The World of Masters of the Universe-1

Masters of the Universe-1

Myth, sorcery and technology intertwine creating a world of scientific wonder and barbaric magic on the twin planets of Eternia and Etheria where Good and Evil struggle for Power and Honor.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
Prince Adam
Princess Adora


    Masters of the Universe revolves around a never-ending struggle between Good and Evil. For millennia, various forces for both sides have struggled to gain and maintain the upper hand for their own visions. Throughout history, both sides have had their victories and their losses but the possibility of an ending seems forever lost.

    Masters of the Universe incorporates an amalgam of magic and advanced technology. While the planets of Eternia and Etheria are presented as futuristic medieval, they also bring to heart the spirit of ancient and powerful magic. Witches, wizards, cyborgs, androids, aliens and more all coexist within and nothing seems to be out of place. Some factions or locations lean more towards magic or advanced technology but the possibility for both exists in all aspects.

    Masters of the Universe is a world of myth, legend and prophecy. It incorporates many of the tropes of such stories and gives them a spin all its own. Littered with a rich history all its own, the future of Masters of the Universe has yet to be written. Considering the Blossoming connection that this Universe has began, who knows exactly what that future might actually hold...
Star Seed

    Existing in the center of the Universe is the point of all creation: the Star Seed. Rumored to have been the source for the creation of the planet Eternia and subsequently the planet of Etheria, the Star Seed remains a hidden source of immense power that could prove to be dangerous in any set of hands. Legend states that the Star Seed is powerful enough grant any wish of its holder's heart... but also will corrupt anyone that attempts to control it.

    The Star Seed may be the source for what holds this particular Universe together.


    One of the primary locations of the Masters of the Universe is the planet of Eternia. For generations, Eternia served as the center of the Universe and the Kingdom of Eternos became the central location for whatever Royal Family ruled the lands. The struggle between Good and Evil has existed on Eternia for eons and the current state is no different than it has been in the past.

    Currently, the Kingdom of Eternos is ruled by King Randor and Queen Marlena. Together, they rule equally from the Royal Palace in Eternos. In addition to ruling, Randor and Marlena are the co-heads of the Defenders, a group of allied warriors from various lands on Eternia, that have band together to keep the planet in a state of peaceful harmony.

    Castle Grayskull, a place of ancient power and mystery, is perhaps the most important location on Eternia. This ancient structure is home to untold secrets and power. It is said to hold the power of the Elders and may be the secret to revealing the hero that is prophesied to protect Eternia when the forces of evil are at their worst.

    Deep in the darkness of Snake Mountain, a dark faction known as the Evil Warriors bide their time and combine their abilities under the rule of a skeletal tyrant that will stop at nothing to acquire the power he needs to gain control of Eternia and beyond.


    One of the primary locations of the Masters of the Universe is the planet of Etheria. For generations, Etheria served as the sister planet of Eternia, existing in a separate dimension and created by the First Ones long ago. Ruled by a technologically minded terror known as the Horde, Etheria became overrun with darkness early on. Only a few small kingdoms maintain their independence in the face of this constant evil threat.

    The Whispering Woods provides a magical location for the Great Rebellion, a faction of those that would dare stand up to Hordak and his Evil Horde Regime. These freedom fighters are locked in a constant battle to liberate Etheria, led by the daughter of Queen Angella, Glimmer, the Great Rebellion combines their hope and their might to become the light that shines through the Horde's darkness.

    The Crystal Castle, located atop the mystical Skydancer Mountain, was founded by the First Ones and is said to hold the power that could possibly be used to defeat the Evil Horde once and for all. Legend tells of a hero that will one day unlock the secrets of the Crystal Castle and lead the Great Rebellion in their fight against the overpowering darkness.

    Etheria's future hangs in the balance as the Great Rebellion and the Horde regime continue to fight for supremacy over the planet, leaving the denizens of the planet to try and live through the crossfire.


    Masters of the Universe has Blossomed and is directly connected to the Metaverse. There are unreliable stories that point at many reasons for this Blossoming, some of which even point to the Star Seed expanding its power and creating vines to other dimensions and worlds.

    On Eternia, the access to the Metaverse is wide open. While Eternos may be the center of trade and commerce, providing a diplomatic path for visitors from other worlds to explore Eternia peacefully, there are a number of other ways to gain access to the planet and its resources. There are access points in specific areas on Eternia that can be access via magic or technological means. Chances are, while the Masters of the Universe seek to build relationships and ally with other worlds through the Vines, Skeletor and his Council of Evil Warriors are likely to have darker plans.

    On Etheria, the access to the Metaverse is limited due to the Vines being less common on this planet. By seeking out these access points that crop up on the planet, Hordak and his followers seek to keep their iron grip of tyranny in place by attempting to control what comes in and goes out of Etheria. However, as vast and powerful as the Horde regime is, there are still pockets of mystical energy that allow for Metaverse traversing to and from Etheria. The Great Rebellion seeks to take advantage of the Horde's distraction of trying to lock down the access points to and from Etheria.