Tekno (Dropped)

World: Verdigris Chronicles-1
Actual Age: 28
Apparent Age: Mid 20s
Role: Vigilante Mechanic
Species: Anthro Feline
Voice Actor: Adam Copeland


As of late in Cape Chillblain, a jetpack wearing, multi-tool wielding vigilante has been doing what he can to clean up the streets of crime, and purge the city of corruption. No one knows that Tekno is actually disgraced former enforcer Jack Ronan, despite his being an anthropomorphic feline, with the city and world being full of them. He has taken it upon himself to fight crime on his own terms because the corruption in the city had reached a boiling point. His omni-tool allows him to use a variety of weapons and gadgets, most of which are non-lethal. He's a target of the political forces that run his city, and with the addition of extra-universal enemies, he has to expand the areas he works in, but he's only one man.


Jetpack: Custom built jetpack that enables him to maneuver with ease.
A one of a kind jetpack, custom built by Tekno for use when he's out playing vigilante. With the controls at his fingertips, he is able to use it to maneuver around the battlefield like a one-man flying machine.
Omni-Tool - Weapons: The omni-tool has a collection of modular weapons, both lethal and non-lethal.
Tekno's omni-tool contains a multitude of weapons, the majority of them are non-lethal. The tool itself is modular, so he can swap out equipment if he knows what kind of situations he is going into, as well as keeping backups on his person to reload or swap as needed. Some of the weapons include a high voltage taser, a net gun, a bola gun, various grenades and rockets.
Cat-Like Reflexes: Being a feline, he has above average reflexes compared to others from his world.
As a feline species, Tekno is equipped with enhanced reflexes naturally. He can react quickly and lands on his feet most of the time.
Mechanic: Tekno is a self taught mechanic, skilled enough to make all of his equipment.
Tekno is a self-taught mechanic. It was a hobby while he was still an Enforcer, but now he uses it at a source of income and as a cover for his vigilante activities. It enables him to keep an ear to the ground while allowing him to repair and replace equipment as needed. He's primarily trained on the types of dieselpunk equipment that is common in Cape Chillblain. Cars, trucks, planes and even up to and including the airships they use for cargo transport.
Omni-Tool - Gadgets: The omni-tool has numerous gadgets, ranging from trackers to grappling hooks.
Also included in Tekno's omni-tool are a series of gadgets, primarily used for movement. The primary one is a grapnel gun, designed to be able to penetrate into a building or vehicle's surface and lock in. In addition to that, a radio tracking device, flare guns and a auto lockpicker are all built into the gauntlet.
Combat Training: Tekno is trained in hand-to-hand combat, as well as the use of small arms.
As an Enforcer, Tekno is trained in hand-to-hand combat and small arms. Able to take down multiple attackers with the skills he has learned, he uses them effectively when fighting against criminals. Despite his smaller stature compared to some other denizens of his world, he knows how to use their momentum and size against them. In addition to his hand to hand skills, firearms training was something he excelled at, though he prefers to stick to less lethal methods now, if possible, though he still carries a firearm with him.
Investigation Skills: A former law enforcer, he has learned to investigate crime scenes effectively.
Being an Enforcer, Tekno learned how to investigate crime scenes. In addition to that, he has a bit of a makeshift forensics lab in his shop, that he can use to analyze evidence. He still has some contacts within the Enforcers he can use to access equipment he would not be able to get otherwise, and will use those contacts as needed.


Hunted: The Enforcers are trying to shut him down.
He's a former member of the Enforcers, but his discovery of corruption within the highest ranks got him drummed out. Once he started vigilante activities, it drew the attention of his former comrades, the higher ranks want to shut him down before he uncovers all the evidence he needs.
Code Against Killing: Tekno won't kill opponents
He's a law enforcer at heart, and as such, Tekno won't kill anyone except as an absolute last resort. He will try to find any way around doing it possible.
Cocky: He knows he's good, and that gets him in over his head.
Tekno was really good as an Enforcer, and he thinks he's better now that he's off on his own. He often underestimates threats, especially ones that come from outside of his world.
Hatred of Corruption: Because corruption is what drove him out, he seeks to root it out everywhere.
The corruption of the Enforcers leadership led to his dismissal and his campaign of vigilantism, but the arrival in this strange multitude of worlds has caused him to realize that he needs to root out corruption everywhere, that even if he succeeds in his world, it won't be enough when others have far worse corruption than even his own world. It drives him, and also can lead to him making rash decisions that perhaps go against the greater good.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
280 Punch Clock Oct 06 2018
233 Sight For Shore Eyes Sep 09 2018
202 By Rockets Red Glare Jul 29 2018
See All 3 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.