
World: Maho Wars-1
Actual Age: 30
Apparent Age: 16
Quote: "And a-one, and a-two~... Let's dance~!"
Role: Musical Villain
Species: Maho Monster


Dolce was once an ordinary girl with very high arcane potential... but being so normal wore down on her. The subject of an experiment to draw out her deepest inner strength, Dolce's mind and body were warped and she was turned into one of her world's most feared monsters when the source of her magical heritage bloomed. But she wasn't unwilling. No, you see, she had always felt small and powerless, overlooked and overshadowed. Now, she had the power to shout loud and shine brightly. She is a profoundly selfish creature, acting with unrestrained whimsy and abusing her corrupt magical abilities and the resources granted to her by her secretive masters. She is, however, not a cruel or violent being, even if she holds no impetus to empathize with others. Maybe she can be redeemed... good luck with that. She is eager to abuse her sound-based abilities, to devour the magic around her like a glutton and to lead the twisted allies bent by the same processes into battle, and touts monstrous traits both positive and negative aside... and an implacably self-serving personality.


Onyx Crystal: A crystal that suppresses Dolce's monstrous aura, giving her a human form!
The Onyx Crystal is a gemstone devised by the Obsidian Cabal... not to power up Dolce, but to allow her to maintain a human form when needed and to put a cap on the corrupt influences of her magic when not in use. Its secondary purpose is to allow her to release her magic in a "filtered" form, allowing her to perform minor magical effects like throwing her voice, generating ambient music, or sending out concussive waves of sound. (See 'Musical Magic' for more details on her total magical aptitude.) While wearing this object, Dolce doesn't register as anything other than completely human and normal to mystical senses.
Musical Magic: The amplification, alteration, suppression and redirection of sound using magic.
Dolce may control sound within audible range, such as speech, music or ambient noise. She may amplify sound, allowing her to spike someone's speaking voice so hard it rattles their teeth, or turn fingersnaps into concussive blasts... Which she may direct, as she has the ability to squelch sound as well, turning the flow of vibrations at a whim. She may mimic any sound, from as mundane as voices to as weird as a heavy metal song or a dial-up tone. All sounds generated by her magic feel 'wrong' in some way, as if they were off-key or even as bad as nails on a chalkboard even for otherwise normal sounds.
Sensory Magic: Echolocation, lie-detection and absolute sound detection within 100 feet!
First off, Dolce is utterly immune to sound-based assaults, at least when it comes to her hearing. Beyond that, she is able to hear all sounds with a 100-foot radius when in her true form if she focuses, allowing her to pick up on vibrations as minor as breathing or a heartbeat. She is trained to pick up on when someone is lying or trying to cause a diversion, and she can even identify health defects that make sounds, like arthritic joints or heart murmurs. If she closes her eyes, she can use echolocation to identify invisible objects or people, if they have any kind of mass to them, or to navigate in complete darkness.
Maho Vampire< Edge >: Dolce eats magic for nourishment and enhancement.
By simply touching a source of magic, whether that be a person, an object, a font or some other target, Dolce may attempt to absorb the natural mana in it to supplement her own stores. While she does not need to do this frequently or in large amounts to maintain her abilities, she may 'overeat' in order to enhance her abilities for a short time. When she does this, she may perform feats of truly titanic magical prowess, like shattering buildings with a snap of her fingers, or deafening a crowd of people with their own heartbeats. This ability allows her to absorb certain magical attacks or other effects if she times it correctly, acting as a form of active defense. This ability only drains the most basic form of mana, and so the problem is only in how painful it is when done to people, and how destabilizing it is when done to an object or place, acting as a sort of magical attack or sabotage without diminishing any actual effects from her target... so she can't use it to block fireballs, she'll just get burned anyways.
Warped Biology: Monstrous physiology, heightened agility and strength, and regeneration!
In either her sealed or true forms, Dolce regenerates quickly from harm. Additionally, she lacks many of the weakpoints that flesh and blood creatures do, and so stabbing her through the heart or brain cannot kill her, and she does not need to breath or eat normal food. While she possesses only the physical aptitude of a underdeveloped adult in her sealed form, her true shape possesses superhuman agility and strength, allowing her to leap dozens of feet into the air, to run faster than some cars, and to lift boulders and bend steel with her bare hands.

However, she is vulnerable to sustained damage, and she has traded her human weaknesses for more thematic problems...


Notes< E-Tier Basic >: Magical imps made of sound that can fly and phase through obstacles!
Dolce can generate "Notes," small devilish-looking fuzzy creatures made of ethereal mass that can project musical concussive pulses, and are capable of flight and phasing through solid objects. They are essentially made of vibrations imbued with corrupt magic, and so they are vulnerable to loud noises not generated by themselves or other Notes. They are not a huge threat on their own, usually utilized only to supplement Dolce's mischief.
Obsidian Menagerie< C-Tier MotW >: Monsters with superhuman physical traits and a single themed magical ability.
The Cabal's many varied monsters are provided to Dolce for her to command, typically taking the form of arcane chimerae or warped human beings, each subject possessing one themed magical ability and enhanced physical capabilities for use in combat. These corrupted creatures possess no will of their own, requiring Dolce to give them orders, usually from afar using her magic to send her commands directly to their ears.


Corrupt: She is vulnerable to just about anything that affects demons, evil and the dead!
As a creature shaped of warped magic and twisted into monstrous form, Dolce is inherently corrupt and unnatural. In her true form, even the most basic supernatural senses will pick up that something isn't right with her. Purifying magic will only harm her twofold, and she can be repelled by all abilities meant to hold off evil or similar beings. If it works on demons, evil spirits, necromancers, or what-have-you, it will likely work on her, giving heroes a wide range of tools to affect her.
Ethical Limits: Dolce doesn't kill. It's against her code!
Dolce finds death abhorrent and finds murderers even moreso. While she isn't going to mourn anyone's demise, she is likely to turn on people who think that killing is a solution. Unfortunately, this includes killing things that might be better off dead, as her feelings are warped to irrational levels and she may end up defending monsters and devils as fiercely as innocents if they come under mortal threat.
Dissonance: Sound magic is counterable with opposite wavelengths!
Sound magic can be countered rather directly with a counter-tune, representing an opposing wavelength to whatever sound is being generated or manipulated. Once a sound spell is countered in this way, the mana backlashes back on Dolce, causing harm directly to her own magical cohesion, a kind of damage that can do serious and lasting harm to her.
Hunger: She needs magic to survive... and is addicted to the power she feels from it.
Dolce only needs a minute shred of mana to live, but she still needs it, and she can be driven to maddening hunger by being deprived of mana sources for too long. Additionally, she is addicted to the 'taste' of mana, and will go out of her way to drain new targets to sample the many flavors of magic that can be found out and about. She is, at times, prone to overeating to the point of draining fonts to critical levels, which can cause problems for herself and for her food source. This behavior can be used to manipulate her.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
953 Years of Uneraseable Acts Jan 06 2022
578 Somewhere They Can't Find Me Sep 30 2019
458 Ye Olde Antagonist Faire Apr 13 2019
456 Witching Hour Radio Mar 28 2019
317 Where Chocobos Fear to Tread Oct 31 2018
See All 5 Scenes


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