World Tree MUSH

The Crash Site

    A downed airship crashes into the forest, just as it had been headed for... bit this is a different forest than expected. The only problem is it didn't arrive alone! Strange wasplike creatures were in hot pursuit, endangering the nearby village!
Character Pose
Weiss Schnee
    No airship was supposed to be en route to this village, which was in a more primitive area of the World Tree anyway! Whether sent by some strange design, or by pure chance, or by picking up the brief burst of distress calls on the radio, it was undeniable that an airship was NOW headed toward land from the sea nearby. Or it was.

    Not much time is available to see the box-like aircraft before it crashes into the forest surrounding the village nearby. It's some distance from the village, but even with that in mind it's easy to see something strange about the crash. Many somethings.

    For the first, a series of large, glowing glyphs springs forth under the ship. Crashing through these seems to slow the dive some, but not enough to stop it from crashing into the forest with a large plume of smoke.

    For the second, it looks like two small swarms of large, man-sized wasp creatures came from whereever the ship came from, and are in hot pursuit of the now-flaming wreckage.

    Two swarms. A flaming ship. A forest starting to burn.
    "What the heck?" a black haired girl manages to say before the airship comes smashing into the forest nearby. She crosses her arms in front of her face, protecting it from scattered debris while skidding back a short distance from the concussion wave. "Where did that even come fro--- no, nevermind, there'll be people hurt, and those things don't look friendly. Get it together Uni." she summons a weapon in a flare of silvery light and rushes to cover, aiming into the sky at the incoming wasp-monsters. "Anyone alive in there, get to cover, I'll hold them off!" she calls, then opens fire on the swarm.

    The gun is a rapid-fire model, spraying bullets at a rapid rate into the oncoming monsters.
Iota Assistant
"Ice cream Ice cream! Ice cream!", Iota sings to herself as she muches on a chocalte ice cream cone. She huhs looks up to see the ship come crashing down into the forest. "Oh that can't be good..", she quickly downs the rest of the ice cream rushing closer to the crash site. 

"Ahh! Brain Freeze!"
Shin Tokuyama
    Shin was one world over eating dinner at a burger place when his phone buzzed. He looked up from a load of cheese-covered curly fries and a bacon cheeseburger to the cell phone sitting next to him. 

    His freelance hero-for-hire app, UpLyft(c)(tm), was telling him that there was a nearby fare in distress that needed to be picked up. And since it was a bit out of the way, fares were double for the day. Shin finished cramming some food in his mouth and stood up, "Come on, Michigan J. We got work to do." He holds up his phone to show her.

    It's not too much later that the two of them are hopping out of a nearby gateway, "So. First step to this kinda thing is to figure out what the situation is, assess the layout, figure out and prioritize who needs help, and then assign narrative roles to everyone based on the basic archetypes they fit into in the sense of a story, anime, or video game." He explains to his companion.
Ever since she (accidentally, but not entirely unhappily) left Coursair and then her entire world, Katt has been travelling pretty much at random. Sometimes she does fighting for money, because it seems as sensible a way as any for her to earn enough to get around with. Other time she just kind of wanders. She can always hunt for her food (read: bludgeon wildlife into submission).

That's actually what she was doing today. You can scrounge up all sorts of things to eat in a forest, after all, and she was creeping up toward her chosen prey when an entire airship hits the forest she is busy doing that in.

Katt is not going to manage to hunt anything after that. Especially she is currently sprinting away from her hunting ground toward the crash landing at her top speed. What the heck did /that/?
Shin Tokuyama
>> SUMMARY[Shin Tokuyama] >> Entrance pose. Hooks for Tsuyu.
Tsuyu Asui
    Shin's companion is... Well... For one, she's slowly munching on a fry when the buzz came through.
    UA's Offworld Hero Mentorship program sure has a lot of interesting people to intern under, though.
    Massive eyes vacantly stare at the screen when the phone is held up to her, and Tsuyu Asui's initial response is only natural of course:
    "... Michigan J.?"
    But she's already getting up, and after leaving a modest tip for their server, she's following after the wandering martial artist.
    "I'm still surprised there's an app for that." The amphibian girl comments, tapping a gloved finger to her lower lip thoughtfully as they arrive through the nearest vine and she turns that nearly-vacant stare up at the rapidly descending airship. ... And the giant wasp swarms.
    "... Archetypes...? ... No nevermind that, actually. I think we should focus on helping people first and figuring out the plot as we go along."
Anna Freeman
A blue-haired magical girl is making her way through the forest at approximately the speed of a car on a freeway. One hand is holding a golden-furred catlike creature onto her shoulder. "Yeah, that looked pretty bad!" says Anna.

