
World: Fate/interrupt-1
Actual Age: Ancient
Apparent Age: 20's
Species: Dragon
Voice Actor: Horie Yui


While one familiar with her world might mistake Oryou for a hero of the past brought into the modern age and empowered as a 'Servant' or 'Counter Guardian' due to her inhuman strength and resilience, casual floating in the air, and occasional breathing fire, Oryou is a different beast entirely. History records her as the wife and then widow of Sakamoto Ryouma, a samurai and politician who helped bring about the Meiji Restoration. That much is true, but Oryou is also a dragon who took on an outwardly human guise for love, then fell in grief for that love. Awakened once again by the calamities of her world, Oryou pursues the unique opportunity to reunite with her long-dead husband, even if it means the rest of the world must continue to suffer purgatory on Earth in the meantime. Still, there is no evil in her heart, only longing and regret. And a bit of self-centeredness. And a stubborn streak a mile wide. And a taste for frogs.


Perpetual Floating: Floats a few feet off the ground as easily as other people stand. Jumps good.
Oryou not only can, but strongly prefers (see No Shoes complication) to float rather than stand on her own to feet. Whether moving at a walking pace, at a running pace, or just hovering in place, this takes no concentration or effort on Oryou's part, able to remain airborne even if she dozes off. She is also perfectly able to fight this way, though her punches have better leverage if she plants her feet on actual solid ground. This is not the true flight that her dragon form is capable of, as her sustained height is no more than about 5 feet (1.5 meters) off the ground, with a 'jump' of up to about 15 feet (4.5 meters) at its peak. Most of the time she floats just high enough to put herself one head taller than the people around her.
Monstrous Strength: Superhuman strength, speed, and resilience. Fights hand-to-hand.
Even in her human form, Oryou possesses enough strength and speed for her punches and kicks to match blows with the magically-empowered heroes of ages past known in her world as Servants, well beyond mere human measures. Similarly, her body (including her hair and clothes), despite being as soft as one would expect of a human to casual touch, is more akin to dragon scales than human flesh when it comes to defensive power, allowing her to parry blades with her bare fists or shrug off weaker mundane attacks.
Dragonfire: Can exhale a cone of purple flame up to about 7 feet long.
Taking a deep breath, Oryou can let loose a blast of purple dragon's fire that extends out to about 7 feet (2 meters) from her mouth to burn her enemies, or smaller, more controlled flames if she wishes. There needs to be sufficient oxygen in the air she's breathing to do this, approximately what a human would consider breathable atmosphere.
Healing Saliva: Her saliva can heal others' wounds; more serious wounds require more saliva.
Oryou's saliva has curative properties that can heal wounds, or at least speed recovery from them. Minor cuts and bruises may disappear completely, while more serious wounds may heal in half the time they normally would. Even grievous, life-threatening wounds can be stemmed with a sufficient coating, though this requires someone willing to let Oryou drool all over an open wound. It's impossible, however, to bring someone back if they've already passed on, no matter the amount. Nor can it regenerate removed limbs or organs if the person's body wouldn't normally do so, though reattachment may be possible if it's soon enough that the limb is still living. The saliva also loses any effect if it's attempted to be stored; it only works 'fresh'.
Frog Connoisseur: Can identify frogs by taste and immune to frog poison.
Oryou's favorite snacks are frogs, generally uncooked and often even eaten alive. As such, she's learned much about the different kinds of frogs, able to distinguish with just a nibble what species a frog is if she's encountered it before, what sort of environment it's native to, how old it is, whether it's male or female, its state of health, and other such information. She can also identify whether a frog is poisonous and/or venomous, though these toxins have no effect on Oryou herself.
Dragon Transformation< Edge >: Can briefly change into a large, flying, snake-like black dragon.
Oryou's natural form is a serpentine black dragon large enough that Ryouma would often ride into combat atop her head, with long, sharp claws and a maw full of similarly sharp fangs that can open wide enough to swallow a human whole. She doesn't usually spend time in this form for both psychological reasons, her human form being the one Ryouma preferred, and preternatural reasons, as the will of her world pushes back against mythical beings such as her dragon form existing in the Modern Age. The latter won't make her disappear or die, but she does start to feel increasingly uncomfortable if she stays in the form more than a few moments, so it's usually just long enough to smash something, eat (or threaten to eat) an annoying human, etc. Unlike her human form's floating, her dragon form can truly fly, but the range is obviously limited by the amount of time spent in the form.
Divine Beast: Counts as both dragon and low-level divinity for conditional spells/abilities.
As noted in Dragon Transformation, Oryou's natural form is a dragon, so of course she counts as one, but also by the rules of her world she's considered to have "B-" Divinity (on a grading scale from A being the highest to E being the lowest) as a dragon despite not having worshippers herself (at least not in the Modern Age). Neither 'holy' nor 'unholy' affiliations are involved, but spells that have special conditions for divine beings or dragons should count Oryou as such, for both good and ill.


