
World: Masters of the Universe-1
Actual Age: ??
Apparent Age: ??
Role: Last Resort
Species: Trollan
Voice Actor: Lou Scheimer


Royal court magician, loyal friend and comrade, Orko is willing to do whatever is in his power to help others and prove his usefulness. Originally from the land of Trolla, the unfortunate result of his displacement and the differences between worlds have proved some...interesting effects on his otherwise powerful magic. True, he still holds great potential, but oftentimes his spells don't work quite as intended, usually resulting in trouble. Orko however always does what he can in order to set things right again.


Flight and Levitation: By default, flying and floating is Orko's way of getting around.
While it's up in the air (hah!) as to the true form of a Trollan, Orko floats, hovers and flies on a regular basis. Whether it's linked to his magic or the reverse-properties of his world of origin is as unknown as whether or not Trollans actually have feet under those billowy robes of theirs.
Magic: The effects of Orko's magical conjuring range between physical and elemental.
Orko has access to magical abilities akin to that of a wizard or a sorcerer. With a wave of his hand and a reciting of rhyme, Orko can make magic things happen... most of the time. Due to the skewed nature of the Trollan world from where he originates, it's had a great impact on his magical ability, making most of his attempts unpredictable. Most of his use of magic has been since relegated for entertainment purposes, however that doesn't stop him from using it to lend a helping hand as inspiration or circumstances may strike him. His magic tends to be localized to his immediate area or a given target, effects ranging between minor conjurations, temporary elemental manipulation, and parlor tricks.
Hat of Holding: Magical storage for the magically minded.
It doesn't matter the size, shape or weight- somehow or another (we'll go with magic) Orko can pull out random objects from the depths of his hat or from his voluminous sleeves that have nothing to do with anything whatsoever. It's quite likely that he hasn't any idea where they might have come from either, and that he may be unwittingly conjuring some kind of access to a sort of pocket space... or maybe even someone's closet. By the same principal he can also stow things away by the same method, although it takes a few tries to retrieve them. It helps that he's able to actually carry said item before he does so.
Lost in Transmutation< Edge >: Magic words bring things into being, sometimes too literally.
Do a little chant, make something magically happen. Whether it's in an attempt to improve, fix or enhance an object, it's all in the words and the circumstances surrounding the situation. Orko can only use his magic on one target at a time, be that object or individual, in an attempt to affect its physical properties, such as weight, size or appearance. It may not always work out the way he intends it to, comical at best, dangerous for whatever chain reactions it may spawn at its worst. Although his initial attempt may not resolve an issue, an Edge may be spent to assist in such or undo something that may have resulted from a spell gone awry.


Mangled Magic: There's a 50-50 chance that Orko's magic will work the way it's supposed to.
Orko's magic is ritualistic, situational and instantaneous. There are some spells that require the use of ingredients and a spell book. Others only need the right hand gestures and rhyming words. And there are still other applications of magic that just happen. Whichever version Orko uses has the potential to be effective but the chances of that happening are quite slim. In fact, without emotional need, dedication and concentration beyond "Please let this work", Orko's magic, while beneficial and effective, exhibits more for show than any practical uses. Perhaps that's why he's the royal jester...
Mischief Magicked: Regardless of intentions, sometimes Orko's magic causes a bit of a snafu.
Perhaps it's due to the incompatibility of Trollan magic outside of its natural world. Perhaps it's because of the caster himself. Either way, sometimes Orko's magic works, and sometimes, it just doesn't. Results may vary.
More Magic Than Might: Wizard class equals wizard's constitution.
Orko's a little thing, and while he's slightly more durable than can be considered frail, strength isn't exactly his...forte. Magic for Trollans is as natural a thing as breathing, and more often than not it's the first obvious choice for doing what others would consider even the most mundane of tasks. Which makes sense, really, considering his physical build and stature.
The Reluctant Pick: Orko is eager to help out. It's just a shame it doesn't work out nearly so well.
Let's face it, Orko's never anyone's first choice, at least not if they know his reputation for botching things up. Even the most harmless job assignment can end up in complete chaos and destruction. Of course, sometimes it can't be helped and Orko earnestly just really, really wants to offer his assistance, so compromises must be made, especially if people are short-handed.
Shortcuts: Orko's first inclination is to always use magic to do things.
Orko tends to rely on magic as a shortcut to do a lot of things, especially when it comes to solving a problem. Of course, that tends to complicate things more often than not, especially given how well his magic functions. At least there are lessons to be learned at the end.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
730 Break The Wall Down Sep 14 2020
561 Lost Little Girl Sep 01 2019
487 Back to Nature May 17 2019
243 Hyrule Hysteria Sep 20 2018
See All 4 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.