A modern day world where magic and the supernatural has emerged from the shadows in response to otherworldly invasion.
Type: ThornThe organization known as Chaldea is tasked with the survival of humanity. Consisting of numerous influential minds, from scientists to the magecraft-using Magi, they have unfortunately taken heavy casualties. Unknowingly they are aided by the Will of Humanity and have managed to create a procedure for summoning Servants and binding them to a Magus, a method they use to make powerful teams that seek out dangerous hot spots to fight what the militaries of the world cannot. They are now a semi-public organization, though many have doubts that they are native to this world.
One of the more powerful options humanity has against the chaos they fight against, Servants are mystical copies of the heroes and legends of times past. King Arthur, Heracles, Beowulf, and other legends can be recreated and focused into one of several 'container classes' that dictate their abilities. These Servants are bound to a Master, a Magus who feeds them magical energy to keep their existence going, and in return they lend their phenomenal and superhuman abilities to the fight.
In most Fate/* material, the abilities of Servants are not explicitly detailed. Specifically, their ability to turn incorporeal and invisible is quite weak, with just about any sort of detection finding them, and only able to pass through civilian house walls or similar thickness barriers. Wards keep them out entirely. Attacks on their incorporeal form still injure them as if they were material. Servants cannot carry anything while immaterial. This is the default powerset, and some Servants may have special abilities that give them enhanced versions of these abilities.
Similar to Servants, Counter Guardians are the spirits of long-dead legends. Unlike Servants, Counter Guardians are fed by the Will of Humanity itself, and require no Master. They are also not constrained by classes, and retain memories through their summonings since they are not a copy of the original, but a remanifestation. Unfortunately they do not have the ability to turn incorporeal and save energy that way. Counter Guardians are far more rare than Servants due to the phenomenal amount of energy it takes to maintain their artificial bodies. The Will of Humanity prefers more subtle and efficient means of fighting back. However, Counter Guardians are unrestrained by the morals and whims of human Masters, making them excellent tools for doing exactly what is needed.
This World became a Blossom several years ago, so the population has already been exposed to other realities for some time. Daily life contains numerous otherworldly baubles, though many are low-impact as the world was largely content. Chaldea initially saw this as a boon, as they could operate more openly and write off any strange happenings as the product of another World. Since the cataclysm, Chaldea has been sending a very few of their Servant-Master teams out to explore other Worlds for clues to their predicament. Likewise, a very rare Counter Guardian will exit the World to search for a solution to their otherworldly problem.
The population has largely become xenophobic regarding outsiders now, and react with hostility, viewing outside influence as the cause for their own problems. Fixing this Thorn will be an uphill battle because of this, but calmer heads do sometimes request aid from outside, and a growing movement has been advocating abandonment of their home World in favor of finding a new place to live, resulting in small but increasingly frequent surges of refugees that are putting a strain on nearby Worlds willing to take them at all.
The threats facing this World are numerous and widely varied, since they come from many alternate Worlds. Some of the more notorious examples include:
* London is watched over by an enormous spiderlike being, with webs throughout the city and smaller, man-sized spider-beasts roaming the webs.
* New York is over half covered by a rapidly-growing fungus that takes control of humans who contract its spores.
* Berlin is ruled over by an army of robotic creatures that are chewing through most of the technology in the city to use as raw materials to make more.