Samus (Dropped)

World: Metroid-1
Actual Age: Unknown
Apparent Age: Late Twenties/ Early Thirties
Role: Intergalactic Bounty Hunter
Species: Human/Chozo
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Jennifer Hale


Samus Aran is an esteemed intergalactic bounty hunter that has saved her galaxy time and time again, and continues to act as its protector from threats that the local Galactic Federation cannot handle conventionally. Lone-survivor of the Space Pirate raid of the Earth colony on K-2, a young Samus was rescued and raised by an ancient bird-like race known as the Chozo. She was accepted into their society where she was infused with Chozo DNA and trained in the use of their advanced technology. Samus now hunts Space Pirates while assisting different causes that need her special expertise in dealing with dangerous alien threats. The often stoic Samus may not have been gifted a silver tongue, but she is determined to use the gifts and training the Chozo did gave her to protect others from Space Pirates and other ne'er-do-wells in order to spare those innocents from suffering like she once did.


Varia Suit: Samus's upgraded Power Suit, high-tech armor with extreme temperature protection
The Varia Suit is an upgraded version of Samus's Chozo Battlesuit Ver SA1-4468-VM6-P. Her suit maintains the primary function of protecting its wearer from bullets, beams, claws, and other hazards. It utilizes a series of Energy Tanks and Reserve Tanks to power the suit, but these are depleted through continued use. Being an upgraded relic of ancient Chozo technology, the user can 'summon' the armor around themselves, but must maintain a firm mental link with the armor to keep it functioning. Sufficient trauma either mental or physical can cause the suit to malfunction and be removed from its wearer. The suit protects its wearer from harsh changes in temperature, but cannot fully protect from prolonged exposure to extreme heat or cold. Underneath the Varia Suit, Samus wears a fully body jumpsuit or Zero Suit that lacks the protective advantages that the Varia Suit gives her.
Samus's Gunship: Small, armed spaceship with weapons, shields, and a suit recharging station.
A fast, maneuverable spaceship that Samus uses as a mobile basecamp due to its capability to recharge Samus's various Suits. It's primary purpose is not combat, but it is still a Hunter-class Gunship that is armed with lasers and more powerful missiles much like Samus herself. The front of the ship even shares a similar appearance to that of Samus's helmet and it only has enough room to transport a handful of individuals (or baby Metroids).
Arm Cannon< Edge >: A versatile weapon that shoots various kinds of energy beams to damage foes.
Equipped with various energy beam modes, Samus's arm cannon is her primary armament. The primary feature of her arm cannon is the Power Beam which shoots our small beam projectiles which is used in conjunction with the Charge Beam to allow Samus to shoot much larger projectiles after 'charging' it up. There is also the Hyper Beam which is a more destructive variant of her normal beam, but it requires additional energy resources and must be used sparingly to avoid depleting her suit of all energy.
Morph Ball: Ability to roll into a ball and deploy bombs.
Miraculous technology combines with Samus's Chozo DNA to allow her to use the Morph Ball ability. This allows Samus to seemingly transform or 'morph' into a ball which then allows Samus to traverse various places that may have been too large for her previously. As her armor is normally quite bulky and unwieldly, this allows her to enter spaces equivalent to what she would normally be able to crawl into without having her suit on. However, she is able to travel at greater speeds due to rolling instead of crawling. She also is able to utilize her suit's energy to drop explosive energy bombs in her wake which she can also use to propel herself through the air a short distance without transforming back into her 'normal' state.
Chozo Warrior: Infused with Chozo DNA, Samus displays enhanced strength and endurance.
Samus is infused with Chozo DNA which grants her enhanced stamina, and makes her stronger and hardier than a standard human. The use of a Chozo Power Suit already requires immense concentration and great physical conditional that most normal humans would not be able to replicate, especially for an extended period of time. Years of then being trained by Chozo as one of their warriors allowed Samus to temper her body even further than a mere infusion of Chozo DNA would allow. The infusion of Chozo DNA allows Samus to use some of the more esoteric and strange Chozo technology such as the Morph Ball which the use of would be strongly not recommended to those not of Chozo DNA.
Bounty Hunter: Skilled with various hi-tech weapons and also adept at tracking
Having been a Federation sanctioned Bounty Hunter for years, Samus is quite skilled in combat at using her Power Suit and Arm Cannon. She can use various smaller weapons when outside of her Suit such as the tazer-like Paralyzer, but her combat abilities are more enhanced when fully equipped. She does know the basics of Close-Quarters-Combat, but she's no master at it. Samus also has developed numerous survival and tracking skills that allows her to better survive on an alien world and then track her quarry across it. The harsh life-style of a bounty hunter has also made Samus mentally and physically tough from all the ordeals she has undergone over the years. Most valuably, she would have years of combat experience from fighting Space Pirates and various other creatures that would serve Samus well tactically in more recent encounters.
Missiles< Edge >: Her Arm Cannon can also shoot a limited supply of missiles.
Samus's Arm Cannon can switch to missile mode which allows her to fire small missiles to damage foes or to clear obstructions from her path such as shielded doors. She has a limited amount of missiles, but she can result them at her gunship which has a small self-sufficient armory inside of it. Her missiles can be enhanced to tackle larger foes, but these "Super Missiles" require Edge for Samus to fire which make them a limited resource.
Utility Beams: The primarily non-lethal beam modes of Ice and Grappling.
She also has access to the Grappling Beam which allows her to grab onto distant objects to traverse obstacles and grab onto foes. This also allows Samus to possibly incapacitate foes by applying electricity through the grappling beam to give her a non-lethal alternative to her Power Beam. Samus also maintains an Ice Beam which allows her to freeze objects and enemies solid as the situation calls for it, but it takes a varying amount of time based on how large and resistant to ice her foe is.


Mentally Linked Armor: Samus summons her armor through a mental link that can be broken.
Her Power Suit can be summoned and removed at will through a psychic mental link that Samus maintains with her armor. This allows Samus to adapt to any situation, and easily go from a non-combat situation to a combat situation or vice versa without first having to run back to her ship. Extreme physical or mental strain can cause Samus to break the link with her armor at impromptu or inconvenient times, but this is a rare occurrence.
Lone Survivor: A tragic past has made Samus more determined to save others.
Samus was the lone survivor of the Space Pirate attack on K-2L, and she often is the only surviving member of different expeditions and missions she undertakes. But she has learned to draw strength from these tragic events and will also easily relate to anyone whom has experienced similar things in their past. Samus is also determined to never be a lone survivor again, and she will fight valiantly in an altruistic manner to save the lives of others and of her allies.
A Matured Hunter: Depending on the order, Samus will at times deviate from the mission.
No longer just following orders blindly, Samus has developed more empathy towards others and will show mercy where she once only displayed ruthless efficiency in accomplishing the mission She will even delay her mission to save creatures or individuals in peril despite it being a risk to her overall mission time and personal safety.
Bird-brained: Raised by bird-like alien warriors, Samus can be a bit socially awkward.
Samus was rescued and adopted by an ancient race of technologically advanced avian warriors known as the Chozo. For nearly her entire childhood, her only friends were Chozo aside from occasional space traveler that wandered to Zebes. A lot of puns and jokes will go over her head and Samus often speaks properly and in a no-nonsense manner. Some of that is just her natural personality while her unusual upbringing did contribute to this. Samus did spend time in the Galactic Federation Police before going solo which allowed her to work through and adapt to "normal" human life to a certain extent. But certain human behaviors and fashions will be as alien to her as the Chozo are to humans. Her vast intergalactic experience will also cause Samus to occasionally reference things that she thinks is normal that others will not, so sometimes this will work both ways.

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