World Tree MUSH

It's edible... maybe?

Character Pose
Raven was mixing up something in the home eck class in school, and well... Judging by the smell that emanated from the stove, it was NOT going well. Most of the class had vacated and the teacher looked ready to as well. The scent just... lingered. And the walls had been covered in... gunk. Everything just... hurt. Their senses.

Raven took a slow, deep breath, pulling out her newest edition of cookies... They were...

"How did you even manage that?" the teacher asked with a sigh. "I watched you."

"I don't... know..." she mumbled. They were like ice on the inside, charred black on the outside, and... one of them might have attained life.
     Suddenly, a huge red bear paw crashes down on the cookie that has attained life, crushing it to crumbs. It's Damian to the rescue, since he's in the same class and all! As his hand returns to its regular shape, he grins and says, "It's okay, I got it teach. Here, lemme show you how it's done, Raven."

With little puffs of smoke, a comically oversized chef's hat pops into existence on the jackal's head, along with his usual banjo, which starts to play a cheerful tune while a second pair of arms grow from his ribs, snaking around his apron to grab Raven's cookie tray and toss the contents into a trash can.
Raven sighed, watching her hard work going to the trash. "I don't know, perhaps I'm just sursed..." she muttered. "I can't be perfect at everything, I suppose...." she said with just a hint of annoyance and sarcasm. She glanced over to her friend and crossed ehr arms. "Go ahead, show me how it's done, then," she mumbled.

She didn't know WHY she was having such difficulty. Was it her magic infecting things? It had to be. It wasn't that.... she couldn't be bad at this. She'd been supervised... really.... MAybe just... It was just basic chemistry. It couldn't be hard. That hard, could it...?
Damian chuckles a bit, patting Raven gently on the head (mostly to try to help her pick up on his reassurance better via empath connection). "Nobody's perfect, Raven. Nobody's good at everything, either. And even if it's a curse, the most important thing is to not let it beat you. Soooo, chin up! You're not alone~"

And with that, he launches into a song about the joys of baking while going through the process itself, his main arms strumming on his banjo while the other two ball up some more cookie dough and toss it onto the pan. Admittedly, he's not being very careful about it, and batter is kind of flinging everywhere...
Raven sighed, shaking her head. "I know... I know...." How was she going to host this special very late thanksgiving dinner if she couldn't even cook COOKIES. I mean, they were basic. They had the word 'cook' in the name, for pete's sake! She couldn't keep herself from feeling just... This terrible sense of sadness. Of failure. How could she ever hope to be of any use i she couldn't even do this?

Of course, then he started singing about cookies and baking and she was about to say something... Except... A ball of batter struck her in the face, making her blink and then glare. But letting him finish.... Grrrrrrr. She wondered if she should just beat him though....
     Damian's definitely putting more emphasis on the flair of the song and the act of baking rather than trying not to make a mess, and several other students have ducked out of the way of more flying batter by now as he twirls and gesticulates and flies around the table...

And then, without missing a beat, he licks the batter off of Raven's cheek before launching into another verse as he puts the tray into the oven and hip-bumps it shut, turning the dial to start up the heat. "And now we just wait! Anyway, the important thing isn't really getting it /right/, just that you do your best and pour your heart and soul into it. So what if they taste like cardboard that's been dragged through a dump? Your friends and family will know they were made with love, and they won't dare to complain!"

Raven sighed, shaking her head. He was so reckless. How could he be another version of her? If she didn't sense that.... feeling on him, and on his father, she--

HE LICKED HER CHEEK! They flooded with pink and she tried to slap him, but alas he had moved out of reach before she could, and she almost fell off balance, glaring at him. "... I don't want them to suffer through my meal, I want them to enjoy it..." she mumbled softly. "It's just basic chemistry, this sould be easy..." he mumbled, giving a soft sigh. But fine, then..." She said, picking up one of her rejects and offering it to him. The darkened black lump with a lumpy, gummy center. "Eat it. Then." she offered darkly.
     Damian grins at Raven when she starts mumbling, his banjo and extra arms disappearing as he leans against the table. "See, you're still thinking of it like it's some science project. It's baking! You need to have fun, or it's gonna taste like your mood."

