Katt (Dropped)

World: Breath of Fire II-1
Actual Age: 16
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Quote: I'm going to win, you know! Why not give up now?
Role: Gladiator
Species: Woren


Katt is a young woren - a feline humanoid - from the city of Coursair. A gladiator in Coursair's Coliseum and the crowd favourite, Katt was forced into a rigged match when the manager of the Coliseum arranged to have her poisoned. After finding out that the manager was a demon and assisting in defeating him, Katt chose to seek her fortune elsewhere. As a champion gladiator, Katt is proud of her strength and skill and is not adverse to a little (or a lot) of bragging. She hopes to find new and interesting battles now that she is travelling the World Tree, and maybe find the source of demons and monsters so she can beat it up. Unfortunately, while Katt's physical skills are top-notch, her mental skills are less so. This does not stop her from being interested in magic, nor does it stop her from coming up with 'good ideas' that are nothing of the sort.


Gladiator: Katt is a combat champion wielding staffs, poles, or her own body.
Katt is an extremely skilled combatant. Her preferred fighting style uses staves and poles both as a movement tool and as a way of cracking heads, though she can fight with her hands, feet, and claws if she doesn't have one at hand. It's less a formalized fighting style or martial art and more a whole lot of fighting experience in the ring combined with her physical talents. Katt is also as comfortable out of a ring as in it, and can fight equally well without an audience or the showmanship of the coliseum.
Physical Training: Katt has improved agility, speed, and strength.
By dint of extremely hard training, Katt is extremely fast and agile, and much stronger than her frame would suggest, both to a superhuman extent. She can crack or launch rocks with her staff, balance on top of its point, and other feats of strength and agility. She also has near-bottomless reserves of energy, and rarely gets tired.
Eyes On Me!: Katt can make herself the center of attention.
Katt is a fighter who is used to fighting with an audience. She knows how to draw the eye and self-promote, and she can crank up the charm when she feels the need. In addition to making her generally well-recieved by crowds, Katt is also excellent at being a distraction or drawing enemy attention to herself by taunts and challenges, though sometimes with dangerous results.
Magic?< Edge >: Katt knows powerful fire, ice, and lightning spells, but has trouble with it.
Katt has the ability to cast elemental magic, granting her high-powered, wide-area fire, ice, and lightning attack spells. Unfortunately, she isn't actually able to focus to channel enough power to cast them most of the time. In a pinch, and if she really pushes herself, she can sometimes manage to get one off, but that's her limit.


Musclehead: Katt is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Katt is often considered by those who meet her as somewhat lacking in intelligence. This is, regrettably, pretty accurate. Katt has no ability for book learning, but in addition to her poor aptitude with academics, she just isn't very clever. It takes her a while to work through puzzles and she prefers to avoid really complex thinking. She's easily bored (especially if she doesn't think it's important) and her mind wanders, so sometimes it takes her more than one try to keep things straight in her head. She is superb at focusing, training, and practicing when it comes to physical conditioning, athleticism, and physical skills, especially combat. Mental skills... well, she struggles.
Guileless: Katt is a very open person.
Katt is not good at deception. She can't lie well and is unable to hide her feelings, especially when they are strong. She regularly speaks what is on her mind, whether it is an appropriate time or not. She is less bad, but still not good, at telling when people are trying to fool her. Katt can be tricked by a clever conversationalist, but if she thinks someone is trying to fool her (whether actually are they are or not) she will respond with anger and sometimes violence instead.
Competitive: Katt lives for a challenge.
Katt is used to doing things on her own and showing why she's the champion. While she can work together with a team, Katt likes to demonstrate her skill and doesn't appreciate unsolicited help. She likes contests - even with friends and allies. She doesn't hold back if it seems like they can give her a real competition, and feels insulted if other people hold back against her or talk down to her. She's so sure of her skill and power that her confidence can be used to draw into dangerous situations, and she almost never backs down from a challenge that she thinks she can win.
The Solution Is Punching: Katt's best strategy is brute force.
Katt's preferred solution to problems is to find the cause of the problem and then to beat it up. She is a very physical person, and abstract solutions often just don't occur to her. Less literally, she almost always goes for the direct approach to problem-solving rather than approaching her problems with tact or finesse. If brute force or sheer bull-headed determination can solve a problem, what else do you need?

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
326 The Crash Site Nov 07 2018
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