"Remember," says Spiral, clinging onto her shoulder, "your strength is enhanced, but you only have one pair of arms. When rescuing survivors, do not try to carry more than one person at once, and let them move on their own power if it's safe to do so!"

Anna slows down as she nears the wreckage, the glow becoming less intense. And then her eyes widen as she sees the wasps. "Aaaaand that looks even worse!" She picks up her speed again and changes her course to meet the asps.

Spiral gulps. "... Of course there's monsters."
Weiss Schnee
    The crash site is in flames, with toppled trees and a gouge in the ground. It isn't an inferno, but the flames are spreading, and the ship is in pieces. Lots of pieces. Crates of cargo are all over the crash site when people rush toward it, and the pilot's compartment is still... mooooostly intact! Shattered windows show a figure inside, flames licking at the side of the compartment, but the door into it is in the back, where flames are much hotter. The pilot appears unconscious.

    Another figure was thrown free of the crash, looking remarkable unhurt for the impact. Not totally unhurt though! A pale, snow-haired girl has crashed into a tree, buckling it. She doesn't appear badly injured from the impact, very strangely, but it was enough to knock her out.

    Uni is already in action, too! Her shots are against a swarm, and the approaching huge wasps are pretty great in number. One of them is hit pretty solidly and spirals down, fatally injured... but it disintegrates into sparkling flecks before it hits the ground.

    Only a handful are close enough to attack, but more are on the way. The few that are nearby buzz to a stop and shoot their stingers out at Uni and others, with thin strands of black substance attaching the stingers to their abdomens. One of the ones that missed is already reeling the stinger back in.
    Uni keeps firing, until those stingers come lancing out her way. "Yipe!" she vocalizes, ducking behind the tree, then diverolling behind a nearby rock when the tree is perforated. She presses back against the rock. "Okay, they're likely doing that to pull prey in closer to bite at it... right, okay so Pilot's unconscious, so's the passenger, looks like a cargo ship, so... details later, think!"

    Uni looks around as others show up. "Hey! Be careful of the stingers, they have a tether and look like they're made to drag in prey!" she calls out, "Someone get the fire in check, the pilot's out cold and it looks like he's trapped! I'll provide cover fire!"

    Uni then peeks out from behind the rock, and opens up again, flicking a switch on her gun. "Lets see how they like these special incendiary rounds!"
Iota Assistant
Iota Arrives at the crash site, now over her ice cream headacke. 
"Woww. What a mess!", the pumpikin hat wearing girl says looking around. Then a stinger wizzes past her hitting the ground. The looks spotting the large waps. "Ahh! Big bugs! Scary! If I could only sqaush them!", she pauses. "Wait I can!", and in a blink of an eye Iota is huge! She pulls up a small tree out of the ground and tires to swat one of the wasps!
>> SUMMARY[Uni] >> Nearly getting perforated by stingers. Moving to harder cover. Giving out info for those just arriving and providing cover fire so people more suited to rescue work can do their jobs.
Iota Assistant
>> GAME >> Iota Assistant spends an Edge for: Getting big to squash some bugs
Iota Assistant
>> SUMMARY[Iota Assistant] >> Big iota swatting some bugs (hopefully)
Katt manages to pick up even more speed than her first burst until she's running flat-out, almost directly toward the biggest chunk of airship she can find - the front. She dodges a box, bounces up on a second crate, and comes down from her jump while thrusting her staff against the ground. It flexes alarmingly before rebounding and launching her upward as if she'd hit a spring.

This was, in fact, exactly what Katt had meant to do. What she probably did not mean to do, because she doesn't know airships of any sort very well, is smash into the side of the pilot's compartment right below one of the windows, slamming into it hard enough to rattle all the bits and pieces in that broken window and also make her momentarily look like she's splatted on the windshield. Or next to the windshield, anyway.

Katt pulls herself out of the little dent she made and shakes her head sharply to clear it, her tiger-striped tail dangling behind her. "What?" she calls back at Uni, not recognizing the voice, as her not-quite-clawlike nails scrabble against the side of the airship, pulling herself up.

While it's on fire. Hmm. This is a little precarious.