He stares at the cookie for a moment as she holds it out though, his nerve wavering a bit. But... how bad could it be, really? So, he calls her bluff and snatches it up, popping it into his mouth and chewing vigorously with a pained expression on his face before swallowing... and fighting his gag reflex the whole way. With another shaky grin, he adds, "S-see? Just like I-"

And then he's got his face buried in the trash can, adding the cookie, today's lunch, and what's left from breakfast to its contents.
Raven watches him, shaking her head. There was no way he'd actually do it. No way he could... She could feel the sense of dread from the class. even from him. There was no way he'd actually do it, though, he wasn't--

Oh my gosh he ate it. He swallowed it. She managed to get a little paler. Oh crud, did she just commit homiicde? There's no way he can--

Annnnnnd there it goes. She watched him, and... couldn't stop. She just gave a shake of her head, before chuckling lightly. "Thank you, Damian. But... I guess Cookies just aren't my talent. MAybe.... I should do a pot luck. Or just buy it all pre-cooked...." she mumbled, rubbing her chin.
         "Oof..." Damian groans, pulling back from the trash can with a green tint to his face and leaning back against the table again. "Okay, okay, fine, you win. Just buy some cookies from the grocery store, the thought's still there. Blugh..."

She can definitely feel the regret radiating off of him.
Raven sighed, crossing her arms and watching him. It was a shame he couldn't feel the sadness radiating off her, and she hit it well behind her stony mask. "You're right. I'm.... sorry to have subjected you to that. You deserved far nicer... tastes," she mumbled, turning and heading out the door, grabbing her bag.

Why was she so terrible at it? Why did she care? Princess Peach was so good at it, and she was really smart, so... why wcouldn't she?
Damian frowns, wiping his mouth on his hat before banishing it back to Hell for some unlucky demon to deal with. Probably General Styx. "Hey, don't be like that..." he starts to say, but Raven's already heading out of the room. Apologizing to the teacher, he follows and flies in front of Raven, floating along with her. "Hey, you're still missing the point, come on. It's not the food itself that matters, it's letting them know you love them and you enjoy doing things for them."
Raven was about to snap at him, before sighing and closing her eyes. "I know. I know. Cooking is based on... love... Right? And it's just... not something I'm good at. But that's fine. I'm good at plenty of other things. Like my magic. And..."

She then paused. "I never... invited you, did I?" she asked. "I'll be hosting a thanksgiving party... late... at a space station... I trust you'll come?" she mumbled.

"I won't do the cooking."
Damian nods, rubbing his chin. "Yeah, I don't think you did. It /is/ pretty late for Thanksgiving, but... heh, a space station. Sounds cool! I'll definitely be there~" he agrees enthusiastically, his tail wagging. And then he gives her a very brief hug, just to try to cheer her up by sharing some of his joy with her... and a little bit of love~

"Hmm, maybe you could try using your magic to cook?" he suggests, after moving back outside of personal space range.
Raven blinked a few times, cringing when he hugged her. "D-damian, you're--" And he stopped. She sighed and then smiled up at him. He was... infectious, i na way. Just... so full of energy. Of hyper. Of excitement. Of... She shook her head.

"I've done that. Once. It... I would rather not speak of it," she said, giving a shudder. "there is a reason I do not turn to magic for mundane things, if I can avoid it," she said, while flying around and down the hall. Yes. Didn't use her magic for silly things, noooope.

"But yes. I will make sure you have transporation there, okay? I imagine I'll just have Ash pick you up. Okay?"
     "Trying to cheer you up? Yeah, I am. That's what you do for the people you love. You know, friends and stuff." Damian says, adding a mock cough afterwards. Is that black on his cheeks some blush showing through his fur?

He doesn't give time to contemplate such questions though, as he nods to Raven's refusal to use magic. "Ah, yeah, I getcha. That's how you get giant cake monsters, right? We had that happen once, when Sahara tried to add a little pizzazz to her project in Home Ec. Magic and baking just don't mix, I guess."

The little prince follows after Raven again, but more leisurely this time. "Yeah, that sounds great. Should I tip him, you think? What kind of money does he take, anyway?"
Raven nodded. "I see. Ash and PEach try that too. I'm not upset. Really. I'm just... annoyed, is all. I just... wanted to see if I could do this," she mumbled, crossing her arms. "It's disappointing that I couldn't. But that is fine. Life is filled with all kinds of disappointments."

She nodded. "Yes. Giant cake monsters, amongst other things. I tried to summon santa, once, and accidentally summoned one of my brothers. That wasn't... very good," she mumbled. "And don't tip him, that'd be insulting. Just thank him. He'll be taking you at my request, and the fact you ar coming is what's most important to im, I'm sure."
Damian sighs and nods. "Yeah, life sucks like that. Like I said before, nobody's good at everything. But hey, there's a flipside to that coin! Everybody's good at /something/, so don't beat yourself up over not being perfect! You're amazing already!" he encourages, his shirt having turned into a black-and-red cheerleader outfit at some point complete with pom-poms as he does a little dance in the air.

