Tucker (Dropped)

World: Red vs Blue-1
Actual Age: 30ish
Apparent Age: 25
Quote: "Dude, I'm a lover, not a fighter."
Role: Keyblade Wielder?
Species: Human
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/3G6jRxw6y7Q
Voice Actor: Jason SaldaƱa


Captain Lavernius Tucker is a former Simulation Trooper, a washout of the regular UNSC military assigned to a base in the middle of nowhere to act as a living training dummy for elite soldiers. Since then, he has stumbled his way into becoming a hero, a leader, and an ambassador between the human race and the aliens they warred with for nearly thirty years. Despite maturing into these roles, he is still known as a womanizer with a sarcastic attitude, though he can always be depended on to pull through when he's needed with keen aim and a strong sword arm.


Let Me Have The Sniper Rifle: Usually outfitted with a small variety of firearms.
Tucker almost always has a firearm of some kind on him, usually going for a scoped rifle of some sort, with a pistol sidearm. Submachine guns and assault rifles sometimes substitute for his primary firearm when a marksman-type rifle is unavailable. Ironically, he can never seem to get that darn sniper rifle...
Great Key: A key that is a sword that only Tucker can wield.
The Great Key is a holy relic of the aliens' religious history, resembling the two-pronged energy swords common in the military forces of the planet Sanghelios. While it can be used in such a way, it can only be activated by the first person to come into possession of it, in this case Tucker. It's little more than a paperweight for anyone else, unless they're able to kill him.
Deadeye: Actually a pretty good sharpshooter as it turns out.
Tucker has unusually strong senses of eyesight and hearing, bordering on the superhuman. This contributes to his surprisingly strong marksmanship skills, able to outshoot one of the Freelancer project's dedicated snipers. He has displayed proficiency with pistols, sniper rifles, submachine guns, and bullpup-style battle rifles.
Simulation Armor: Power armor with radio, AI interface, environmental protection, magnetic grips.
The Simulation Trooper power armor is a high-tech full-body suit of armor powered by a miniature nuclear reactor, resistant to kinetic impacts from things like bullets or long falls, and offering moderate protection from energy weapons. The armor is also pressure-sealed and contains a hydrostatic gel layer to protect from extreme temperatures and atmospheric pressure. A limited oxygen supply also provides up to an hour of breathable air. Dotted around the suit are magnetic strips that allow the wearer to easily carry metallic equipment, and adhering to metal surfaces in zero-g. The helmet possesses a neural interface system along with an AI port allowing for the installation of an artificial intelligence to aid performance in combat. Besides this, the helmet contains a standard issue radio and a detailed heads-up display that can provide diagnostic information on the armor's condition and approximate ammunition counts.
Leadership: Displays formidable leadership and tactical sense... when he actually tries.
When he actually applies himself, Tucker has shown a knack for leadership and tactical sense on the battlefield. He cares greatly for those under his command and tries his damnedest to make sure everyone comes home alive, coming across as something of a "big brother" figure to his subordinates. He is a quick thinker as well, able to formulate new plans on the fly to achieve his objectives.


Bow Chicka Bow Wow: Still falls into immature habits and womanizing tendencies.
Just because Tucker has matured significantly since his early days in Blood Gulch, doesn't mean he doesn't slip back into old habits. Unless he's already under great emotional stress, Tucker sees the need to hit on every woman he meets, whether the situation is appropriate or not (for instance, a commanding officer). He also appears to have some sort of psychological need to respond to any double entendre-like statement with the phrase "bow chicka bow wow" or some derivative, likely as a method of coping with stress. Unfortunately, this habit is so ingrained into his psyche that it even threatens to surface in times when it could endanger him, i.e. when he is trying to avoid detection by people who don't have a problem with shooting at him.
Cocky: Overestimates his abilities and has difficulty exercising prudence.
Tucker has a bit of an inflated ego when it comes to his skills in combat. He is very competent with both his sword and firearms, but he believes he is /amazing/. This likely stems from an extended period fighting other Simulation Troopers, who are not exactly chosen for their high level of skill. Thus, his estimation of his own abilities is projected significantly above what he can actually do, and he has a habit of taking on tasks he is ill-equipped to handle, such as sneaking into an enemy base alone or trying to fight a much stronger opponent head-on.
Hold It Against You: Has difficulty trusting new allies, and does not take betrayal well.
Because of the shady dealings of Project Freelancer and many betrayals of both himself and his friends over the years, Tucker does not give trust very easily. He may work with someone, even be on respectful or somewhat friendly terms with them, but he has a tendency to hold them at arm's length if he hasn't known them for a long time. On the inverse of this, when a long-time friend like his fellow Blood Gulch Sim Troopers betrays him or breaks a promise to him (spoken or unspoken), it tends to cut deep, and he has difficulty forgiving them quickly, if at all.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
230 Bank Breakin Or: Vehicular Violence Sep 07 2018
See All 1 Scenes


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