Katt pulls herself through the window. Her solution to an unconscious, trapped pilot is the simplest one of all; after making sure it won't hurt him too much to do so, she literally picks him up and throws him over her shoulder. "You're coming with me! Then the fire and the bugs won't be able to get you until they get through me!"
Shin Tokuyama
    "Oh yeah. It's the best. You should download it some time when you wanna grab a few extra bucks to spend on food, or shelter, or whatever else people buy." Shin comments as he puts the phone into his pocket, "And yeah. Michigan J. It's a Frog reference. You gotta keep up." He snaps his fingers a couple times. Not condescendingly, but to indicate he moves quickly in his dialogue tree. 

    "This is a mess." He remarks as he looks around, "And I keep track of people by putting them in roles. Makes life easier than remembering a ton of rando people names." He notes, "It's like a mnemonics thing, you know?"

    He taps Tsuyu on the shoulder, "Let's go check on the chick who was thrown clear. She hit that tree pretty hard. Might have fractured something." He remarks as he starts jogging over in that direction.
Shin Tokuyama
>> SUMMARY[Shin Tokuyama] >> Talking to Tsuyu. Going to check on Weiss.
Anna Freeman
Anna comes to a stop and takes in the situation as she reaches the wreckage, and Spiral floats off her shoulder and hovers off to a safe distance. "Roger that!" Anna calls out to Uni. Her voice sounds slightly androgynous, especially when she raises it.

Okay, good, someone's handling the pilot, and someone else is going for the unconscious girl. Seeing where Shin's going, she zigzags back and forth to avoid the stingers, and gathers glowing energy into her hands. "I'll cover for you!" she calls out to him. The energy is shaking; she's clearly somewhat inexperienced with using this power. Then, with a loud yell, she throws it at the nearest wasp to Shin and Tsuyu.
Tsuyu Asui
    "Technically I'm not supposed to do hero work until I get my license." Tsuyu points out when Shin suggests she pick up the app.
    No Refer-a-Cape points for you today, Shin Tokuyama.
    "Iiiiit's a mess." She does confirm though before following along, still not quite understanding where the frog reference is, having grown up long after Looney Tunes stopped airing re-runs about a showtunes singing frog.
    "Just as long as you don't put me in a 'plucky sidekick' role we're good." She asides as she drops into a crouch and starts frog-hopping after the wandering martial artist, towards the fallen Schnee heir while Anna gives them some clearance.
    She doesn't even shout it or anything, it's just a pretty simple declaration of appreciation for the cover.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> I am following to check on Weiss.
Weiss Schnee
    It looks like people are on the ball tonight! Uni's shots are effective all right, but flames adding more flames might not be a good idea! Good thing these wasps disintegrate so burning bodies aren't a problem, making them explode in little bursts of flame and light. They don't seem all that tough, there's just a lot of them! A lot of them that have a new, big target when Iota grows to huge size and begins to swat them with a tree, making the first swarm scatter. They begin to regroup while the second, unharmed swarm swoops in from the flank, firing the stingers of a few to try to grapple the large threat.

    Katt slams into the side of the pilot's compartment hard, and it's both hot and less tough than expected. This isn't an armored combat ship! The pilot just looks to have a head wound, but is still breathing. It's just getting /uncomfortably/ hot in there, and climbing out with the pilot is going to be a trial in itself. She could try to leap through the flames behind, or attempt to go out the front windshield and avoid the fire, just risk the glass.

    A few of the scattered wasps are heading for the fallen girl, but not very many. They seem really, really intent on attacking Iota for some reason. Anna's energy blast crisps one, and the others scatter around, but a few have peeled off toward Anna now. While she keeps them at bay, Shin and Tsuyu can see that Weiss does have a small bump on her head and some scrapes, but is really very well-preserved for having crash-landed. More than the pilot, even! She's breathing evenly, and doesn't seem to be bleeding anywhere. Out cold unless someone can fix that.
    Uni can see the second swarm incoming, and Iota's starting to draw a /lot/ of aggro. "We've gotta buy the others more time to get the wounded out of here... think Uni, think..." she presses her head back against the rock she's hiding behind, takes a breath then nods. "No more hesitation. Only determination remains!"

    Uni stands out of cover, stowing her weapon as she 'draws' a power symbol out of the air, letting it rest above her hand with a serious expression. "ACCESS!" she commands, then presses the power symbol into her chest, becoming engulfed in silvery light. The column then shatters and a white- haired drill-tailed woman in a black body suit hovers where the black-haired girl once stood. Armoured segments rest around her body, including a pair of wings, shaped like the grips of a games controller.

