Syd (Dropped)

World: Pokemon-1
Actual Age: 16 Years Old
Apparent Age: Middle Teens
Quote: "Alola! You want a Pokemon Battle, coz?"
Role: Beginning Trainer
Species: Human
Theme Song: Off To See The World (Lukas Graham)
Voice Actor: Jeremy Shada


Sydney Akamu, or 'Syd', as he's often called, is a young trainer from the rural Alola Region, transplanted into the urban Kanto region during his middle school year. He's kind of upset about that because his dad was already making him wait on taking the Island Challenge (an important rite of passage for Alolan Trainers) until his baby brother was old enough not to need a babysitter, and now he's in Kanto and everything is so different. But at least he has his best friend, a rockruff (a rock-element puppy monster) named Banjo, to be be at his side and help him out. Plus, now that they're in Kanto, he's allowed to do his Trainer Journey! Sid is capable of taming and befriending small monsters, which will then fight for him; though mostly he just wants them around for friends. Sydney also loves rock climbing, and is good at camping.


Pokemon Partners: As a Pokemon trainer, Syd is capable of dealing with small animals and monsters.
As a Pokemon Trainer, Syd is capable of befriending small monsters called Pokemon; he is also good with recognizing animal behaviour in the species types he is best identified with (the major one being canines!) He is also well versed in dietary needs, and some base first aid knowledge when dealing with Pokemon (and to a lesser extent, normal animals.) As he traverses, his knowledge will grow as he gains more experience.
Good Dog Banjo< Feature >: A rock-type dog'e'mon who is prone to digging holes.
Rockruff, the Puppy Pokemon. Banjo was born on Syd's grandma's farm, and was gifted to Syd when he turned 5, because 'every boy should have a dog'. Banjo and Syd have been together for a long time, and while still coinsidered a 'puppy' pokemon, Banjo is very much a 'seasoned herding dog', used to keeping both Syd and his baby brother out of trouble while running around. Banjo's best ability is one he can use out of battle; Dig! With this he can dig a hole through dirt, stone, wood, and some weaker metals (but not many!) to escape from danger with, taking his trainer with him.
Be Prepared: With his 'Handy Dandy Backpack', Sid is stocked for adventure!
Syd's backpack is rather strong and durable; it's been through a lot of would-be adventures. He keeps food items, a first aid kit (for himself,) potions and heals for Banjo and his other pokemon, a wound rope for climbing, a change of clothes, and even two other sets of swim trunks in his backpack, as well as a bottle of water, and a fire starting kit for camping.
Pokemon Familiarity: Syd is familiar with several specific types of pokemon/animals!
Syd, having grown up on his grandmother's ranch, is very well versed in the pokemon husbandry involving many small to middle sized animals, with only a few large ones of the canine variety as an outlier. This mean he is versed in their dietary habits, most of their body language and behaviours, and in base medical knowledge needed to care for them. He is capable of translating this knowledge to work with other monsters of similar natures, and as well with regular animals of similar species; it won't be perfect, but he has a basic gist of it to help him out.
Athletics: Syd is a pretty good minor athlete and enjoys sporty hobbies!
As a trainer of a very athletic and energetic species of pokemon, Syd is very good at most minor sports involving running, climbing, and jumping. He might be someone a high school would scout for track and field in later years; he loves to do laps while running alongside Banjo for warm-ups to a good pokemon battle. He is also a beginning swimmer, and, because of his Rock-type pokemon, a decent and avid rock climber (with free style being his speciality.)
Devices: With the help of various electronics, Syd keeps in touch with the world!
Like most trainers, Syd has an array of electronic devices with him to make his journey a bit easier. His devices are: A Pokedex (an electronic Pokemon Encyclopedia), A Pokewatch (a communication and GPS wristwatch), and several kinds of Pokeball (devices for catching and housing Pokemon, each with varying strengths of Capture Rate.) With these devices, he is capable of navigating and traversing the Pokemon World; however, their usefulness outside this world may vary.