Half-Hearted Savior: Her goals only partially align with others', making alliances tenuous at best.
Make no mistake: Oryou's first and foremost drive is the return of her love. For that she will move mountains and part seas. Everything else is really just keeping herself occupied while she waits. A part of that goal is making sure her world isn't completely destroyed, and also she is generally pretty good-natured, so she is generally aligned with heroes and innocents. Up to a point. On the other hand, she's also invested in her world remaining on the cusp of destruction, and other worlds are far less important to her beyond how they impact her own. She might save someone because she feels like it, but don't expect her to put it all on the line to overthrow the dark forces at the root of a world's troubles, especially if it's a long campaign that would prevent her from regularly returning to hers. She might even betray her companions (or at least they would see it as betrayal) if it means keeping her own world right in that sweet spot of imminent-but-not-quite doom. This means she can't really be trusted and, in turn, can't afford to fully trust either.
Poorly Socialized: Oryou is blunt, oblivious to etiquette, and will not listen to criticism.
When Ryouma was alive, he was the buffer between Oryou and the rest of the world, using his natural charisma to soften her harsh words and defuse tension when she inevitably acted out of turn. He was also the only one who she ever listened to (and even then, only up to a point). Without him, she cares little about the concept of "fitting in", so don't expect her to bow to social pressures short of outright bribery.
    That being said, ultimately she's a good girl. She isn't offensive for the sake of being offensive and won't go out of her way to purposely be rude. She can even be sweet in her own way sometimes, though there's no guarantee that that translates into something desirable to the person receiving it.
No Shoes: Her leggings aren't made for outdoor walking. Convenience stores may refuse her.
Oryou wears pink leggings with no shoes. These leggings are simple cloth with no particular reinforcement (except like all her clothes they're actually made of her, but let's not squint too close here). If, for some reason, Oryou is forced to walk instead of float, they do not offer the foot protection that proper shoes do. They will soak straight through in water or mud. Her feet will feel if the ground is hot, or cold, or coarse, or littered with sharp objects. The leggings will get dirty and may rip on sufficiently rough terrain. She will therefore be extremely resistant to walking on her own two feet unless indoors on nice carpet. If this means she stands out in places where people aren't supposed to float, too bad.
    A business with a 'No shoes, no service' policy is likely to hassle her, which can quickly escalate into a war of wills with the clerk.
Grieving Widow: Emotionally unstable around reminders of her dead husband (direct or indirect).
Oryou's human husband, Ryouma, was assassinated while she was away. This was her ultimate failure to protect the one she loves. If she'd been there, she could've killed his attackers and healed any wounds he might've gotten in the attack with her saliva. But because she wasn't, he's dead. That burden has laid heavy in her heart for 150 years, and still does. Any direct or indirect reminder of Ryouma and especially any reminder that she let him die will stir a torrent of emotions within her that practically guarantees a logical, rational response is out of the question. Any suggestion that Ryouma was less than a perfectly amazing man, or that Oryou should just move on, or otherwise questioning the strength or importance of their relationship will be taken as a heinous insult, and heaven help anyone who actually tries to hit on her.
Color-Coded for Evil: Black dragons who breathe purple flame are not always looked on kindly.
Mythologies vary from culture to culture, of course, but among the ones that classify different types of dragons by color, black dragons usually land on the 'Evil' side of the list. Oryou isn't. In fact, a Detect Alignment spell will show her to be Chaotic Good.
Arbiter of Love: Overly empathetic to couples that fit her standards; judgmental otherwise.
Another aspect of her loss of her husband is how it colors her views of anyone in a relationship, particularly married couples and most especially those who have lost their partner. She knows how precious that bond is and will empathize strongly with others who grieve and those who make efforts to protect or avenge that bond, up to and including acts that might generally be considered Evil. And by the same token, someone who 'throws away' such a bond or attempts to interfere with another's bond (e.g. both a widow who decides to move on and any potential suitors) will earn Oryou's contempt and ire.

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696 Black Tide Over Kyoto Jul 16 2020
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