    She speaks, her voice a bit deeper as her green eyes lock onto the swarm, their pupils actually showing that same power symbol. "COME THEN YOU KNAVES!" She summons her weapon once more, a giant construct made of black metal, it glows with green energy and menaces with spikes. "EX Multi Blaster!" she calls, sweeping a beam of laser light across the incoming swarm, as she ascends into the air to take the fight to them.
>> GAME >> Uni spends an Edge for: Transforming to Black Sister
Shin Tokuyama
    Anna Freeman gets two big thumbs up from Shin when she calls out that she's gonna cover for them., "Thanks! I owe you one for this!" He calls out to her before looking back towards Tsuyu. 

    "Naw. You're down as 'High-Potential Kouhai' right now. That'll change once you go Pro, probably." He points out as he shows her the picture he has and her little profile in her cell phone. He lists her romance potential as 'Neutral' and her Disposition as 'Mellow', incidentally.

    "Okay. I'm gonna try an ancient technique to wake her up." Shin says as he looks at Weiss, "It's ancient chinese healing magic." Shin rummages in his backpack before pulling out one of those screw-top insulated bottles. The kind meant to keep drinks at certain temperatures and all, so they're made of metal.

    He slowly hooks a hand under Weiss's chin, "Let's hope this works," He remarks as he tries to tilt her head back. Bringing the bottle up to her lips, he...

    Promptly pours ice cold water like... RIGHT in her face. He also shouts, "HEY. Wake up! You don't sleep when you're concussed!"
Shin Tokuyama
>> SUMMARY[Shin Tokuyama] >> Pouring cold water right in Weiss's face. Like a true hero.
Iota Assistant
Ow. Ow. Ow. Getting stung well stings! She can take a few hits thankfully. Oh there other people around to help! Yah! "Stop that!!", she say to the bugs. She doupts they can understand her ut she just want to get out some of her frustration. She swings her log trying to hit some more of them or at least keep them busy so the other can deal with them.
Iota Assistant
>> SUMMARY[Iota Assistant] >> Getting stung and a bit frustrated! Trying to deal with these annoying bugs!
Tsuyu Asui
    High-Potential Kouhai...
    "I'll take it." Tsuyu decides pretty easily from where she observes, crouched... She look on, watching with rapt interest when Shin is about to impart acient healing wisdom of the Orient upon their unconscious ward and...
    "... Well if you mean ancient like that, then yeah, splashing someone with cold water is kinda time tested and immemorial." The frog-girl says dryly.
Well, good news bad news time:

The good news is that Katt has been hit in the head before and knows sort of what to do with a head wound, which is basically 'be careful with it'. The bad news is that Katt is not very good at being careful, and tends to take the most direct path possible.

Which, in this case, means using her staff to bang and sweep along the edges of the windshield to knock as much of the glass out before she just kind of throws herself through it, pilot protected from sharp edges and fire by Katt herself.

She lands, staggering to one side because she is carrying a whole extra person, and then spots Shin treating an injured lady. "Hey! Hey, are you the doctor? Because I found a guy!" Katt realizes it would be a bad idea to life the pilot up and hold him overhead to show him off, so she doesn't, but she is making her way toward Shin and Tsuyu.

Mostly she's doing this while watching the swarms. It's hard for her not to be the one out there fighting. She's kind of hoping Shin is the doctor so she can give the pilot to him and get to keeping the monsters away.
Anna Freeman
Anna gives Shin a thumbs-up, and smiles back at him. But then she realizes part of the swarm is focusing on her, and her eyes widen, and she starts zigzagging back and forth once again. "Crap," she mutters, gathering up more energy. "Wish these damn things were on the ground, so I could really go into 'em ..." This time, it's a bit quicker for her to ready another burst of Heart Power, and she launches it at another wasp.

At that moment, though, one stinger lands a glancing blow, causing some sort of invisible force field to reveal itself around her body! "OW!" The glow is brightest around her body; it didn't seem to block the stinger completely, but at least it seems to have mitigated it to just 'ow' levels.
Weiss Schnee
    Uni transforms into something much more threatening-looking! A few of the swarm start toward her, but somehow Iota and now Anna are getting much more attention. The buzzing swarm sweeps forward, then scatters as the quick blasts incinerate several at once, forcing a wariness from the sudden burst of threat from 'harmful' to 'really dangerous.'