At the rest of Raven's words though, he shifts back to normal and just... shrugs. "Yeah, well, Santa likes his privacy. Dad called him a workaholic, but I don't see how a guy who only works one day a year could possibly be one." He summons his banjo again, strumming a lazy tune. "Hmm, yeah, I guess that's right. I'll give him a cookie, anyway. Maybe one of those ones that-"

And then the fire alarm goes off.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about that..." he adds with a sheepish grin.
Raven blinked a few times and opened her mouth to say something to him... Then the fire alarm. She let out a hiss and charged back into the room. "Azeroth metrion ZINTHOS!" she cast, catching the smoke in dark energy, as well as the food, drawing it from the stove, and then bundling it up in a small, broken orb of just... charred containers. "I'm so sorry..." she muttered to the teacher.

"We won't do any more cooking, sorry," she said, bowing politely, before turning, taking his hand and leading him off.

"I actually ended up meeting Merlin soon after, and he said I was... Well. I think he was directing me towards you. Since he said I had a chance to.... Well. Fix things, I suppose. And just..."

She closed her eyes and stopped. Then turned back. "I'll... I'll just have Ash pick you up, okay?"
Damian dashes back into the classroom as well, but Raven already has things in hand as it is. Still looking embarrassed at his screwup, Damian bites his lip and quietly backs out of the classroom until Raven takes his hand and leads him away.

"I, uh... I'm sorry about that." he apologizes, ears and tail drooping in shame at his mistake. The bit about Merlin is odd, though. "Huh? I've never met the guy, how's he know me? What's that got to do with fixing things?" The embarrassment has given way to confusion.

As Raven turns away though, she'll find herself being hugged from behind, a warm and gentle hug. "Okay, just don't beat yourself up too much until then, alright? I'll see you there."
Raven opened her mouth to speak up and... then stopped. She froze. Finally... "You... don't know who MERLIN is?" she asked. "Okay, we're going to stop all of this and I am going to--" And then a hug.

And she couldn't stop ehrself from blushing, just a bit. She couldn't help but feel a soft, small smile on her lips. "I don't intend to, but thank you. For everything. You are.... a good friend. Damian. And I am happy I met you. However... I am going to make you do some homework now. You're going to learn about Arthur and the Round Table. More importantly, who MErlin is. To think, not knowing HIM of all people. He's incredible...." she said, shaking her head.
Damian hugs just a little tighter, just a moment longer, enjoying the close contact as much as he can before he feels he's gone far enough and lets go. "Same here. I'm really glad I met you, Raven. I've never had anybody who's really /like/ me bef-" he starts to say, but then she brings up 'homework'. "Oh, come on! Of course I know who Merlin is! I've just never met him before, is all..."
Raven blinked a few times and then turned to him, her eyes narrowed. "List four of the knights of the round table, not including Lancelot or Arthur," she said, crossing her arms and eying him. Oh dear heavens, a pop quiz. Yes. She was 'like' him.

"But yes, I am happy I met you. It's... not... I am happy I met another person like me... I thought I'd always be the only one like me and... you're... not... a monster. Or full of hate or loathing or... anything I thought you would be. It's comforting to know I don't have to be terrible...."
Damian gives Raven an incredulous look before dismissively waving a paw. "Pssh, that's easy. There's Gawain, and Galahad, and uh... Mordred... and Sir Robin?" he guesses, though the certainty in his tone falters. He takes advantage of Raven's mood shift to get attention off of that subject though, clasping one of her hands between his and smiling at her. "I mean, I don't really have any of /those/ problems, but it got kinda lonely sometimes being the only demon around here, not to mention royalty! But hey, that's what friends are for, right? We'll never be lonely if we have each other!"

Though with all this physical contact, it's becoming easier to pick up on something other than friendship there.
Raven blinked and couldn't help smiling. "Okay, you know what? That's good, I'll give it," she said with a grin, letting him go on the arthurian legends, for now. And then he took her hand and her eyes widened.

She stared up at him. Her mouth fell open. And he could see it in her eyes. She knew. And then her gaze wavered. "... It... is lonely... you're right. Being the only one of your kind..." she mumbled. "Knowing that... you're different than those around you. That most don't even... know how different you are..." she whispered, gently.

"... And... I have been less lonely... since meeting you... And meeting..." Her breath caught, just a little bit. "... Meeting your family..." Her own cheeks, going a little redder with every word, her eyes averting from his. "It's... nice and I... enjoy... our time together... You're unique..."
Damian grins proudly at Raven's acceptance of his answer. "Yeah, see? I told you, I know all about that stuff. The killer rabbit was my favorite part." he says, then bites his lip again when their eyes meet, suddenly all too conscious of the warmth of her hand in his. That black blush returns, and he glances away toward... anything, anything at all, suddenly feeling rather feverish but not wanting to let go.