Combat Pokemon< Feature Named D-Tier >: Syd's Battle Team: A Rock-Type Puppy Pokemon with Stone cold Physical Attacks.
Syd's main battle team at the moment consists of just Banjo, a rockruff, who one day may even evolve into a lycanroc (the evolved form of rockruff) of either morning or evening variety. No one knows where this will go one day!<br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Rockruff is a small, shiba inu-looking pokemon with a collar of stone spikes around its neck. They're considered to be very cute but also somewhat headstrong. They also have an excellent sense of smell, and are said to be able to locate their trainer from up to a mile away just from the faint smell of their familiar scent. Their element type is Rock, which makes them resistant (but not immune to) Normal, Flying, Poison, and Fire element attacks, while making them weak to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water, and Grass element attacks. Rockruff are capable of attacking with physical moves, such as biting, and tackling, but they are also capable of attacking with the force of their element, such as 'rocks fall everyone gets a headache', and similar. They have only two Dark element attacks (Bite and Crunch) which are both biting moves. As well, they are capable of Roar, a vocal attack which is used to disorient wild pokemon so the trained pokemon and trainer can escape (and vice-versa for wild!)
Non-Combat Pokemon< F-Tier Basic >: Non-Combat mobility enhancing pokemon used for travel, including Teleport.
Syd is capable of using various special non-combat powers that other pokemon that he gathers on his journey may have; for example while he might not use a rattata (a rat monster) for battle, he might ask the rattata to use a special move called 'Cut', which would allow him to cut down a bush or small tree to gain access to other areas, or he might ask an Abra (a psychic raccoon monster) to teleport him to the nearest Pokemon Center or medical area so he can treat his or his other pokemon's wounds. These pokemon (when obtained) will more than likely be treated mostly like pets or companion animals, and will not be used for anything in combat.


The New Kid: Syd is a new Pokemon Trainer who is naive and trusting of the world at large.
Up until now, Syd has been stuck hanging out on his grandma's ranch most of the time during the day while his dad was at work. He spent most of that time helping his grandma with the chores and keeping an eye on his baby brother. He has never been on a real trainer journey until now; and also, having just moved to the Kanto Region, he is very new with everything going on in the world outside his little life in Ula'ula Island. Syd is also very naive, and willing to trust people from the start; after all most people he's known so far, aside from Team Skull, have been cool. He has yet to run into the klikes of Team Rocket, or worse entities; and is in for a shock upon meeting his first real antagonist.
No Bad Pokemon: Syd doesn't believe there's such a thing as a bad animal, only bad people!
It will likely come to a great shock for Syd the first time he meets someone who's pokemon are just as evil as they are; this also stands for any other animal-like minions Syd may meet. He's the kind of kid who will walk up to a dog, offering his hand, carefully, and talking softly, to try and gain that animal's trust, whether it looks safe or not. He's very likely to believe for the longest time that any evil animal, or creature, is truely evil; and is likely to try and make friends of people and creatures that can leave him in great danger or trouble.
Will Not Quit: Sydney is the type who doesn't back down easily (even when he should!)
Perhaps more aptly thought of 'Damn boy you stubborn fo' sho, Sydney is not the type of kid to give up easily. This means he is also not the type to take no for an answer, and he will keep trying even after he's exhausted every and all other possibility. One of the main reasons his father taught Banjo Dig, in fact, was to drag Sydney away if the pokemon thought it was a better idea to run and his stubborn trainer refused to listen. Banjo, however, is sometimes just as rock headed as his trainer!
"But Back In Alola-": Syd is still having something of a culture clash; poor kid's stuck!
Sydney is still getting used to the idea that everything in the world is bigger than him. 'Back in Alola, We Did It This Way' is something that is stuck in his mind; back in Alola people didn't have to lock their doors at night. Back in Alola, you could settle things with a Malasada eating contest. Back in Alola... Sydney's system of thought is still somewhat stuck 'Back in Alola', and he's going to take a long time to get used to things being different.

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