    Speaking of really dangerous, that log is working really well! It would be much more splatted with bug juice if these things left corpses. Even though they seem attracted to Iota and attacking her, they're also giving her a wide berth now that she's huge enough to use such a flyswatter. Uni and Iota together are putting a major dent in the swarm, and some of the Lancers are starting to be more cautious, and the loud buzzing is fading. They're really determined though, and a few stingers are launching toward Uni now. But with both her and Iota putting forth such an effort their numbers won't last.

    Katt leaps out and maybe gets some scratches, but shielding the pilot with her body keeps him intact except for a shallow cut on the leg, his pant leg cut. This is pretty good! He's unconscious but doesn't look like he's in immediate danger, just banged up.

    Anna's defense is getting more and more attention though! The wasps are getting closer, but that makes them easier to blast too! She's able to hold them off thanks to Iota and Uni keeping the bulk of the swarm away... but there's still a problem. The fire is spreading, while the wasps are being fought off.

    Splashing Weiss in the face makes her sputter! She coughs and blinks awake, sitting up rapidly and then grabbing her head. "Owwww!" Dripping wet, she tries to focus just in time to see Anna's aura deflect a stinger! This... doesn't surprise her at all. "We're alive... what is THAT?!" The wasps aren't strange, but Iota sure is, and easy to notice. Not even a thanks for Shin and Tsuyu?
Shin Tokuyama
    "Exactly. It's one of mankind's greatest fixes for a lot of issues. Water is the oldest medicine, Tsuyu!" He gives her a wide grin and adjusts his sunglasses. 

    When Weiss actually wakes up, he tilts his head a bit, "Hey. Are you okay? Point at this chart and tell me which reflects your current emotional state." Shin reaches into his backpack and pulls out what appears to be a laminated chart that he rolled up. He shows it to Weiss.

    And then Katt is asking him if he's a doctor, "Sorry, Hobbes. Legally, I am not allowed to say that I am a doctor after that lawsuit in Brazil. I do know basic first aid and also I've read a lot of manga."
Shin Tokuyama
>> SUMMARY[Shin Tokuyama] >> Re: Tsuyu, Re: WEiss, Re: Katt
Katt believes that getting a cut on your leg is better than getting caught in a fire, so it's win... win-ish.

"Hobbes? That sounds like a boy's name." Which means Katt isn't sure why it's directed at her; she's certainly not a boy. Oh well. She doesn't seem to get what 'manga' is, but at 'knows basic first aid', she nods to herself and advances, carefully setting the wounded pilot down with surprising gentleness. "Then you can help him, right? I'll make sure nothing gets to you guys while you do. Me and, uh..."

She pauses. "And the giant. And the winged girl who is, like, Metal Bits Clan or something." Where did they all come from, anyway? Sometimes Katt isn't very observant. "Well, I'll do it anyway!" She can certainly cover the injure. Putting out the fire doesn't occur to her; how's she going to do that?

Katt does try to crane her neck to look at the chart before she sets up in a defensive position in front of Weiss, Shin, Tsuyu and the pilot, keeping her staff in her hand. It makes absolutely no sense to her. Her expression is somewhere between baffled and irritated. Mostly baffled, honestly.
Anna Freeman
Anna spares a glance at Iota. "Yeah I dunno!" she says in response to Weiss's query. She's a bit too busy concentrating on firing blasts of Heart Power at the wasps that come near her -- and with the extra attention she's getting, it's just as well that she's also starting to pick up the pace of her counterattacks! On the other hand, a few of her shots are going wild.

She lets out a sigh as she briefly stops near Weiss and overhears Shin tell her to point at the paper. She doesn't actually know what's on it, she just has a feeling, based on the last time she met him.