"Um... y-yeah, haha. I really... I like being with you too." he stumbles over his words, his heart pounding in his chest. He knows he can't even play it off as some stupid prank like he could with other people around here, because of that darn empathy of hers. Then again, maybe that's the point? "So, yeah, I uh... I guess you can feel it, huh? I kind of... I mean, just a little, you know? It's not a big deal or anything, haha..."

And the blush just gets deeper, like the hole he's digging himself into.
Raven stared up into his eyes. "Damian... I..." she started, but then stopped.

'Damian, I'm not a normal girl.' But he wasn't a normal guy. 'damian, I'm a demon.' Again, he was. She wasn't a... she was a... she didn't... Tirek was a...

But every rebuttal she had, was something he ignored. Something he could brush aside. Something that he, by his very nature of existing, could match. Could be. So she didn't have to worry about it.

And so instead, he was just a boy. Just a normal boy. And, for once. She could just be a girl. A normal girl. "It's not... a big deal..." she said gently. "I..." She stepped in, not letting his hand go.

"... You know... what all my excuses would be.... don't you?" she mumbled gently. "But you're the same as me, so they don't really apply, do they?" she asked gently.

"I mean... I'm.... borderline... a normal girl to you, huh?" she asked, making just a hint of a smile at her joke.
     It's true, Raven pretty much knows all of the excuses Raven could possibly make, and how to counter each and every one. Not that he /would/, if she truly wanted to maintain her distance, but... he could. However, the fact she's still holding his hand even now gives him some glimmer of hope that maybe she... feels the same?

"Yeah, nothing about you is weird to me. I still wouldn't call you 'normal' though." he responds, with a little giggle of heady giddiness as she steps closer to him. Drawing her into another, tender hug, he meets her gaze again with more confidence than before and continues, "You're an amazing, wonderful, beautiful girl, and I..."

He pauses for a moment, considering, and then shifts into a human form, simply standing rather than levitating. Moving his face closer, his lips are just barely brushing against hers as he finally whispers, " you."
Raven flushed and her eyes lowered. "I... I don't think I'm really beautiful... I'm kind of pale and..." And he had such pretty eyes. It wasn't so bad, the way he was. He could just--

And then he turned into a human, and her cheeks got even redder as she slowly lifted her own eyes to meet his. "D-damian..." she whispered, gently. "I-I... I'm destined... to destroy the world... that's what the seers of Azarath said. That will unleash Trigun on the world and all will fall before his power...." she mumbled.

"... If I can't... defeat this prophecy can... you still love someone, knowing that I will do that? Knowing the destruction I will unleash... Knowing the worlds I will destroy?" she whispered back at him. Her heart pounding, her hands shaking.

"Can... you accept me... even... with that?"
Damian takes both of Raven's hands now, holding them steady. "Ssshhh. We said no beating yourself up, remember? You're perfect the way you are. Okay?" he reassures her, and even when she tells him of all these horrible things she's prophesied to do, he doesn't let go, and his smile doesn't waver.

"I love you, Raven. I'll love you no matter what. Maybe we can find a way to stop all that stuff from happening, or maybe it really is inevitable..." he trails off a bit as he thinks of what Trigon may do to his friends here in Safe Haven, but he quickly dismisses the thought, pulling from his newfound well of courage to try to send it to her through his touch. "We'll find a way, but I will be there for you until the end."

And he can't hold it in any longer, leaning in to meet her soft lips with his, letting her know directly how much she means to him.
Raven listened and nodded. She wanted to fight it off. She wanted to stop it. But she didn't know if she could. Was it possible to stop the unstoppable might of Trigun? He was invincible. All owerful. But.... maybe... he... could be. Her friends already did things she didn't know, didn't understand. So maybe... they could.

And when his lips touched hers, though a part of her wanted to run and hide, she didn't. Instead, she pushed in, stepping just a bit on her tippie toes, to make her lips match his. To let him feel her press up to him. To tell him, in her own little way... she was with him. She wanted this, too. She wanted... This. All of this.

Whatever it entailed. Though she'd never done anything like this before. She didn't know if it was love. Maybe it was. Or maybe it was just teenage hormones. Or maybe it was desire. PErhaps hope. Maybe loneliness. Maybe just the desire to have someone by her side who was like her. She didn't know.

But... she knew he was kissing her. And she knew it wasn't bad. And she knew he cared about her, and loved her, and cherished her.... and so she gave him the acceptance and knowledge that she was okay with this. that she wanted it too.