takes a seat when she can. Fortunately, she's rather petite and lightweight. Her wings twitch once.

    "A casual battle just walking? That sounds inconvenient," she notes. Without really thinking about it, she does a quick scan of Ash for magical potential, but given the oddness of his source of power, she's unlikely to map it to anything she's familiar with right away.
Bewul keeps his attention on the tea, he gathers the simple cups and everything required, takes a bit of effort, at least when he wants to impress the others!. "I'm glad the others behaved, sometimes they get a bit crazy when newcomers get here." he chuckles, lizardish tail wagging. He hears Ash's question and looks over his shoulder, "Well, we sometimes trade with the humans, or try to do some tasks for them in exchange for things, unfortunately our money does not really have much value there, for the most part." he says, before adding, "There are towns and all sort of stuff on other parts of the world, I just like how simple things are here." he adds. He slowly brings the tea to each of his guests, and some sugar of course. He ponders the discussion on how peaceful or not the world is he tilts his head, "Well, here it is getting better, more peaceful, but there are still lots of territorial digimon, or even just people that like fighting." he muses discussing more details, but decides to keep it simple. "The sovereigns want to make a good impression for visitors, so they try to encourage less violent behavior.". 
     The mention of casual battles tilt his head, "I think you mentioned those, something about trainers?" he muses, "Sounds a lot like spars."