The golden-furred catlike form of Spiral floats over to Weiss, Shin, Katt, and Tsuyu. "... Say," she says, "does anyone know how to put out a fire? Because this is getting kiiiiiiiiinda worrisome."
Tsuyu Asui
    "Yep, you're alive. That's a really big girl, and--"
    And Shin pulls out the anime personality chart.
    Any coherent thought Tsuyu had trails clean off when he pulls out a laminated anime personality chart.
    "This is happening. You're not dreaming. Sorry." She says to Weiss, turning to offer Katt and Spiral an apologetic, albeit somewhat baffled shrug.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Even I am at a loss for words here.
Iota Assistant
The wasps nubmers and thining Yah! There still a problem thought. Some of keeping a distance thought. She does her best to try and keep the wasps occupied by swinging her log. She might be albe to put out the fire, thought it really do a nubmer on her shoes and the ship..
Iota Assistant
>> SUMMARY[Iota Assistant] >> Dealing with wasps and pondering!
    Uni jinks and dodges through the stinger, a few coming close and scorting glowing red streaks across her body, shedding fractured code and little shattered blue hexagons as her Guard depletes. "Just a little more. Limiter release! EX Multi Blaster. Mode Empress!" she calls, setting her feet on a round platform of energy to brace herself. The barrel of her weapon gimbals open, revealing the green energy core and the baffles that help direct the energy flow. "Time to blow them all away!"

    Bracing, setting her legs as the power core spools up, then unleashes a larger beam cannon, trying to sweep the rest of the Lancers out of the sky in its golden light. "Someone get the fire under control while we mop this up! There's a village just over to the west and they rely on these woods for food and building materials!" she commands, a bit more imperious than her regular form.
>> SUMMARY[Uni] >> Okay, now I'm getting pissed! Also, if someone could do something about this fire, that'd be grrrrreeeeaaaat. :|
Weiss Schnee
    "The pilot!" Weiss tries to get up, then thuds on the ground, still dizzy! And having a chart shoved in her face. Huh? She scans the options and points at the Yamato Nadeshiko, without fully examining them all. "I think we need to stop the Grimm and the fire-!"

    She thought so anyway, because Anne was worried about that and Katt is focused on defense, so can't. The wasps pair off to attack one for each, stingers launching, but one on one they won't last long against the magical girl and the woren!

    Iota swats three at once! When she pulls her backswing back, there are only one or two left in reach... the rest are drifting down, fried, from the onslaught of Uni's attack lancing through the air to Lance the Lancers! The swarm is almost dispersed, only a handful left between all the heroes here, but it's the growing threat of the fire that now needs attention!

    "His aura is too weak for that crash," Weiss explains. "He needs help. I'll handle the fire..." At least she is going to try. Drawing her rapier, the chamber spins on it before lighting up with a faint bluish light, extending over the rapier. In a gesture toward the ground, bright glyphs form, like the ones that slowed the descent... but these send out a sheet of ice over the ground, making some of the fire sputter.

    Some. Weiss collapses into Shin's arms right in front of Tsuyu, almost fainting. "Ah..." Used too much energy surviving the crash. "Someone find some Ice or Water Dust, the ship was carrying some..."
Shin Tokuyama
    "Good choice! A favorite." 

    Shin says as he folds up the chart in his hands, "Hobbes is the name of a famous tiger, by the way. Most famous one in my world, probably." He notes to Katt as he shoves the chart back into his backpack.

    "Alright." He says to Katt, "If the pilot is injured, lay him down flat on his back, face up. We want to put him in a position that is as natural as possible to prevent stressing any new injuries. He isn't in a fencing position, which means he probably doesn't have brain damage yet." Shin inspects the man for a bit, "We want to get an actual professional in here, though."

    When Katt does set the pilot down, Shin takes off his backpack and slips it under the man's head to elevate his neck at least.

    Just in time to have Weiss collapse into his arms, "Woah there, princess. You have a head injury too. You shouldn't over-exert, okay? Even if it was..." He looks around a bit, "A pretty cool move." Haha.

    Still, while Weiss is actually collapsed into his arms, he is at least nice enough to hold her up without any uncouth comments.
    "It would help if you gave us a description, just looking for dust in all this is going to be hard enough!" comments Uni as she lowers back down to the ground, hovering a foot or so above it... then she goes to the nearest crate, smashing it open with the stock of her gun before rooting around inside.

