Cornell (Dropped)

World: Castlevania-1
Actual Age: 23
Apparent Age: Early Twenties
Quote: Y-you're Count Dracula?!
Role: The Blue Crescent Moon
Species: Lycanthrope
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Johnny Yong Bosch


A member of an indigenous tribe made up from those afflicted with the curse of the werebeast, Cornell has always suffered from a sense of otherness. While all members of his warrior clan are overcome with an inherent animalistic bloodlust, he trains every single day to control these urges. Having sworn an oath to defend his village from the eternal sting of Count Dracula's forces, the wolfman has transitioned into his role of guardian surprisingly well. In some ways, Cornell has become a twisted soul that's so obsessed with righting wrongs from his past that he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Over time, he extended his promise so much that he now views himself as responsible for guarding nature itself as well as the surrounding villages. While there was once a time he wished to rid himself of his curse, he now views it as a blessing he can use to protect everything he holds dear.


Werewolf Transformation: Shapeshifting powers give Cornell the ability to become a ravenous wolf-beast.
When he unleashes his pent-up aggression in a violent fury of force, Cornell transforms into a violent werewolf that has all of the strength and speed that said species is known for. Some have said that he can break the sound barrier or even teleport while he's a werewolf, but this simply comes from the fact that he can move so swiftly some have a hard time seeing what's going on. While he is afflicted with lunacy to some degree, Cornell doesn't need to be exposed to the full moon to trigger a transformation. He has been known to shift into his werewolf state during the light of day.
Piercing Howl: As a werewolf, Cornell can let out a piercing sound so forceful it's supersonic.
While wolves are well-known for their howling abilities, Cornell is capable of using his voice to howl with so much strength behind it that the nearly supersonic concussive force is actually harmful to his opposition. It's sometimes been said that his lupine tones can pierce the hearts or heads of his victims. Even if this is a poetic exaggeration, he can certainly blow out their eardrums. As well as the physical and psychological aspects of the attack, it's also quite useful for disorienting an opponent. Nevertheless, he's naturally quite able to howl in a more normal fashion as well.
Razor Claws: Whether he's a wolf or a human when using them, his claws pack quite a punch.
Cornell has claws erupting from the tips of his fingers in lieu of regular nails when he's a human, and these don't diminish at all when he becomes a wolf. They're difficult to break in either state, and his intense constant training has given him more than a bit of insight on how they can best be used. Whereas others might wield a knife or sword, Cornell has been known to place protective sheaths directly over his claws to give them a little extra stopping power. When angered, he feels little shame about using these to go after any unprotected area on his enemy's body including their eyes.
Accelerated Healing: Werewolves like Cornell always seem to rebound from even the deepest of wounds.
Under normal circumstances, Cornell has the gift of accelerated healing that seems to be a benefit of nearly all those afflicted with a werebeast's curse. Even if he's been hurt very badly in combat or an accident, Cornell can usually come back from his injuries. The process is by no means instantaneous, but it does give him the luxury of recovering from wounds that would have killed strong mortal humans. It also drastically reduces the course of even natural processes like disease and aging, since his body's tissues are capable of regenerating regardless of what it is that damages them.
Energy Blades: When he balls his hands into fists, Cornell can fire blasts of magical energy.
When Cornell's rampaging in his werewolf state, he can form his hands into fists and punch at the air to aim and release blasts of magical energy as if they were blades being thrown toward a victim. While he doesn't have nearly as polished a technique when fighting as a human, he can still fire out these ethereal beams when he's not wearing a coat of fur. Once again, Cornell has dedicated himself to an intense training regimen to ensure that he can accurately fire energy blades off regardless of whether or not he's on the move.


Allergy to Silver: Being that he's a werewolf, Cornell is readily injured by any silver objects.
Some say it's because silver is pure or because it's the same color as the moon, but in any case, werebeasts can't handle the metal one bit. Cornell will begin to develop a rash if he comes into contact with it. In his werewolf state, silver objects can even be caustic to his skin and fur. Stabbing him with a silver blade to firing a silver bullet at him could very well end his life even in situations where he would have been able to recover from wounds caused by weapons made from any other type of substance.
Color Blindness: Wolves have excellent senses, but it comes at some cost of color recognition.
Wolves, and by extension werewolves, are known for their knee sense of smell, excellent hearing and very acute eyesight. What they're not known for, however, is color recognition. Even though Cornell's vision might be unnaturally sharp, this is more than tempered by the fact that he's unable to tell many colors apart from one another. His visual acuity in this respect is slightly less than that of a regular color-blind human, and this can even make two different objects coming toward him look like the same thing if they're colored in just the right way.
Rampaging Lunacy: Whether emotions or moonbeams get to him, Cornell can get worked into a frenzy.
While Cornell doesn't need the light of the full moon to transform, it can certainly make the experience more intense. On top of this, it's very easy to get him worked up into a frenzy and use his rampaging emotions against him. There's some evidence that changing back and forth between a human and a werewolf has seriously taken his toll on him, which would explain why he once got stuck in his werewolf state and couldn't transform back for a while. In any case, if you get him angry he might go after his loved ones and compatriots or even seriously injure himself in the process, thus putting a serious cap on his abilities.
Carrying Years of Guilt: Due to hangups caused by things long ago, Cornell often makes poor decisions.
As he considers himself responsible for the deaths of his best friend and of the family of his adoptive sister, Cornell's feelings of remorse get in the way of almost everything he does. He's come to believe that he needs to do things to prevent these kinds of things from happening. This means that Cornell tends to make rash decisions if he feels that it will improve a situation, which leads him to act before he thinks. He'll jump into the fray without thinking and may act without sizing up the competition. At the same time, he could get frozen up and not want to do anything if he feels it would make him repeat history.

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188 Listen to the Poles Jul 13 2018
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