Raven (Dropped)

World: DC-Animated-1
Actual Age: 16
Quote: Azarath Metrion Zinthos
Role: Dark sorceress
Species: Half-demon, Half-azarathian


The daughter of the demon Trigon and the Azarathian(A group of human monks from another dimension) Arella. Raven holds a number of powers from her dual hereditary, namely magical in nature and focused around darkness and her soul form magic. The majority of her powers, however, stem from her emotional state and this, combined with her own empathic abilities, requires her to keep a tight lid on her emotions at all times, lest she risk losing control. Due to the dangers of her powers and the threat she poses to everyone around her, she will often attempt to avoid getting too close to others and, instead, work more to find allies against the coming appearance of her father.


Empathy: Raven can sense the emotions and feelings of others.
Raven can sense the emotions and feelings of others, allowing her to sense their motivations and intentions quickly. This only works on those within fifty feet or on those she focuses on intently. With focus, time and effort she can even help guide and bring those emotions of others to the front. Powerful emotions, however, can exceed this range and be blindingly obvious.
Soul-self< Edge >: Raven becomes a giant black raven that can teleport or phase through walls.
This form allows raven to project from her body, or envelop herself and others to teleport or phase through walls. In order to teleport, however, she requires time to prepare and cannot do it without concentration(NOT in combat). Phasing through walls can be done quickly and easily and, if she manages to grab someone, can even haul the unwilling(with ooc consent, of course.) While there aren't many limits to how far she can travel, she does have to prepare a sufficient ritual for distances further than a few miles and have a connection or able to form a connection to far distances. She can not travel into warded areas without penetrating the barrier(requiring an edge).
Telekinesis: A simple magic that allows Raven to grab things with magic, as well as fly
A simple magic that allows Raven to grab things with magic, as well as fly. This ability is one of her few that don't require verbal components, however her emotional state CAN affect it, causing it to lash out in violent ways or amplify or decrease how much she can move. In general, however, she can move non-moving-things far larger than herself. Things that move she can only grab and move if they're about twice her size.
Shadow magic: This is used to create shadow constructs for offense and defense
Raven's most common magic, this is used to create shadow constructs for offense and defense. This takes the form of blasts, domes or other simple shapes. This is a very obvious power and the constructs are very solid and can be crushed and broken. When they are damaged, she is hit by some of the backlash and it can damage her slightly.
Healing: The simple healing spells of Azarathians.
The simple healing spells of Azarathians. This spell heals herself consistently, allowing her to recover relatively quickly from damage when out of combat. When severely damaged, she will even enter a coma-like state to heal. This spell can also be used to heal others, though it requires her to focus on the wounds themselves.
Communication spell: A simple spell Raven uses to communicate with people across the vines
A simple spell Raven uses to communicate with people across the vines, this spell allows her to use a mirror in her arms to talk with someone else(using a reflective surface near them.) She can also enchant mirrors and give them to people, who can use them to communicate with her.
Storage spell: A simple spell where Raven can store things inside the darkness of her cloak
A simple spell where Raven can store things inside the darkness of her cloak. The items are stored in a small pocket dimension only a bit bigger than a very large suitcase. Only non-organic things can be stored inside it, and only stuff she could actually lift. The space itself isn't the safest, so volatile and very fragile things cannot be safely stored inside and this is primarily used for simple storage.
Raven's mirror: An Azarathian device that allows Raven to travel into her mind to meditate
A special device that aids Raven in meditation. This transports herself and others who look into the mirror into a mindscape where her personality is divided amongst its core traits. This can be dangerous as if people go too deep into the mind scape, they may end up trapped. With time and a ritual, as well as a willing person, this mirror can be used with other people to show their inner traits. As this is just a mindscape, nothing acquired here(including damage) aside from knowledge of one's self carries over into the real world.


Half-demon: Raven is half demon, making her weak to anti-demon, holy and other such attacks.
Raven is half demon, making her weak to anti-demon, holy and other such attacks. This also makes her appear evil, make her more vulnerable to corrupting influences and can cause her to trigger many 'good' designed traps. Additionally, it will mean she cannot use many 'good' aligned weapons or tools.
Emotional dependency: The majority of Raven's abilities depend on her being calm and focused.
The majority of Raven's abilities depend on her being calm and focused. When she is overly emotional, her powers have a tendency to lash out and, in extreme cases, may stop working entirely. The most important thing for her is to FOCUS her emotions, accepting them, not denying them.
Trigon: Her father is Trigon. This is the sole-defining core of her being
Her father is Trigon. They have a... strained relationship. She is the conduit through which her father wishes to rise and destroy more of the universe, something she is incredibly aware of. This affects her in a multitude of ways, primarily emotionally. She's distressingly aware that if she were to die, her father would be unable to use her. On top of this, she honestly believes that she is evil, if not for what she's done, then for what she is capable of.
Inquisitive: Raven enjoys to study and will, sometimes, delve too deep or too long.
Raven enjoys to study and will, sometimes, delve too deep or too long. This can result in her losing track of time, or even being tricked or manipulated by others. She will often put herself in danger in order to learn more about subjects important to her, even in combat.
Somatic: Raven's most powerful magic depends on her incantation to use.
Raven's most powerful magic depends on her incantation to use. While these incantations are not NEEDED, per-se, her focus is. And somatic incantations and chants are the easiest way for her to focus. Meaning even if she doesn't technically need them, anything that would disrupt her ability to speak would also upset her focus enough to make her unable to focus around them.
Anger: Anger is one of her strongest emotions, and her greatest weakness.
Anger is one of her strongest emotions, and her greatest weakness. While it makes her appear stronger, it is easy for her to lose control and be overwhelmed, as well as lose track of what she is doing at the time.
Light weakness: Raven is weak to light based attacks.
Raven is weak to light based attacks. More powerful lights will hurt her more. Fortunately, this only extends to light based attacks. The sunlight itself doesn't actually hurt her, but focusing the light would cut through her defenses and wound her far easier.
Emotional overload: Raven can be overloaded by the emotions of others.
Raven can be overloaded by the emotions of others. When those around her have more powerful emotions, she HAS to focus more on blocking out said emotions, or accepting and controlling them. This can result in her mood shifting to match whoever is overwhelming her.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
589 A Nightmarish Introduction Nov 04 2019
551 New Bunny In Town Aug 07 2019
530 Raven's first Thanksgiving Jun 25 2019
507 This is my... friend May 30 2019
505 Relationships are hard. May 28 2019
501 Lethal Protector: Mean Streets May 27 2019
468 The White Hug Apr 13 2019
453 It's edible... maybe? Mar 26 2019
408 I... live here. I guess. Jan 22 2019
385 School Visit Dec 18 2018
See All 53 Scenes


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