    She really doesn't know what she's looking for.
>> SUMMARY[Uni] >> Gee, thanks... 'dust' indeed, really. Grumble grumble
Iota Assistant
Iota deals with the last remaning bugs! Yah! Now there just the fire.. She could stomp it out but that just shakes things up to much. She just watches Uni as she rummages throught the debirs.
Iota Assistant
>> SUMMARY[Iota Assistant] >> All the bugs are gone. What about the fire?
Tsuyu Asui
    Okay, so the pilot and Weiss herself have been triage'd. That leaves the bugs and the fire. And others are handling the bugs...
    So as soon as the snow-haired girl suggests something to deal with the blaze Tsuyu...
    Does not budge. Not for a beat anyway, as the gears tick away behind those vacant staring eyes.
    That's all she says at first before shifting slightly in her crouch. "I'll leave these two to you." She says to Shin and Katt, when it comes to protecting the captain and Weiss...
    And then she leaps. And starts bounding towards the downed ship in search of anything remotely 'dust' looking that isn't on fire and might be of the water or ice elemental affinity.
Tsuyu Asui
>> SUMMARY[Tsuyu Asui] >> Cue 'You Say Run' while I... Rummage heroically.
Anna Freeman
Anna groans at Shin's remark, and she fires off one last Heart Power blast at the nearest of the last two wasps, but Iota manages to get to it first, and it goes flying off into the distance. "Okay, whew," she says. She frowns at Uni. "I, uh, think she meant something more specific than 'dust' in general?" she says, before glancing back at Weiss. She rubs some sweat off her brow. "My name's Anna, by the way."

Spiral floats down slightly. "And I'm Spiral. Whoa!" She's slightly startled by Tsuyu's sudden burst of speed!
"Oh! Well, I'm not a tiger, I'm a woren. Don't call woren just cats, it's rude."

Katt's approach to medicine is to put a bandage on it (with, if you have some money, some herbs), eat a meat dinner and hope you feel better in the morning. She feels a little out of her depth when treating the pilot, but she's willing enough to set him down as Shin requests before preparing to protect the group.

"Oh, ice magic!" Katt feels comfortable with what Weiss did. If only she could do it... she's been practicing, but she really doesn't think she can pull it out today. "Wait, dust? What is the dust for?" Fortunately, she does not have to to cast spells to stop the wasp thing from getting to the group of injured and people treating them, and someone else is on dust duty.

Katt darts forward, bringing her staff up in a vertical rising smack at the underside of the wasp. It's enough to actually push it upward slightly, though only a few inches before she whirls, spinning the staff in her hands so it spins through two complete revolution before smacking the wasp with the cats'-paw-shaped end of the staff.

That ought to send it flying. And probably broken, unless it's tougher than she thinks it is.
Weiss Schnee
    People are confused about Dust? Weiss rolls her eyes. "Just look for something with a blue label!" Gosh is it that hard? She doesn't get it. There are lots of crates with red or green labels, but a few do have blue.

    After getting to straighten herself up, she rubs her forehead. Weiss gets an introduction! "Weiss. Weiss Schnee." Pronouncing it Why-ess instead of 'vice' though. "I think the Grimm are taken care of. Ice... magic? No it's just dust. Even faunus don't believe in magic, come on."
Anna Freeman
Anna shrugs. "Maybe there isn't magic in your world," she says without rancor. "But I'm literally a magical girl as seen in popular culture, basically."

"... I mean that's kind of a crude approximation," says Spiral, a hovering talking cat, "but yeah."
Shin Tokuyama
    "Oh sorry, didn't mean to be racist. If I shouldn't call you a cat, what's your name, then?" Shin asks, setting up for the inevitable punchline to be delivered. 

    And then Weiss is straightening herself back up. Shin easily lets her stand again and then adjusts his suit jacket and his sunglasses, "Shin Tokuyama. You can just call me Shin." He takes out his cell phone and starts making an entry in it for Weiss. He does keep what he enters in it for her a secret, though.

    "I get the feeling you're in for some information that is gonna require a lot of secondary answers to follow-up questions."
Iota Assistant
After all the bugs or Grimm as Wiess calls them she turns towards Wiess. "I'm Iota. Iota Assistant. Did you come in that ship? What were you transporting? Where did those bugs come from? We're they on the ship too? You can use Ice attacks? Cool! Oh I didn't mean that pun.. Sorry.", the gaint pauses. "Are you hurt?"
Katt tilts her head. "No, of course there's magic. Magic is cool and goes 'byeoow' and 'kapow' and stuff, but school is expensive and they won't teach me for free. Or for beating up someone for them." She pauses. "Also you need patience, apparently," Katt mutters under her breath.

She's totally going to show all of them someday.

"Anyway my name is Katt, which does NOT make me a tiger." She waves one finger in Shin's direction. It probably doesn't help the jokes, and she does have quite a few visible tiger stripes on her legs and tail. "But! Okay, we'll get you your dust and you can put out the fire because I don't think I can. Fire is really hard to hit."

Katt turns to look at said fire. It's kind of worrying, but if Weiss thinks dust will put it out... "Would kicking the ground help? That makes dust."
    "Blue label? Right... green... red... yellow... pink?! Ugh!" Uni floats back from the crate she's at. "No joy over here!" she calls out, looking around at the others. "Oh, Introductions? Alright since I'm no help anymore... I'm Uni, CPU Candidate of Lastation."
Tsuyu Asui
    Blue label, blue label...
    It's not long amid the rummaging through crates before Tsuyu finds a blue labelled crate. ... Without a crowbar with which to open it, the hero in training uses what she has...
    A good solid kick from powerful jumping legs should easily solve the problem of the crate, and soon enough she's face with multiple canisters. ... Having no idea how many to bring, she takes as many as she can carry in her arms before leaping in another series of bounds to get herself back to Weiss and the others.
    "I have no idea what this stuff is or how much you need, so I just grabbed as much as I could carry." She says as matter of fact as can be.
    "Magic's reall, by the way."
    No further explanation, she just says that and leaves it at that.
Weiss Schnee
    These people are weird. Really wei- "AH! IT TALKS!" Iota looming over her gets a screech! "I-I mean. Hello?" Nervously staring at the giant girl, Weiss takes another step back while Shin is taking in her details...

    "AH, IT TALKS!" This time it's a squeal, and Weiss claps her hands together to stare adoringly at Spiral. Eyes are all wide and joyful, looking way different from the testy expression she had a second ago. "I-I mean. It talks, that's... interesting." Her face bright red.

    She probably got everyone's names at least, and Katt and Uni get some nods too. "Those are... strange names..." Tsuyu to the rescue though, allowing her to open the canister quickly and fling it toward the fire, where an eruption of steam arises and the flames flicker and fade. "He probably won't like that his cargo is gone, but it's better than being dead," she reasons. "Besides, these were probably my father's to begin with." Scowl!

    Now that the crisis is passed, "We need to get to Haven," she says, trying to lean against a tree. "And get him some help. The Grimm..." She stops and stares at Katt, at Uni, and the others who have no idea. "... have you never seen a Grimm before? Those are what made us crash. At least the Queen's taken care of."

    She slumps to the ground, obviously exhausted still!
Iota Assistant
Iota frowns a bit. "Of course I talk. Why woudn't I?", she titls her head looking a bit confused at Wiess comment. She a bit tired too and sit down. THUD. The ground shakes a bit when she does so. "I'm sore all over!!!"
The wasp monsters? I've seen a lot of monsters so I guess there's no surprise there are angry bugs too." Katt rests her staff across her shoulders and hooks her arms over it, letting them dangle forward. It looks less comfortable than it is. 

Then she decides that's a bad idea and lets the staff slide out. "I'll give you and the pilot a hand back to town! I can't carry both of you, but I can help, right? And then you can figure out what to do after that." It's a good plan by Katt standards. "And you too!" she adds to Iota. "Though, uh, you probably don't fit in an inn bed. Sorry!"
Anna Freeman
Spiral's fur stands on end. This isn't a reflexive or instinctive reaction, since she's a shapeshifter, but she tends to do it anyway as a useful visual shorthand. "Um, okay, Miss Schnee, please calm down," she says weakly, and floats backwards away from Weiss.

Anna snickers. "Oh jeez ..."

Spiral sighs softly. "First of all ... you aren't in your homeworld anymore. This airship has traveled to another world, where things are ... very different." She isn't entirely sure Weiss will actually listen, but ...
    Uni frowns a bit. "Well Whyss is a weird name too y'know!" she needles, arms folding over her chest as she releases her transformation, dropping onto the floor with a hmph. "Anyway, crisis averte--- Haven? What? Oh man, you don't know do you?" The others seem to have it in hand, so she leaves it at that, "Regardless, we should probably make sure the villagers are alright, some of those wasp things were heading that way and there might be more." She scuffs a shoe at the ground, looking at the devastation now the fires have gone out. "At least we managed to contain this before it got out of control."
Weiss Schnee
    Weiss puts her hand on her forehead. "Another... I think I need to lay down before anyone explains anything." She perks up when she hears there's a village nearby though. "There's a village? Good, we can get him some help." No apology for the name thing, but Weiss does have a lot on her mind. And a bump on the head.